
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 127 Xiao Heng's Conflicts and Agony

Jane Tong loathed the word eye at this point - punishment!

 "Mr. Shen is always ready to punish, what if I just refuse to listen today? And how will Mr. Shen punish me?" Hasn't she seen enough of his punishment?

 Punish it punish it! On the deputy driver's seat, the woman thought this way out of the blue ... "If Mr. Shen wants to punish, feel free to do so." Gave up, disheveled, punished well, she did not care.

 And what? What can be done!

 On the driver's seat, the man's eyes flickered down, suddenly deep, you twisted your head, magnetic deep voice said, "Good, you want to know, I will fulfill you." After saying that, a long arm, then hooked Jane Tong's neck, to the body, the other hand, ruthlessly in Jane Tong's lips rubbed and rubbed, his low voice, in the quiet carriage, ghostly sound:

 "You know what? I'm sick of your lips being tainted with someone else's breath." The belly of his thumb, constantly rubbing Jane Tong's lips, suddenly leaned down, to Jane Tong's lips, ruthlessly ... a bite!

 Yes, just bite!

 "Well!" The pain of the lips being bitten through the skin of the mouth, let Jane Tong grunted, and immediately reached out to push Shen Xiujin, and the latter, after a bite, sharply drew back, started the car, put it in gear, foot on the gas pedal, started the engine, a series of actions, like a cloud of water.

 The car drove out, Jane Tong loosened the palm of the hand covering the lips, the silk rust flavor, she knew, it was blood.

 Also really tired tired, then the strength to draw out generally, leaning on the car seat ... casually, casually what he wants to do it. Just listen to it ... Anyway, no matter how she struggles, it is useless.

 In the car, Shen Xiujin called his men, "Everyone return to East Emperor."

 When the car stopped at the downstairs of East Emperor, without saying a word, the man bent down and picked up Jane Tong horizontally, striding towards the East Emperor.

 "Don't move, if you don't want me to stage what I just did to you in the car again, in full view of everyone here, you'd better learn your lesson. Don't annoy me, it won't do you any good."

 Shen Xiujin sensed Jane Tong's struggle and immediately stopped her with an indifferent expression.

 Jane Tong's heart caught fire ... This person, is he always such a waste of her will! But the line of sight swept a circle around, she closed her eyes ... She does not have the right to choose other, always have the right to choose not to see.

 Shen Yi they have long arrived at the East Emperor, waiting at the side, at this moment Shen Xiujin holding Jane Tong into the elevator, the line of sight swept two of them: "You follow me upstairs."

 28th floor

 Shen Xiujin held Jane Tong out of the elevator, threw the person directly to the bedroom bed, dropped a sentence: "Tonight, you will live here, sleep well, other things, you do not have to care." Turning to go out, he indifferently ordered to those two bodyguards:

 "Keep an eye on her, don't allow her to leave this floor."

 "Yes, boss!"

 Jane Tong's face went white and white, "I don't want it!" She was just going out on a limb today, just being capricious! "You have no right!"

 "You shut up." The man steeply turned around, without a trace of expression on his face, and looked at Jane Tong: "Give you two choices, first, wash and sleep by yourself. Second, I will help you wash and accompany you to sleep."

 Jane Tong's face became even more ugly. A hint of anger under her eyes.

 The corner of Shen Xiujin's lips curled slightly as he turned around and left.

 Once stepped into the elevator, the elevator turned straight down, when the door of the first floor opened, Shen one Shen two waiting at the side, the moment the man's long and slender thighs stepped out of the elevator door, the cold voice, immediately ordered:

 "Check! Check where that asshole is now!"


 Xiao Heng drank Moët thin, he was difficult, covering his chest ... as if what was dug out of the raw.

 A voice said to him: you should trust her, what is she, you do not understand?

 Another voice taunted: her family do not trust her, everyone says she is guilty, those outlaw pungent things, all she did! Such a woman, you still want to pursue with all your heart, are you stupid or not! That kind of woman is not worthy of your Xiao Heng's feelings, where is your pride? Where is your pride? Where is your backbone? Of your dignity! Proud Xiao Da Shao you fall in love with a murderer who viciously designs to frame his own good friend, heavenly joke, hahahahahahahaha ...

 "Shut up shut up shut up shut up!" The wine bottle in Xiao Heng's hand made a "bang" sound and smashed to the front not far away, shattering into glass slag all over the ground.

 The "thump" of the bottle shattering was followed by a "thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump" of an urgent knock on the door.

 Xiao Heng leaned back on the sofa, not even moving a bit, and roared in a tone of voice: "Dead, don't knock!"

 But the person outside the door did not go, knocking on the door louder and more urgent.

 "Hypnotize ah, dead, I said dead, can't hear ah! Scram!"

 Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump!

 "Grass!" Xiao Heng was annoyed by this knocking sound and jumped up, striding towards the door, heavily pulling the door open and cursing without looking at it, "Knocking what ... "Knocking ...


 Words did not finish, a heavy fist, swung hard to Xiao Heng face, this fist, hit hard enough, Xiao Heng stumbled back a few steps, feet almost did not stand still.

 It was not easy to stand still, once he looked up, he saw Shen Xiujin's door god, blocking the door of his house.

 "Shen Xiu Jin, you're sick!"

 The man's eyes were ice-cold, his body filled with a cold aura, his sight fell coldly on the body of the drunkard across the street, moving his fists, suddenly! He moved and slammed his fist over again:

 "Is this what you told me about 'not giving up on that woman no matter what'?"

 Another fist slammed through: "Is this what you call 'never compromising and never getting discouraged'?"

 "Then what did you do today! Xiao Heng, your 'never give up on that woman', but what you did today was more than just giving up, it was hurting!"

 Shen Xiujin's fist was very heavy, when it smashed over, Xiao Heng's drunkenness woke up, after being smashed three times in a row, Xiao Heng wasn't a vegetarian, and hearing these words from Shen Xiujin, his eyes suddenly turned crimson, and he raised his fists, and also smashed them nonchalantly against the opposite person:

 "What qualifications do you have to talk about me!"

 "How about yourself!"

 "Those things you did, aren't they harm!"

 "Shen Xiu Jin, if you're standing here today, if you're fighting for Jane Tong, I'll ask you," Xiao Heng looked at him angrily, "Do you, Shen Xiu Jin, have the qualifications to do so!"

 Shen Xiujin's eyes grew colder as he dodged Xiao Heng's fists.

 The two big men, changing their elegant appearance, used an incomparably savage posture to dry-fight.


 Another loud bang, Xiao Heng was smashed against the wall by Shen Xiujin's fist, and fell to sit on the ground again, a floor of broken wine bottle glass, cutting through the flesh!

 Suddenly this pain, so that Xiao Heng today after returning from the banquet, suppressed psychological defenses, and finally broke the bank!

 Viciously raising his head, he angrily questioned the man across from him with a pair of red eyes:

 "Shen Xiu Jin! You came to accuse me, what qualifications do you have to accuse me!

 You obviously have realized that you are in love with that woman! But I'm asking you, Shen Xiu Jin, I'm asking you one thing, do you dare to admit that you are in love with that woman!

 You can accept that you are in love with a woman who is so mean and mean-spirited and ruthless!

 I ask you, even if you are really in love with that woman, but you can accept it! Can you admit it? Do you dare! Can you!"

 Finally, finally shouting out the conflicting pain in his heart!

 Xiao Heng laughed freely, but a pair of long eyelashes, but with this laugh, stained with wetness ...