
Chapter 7: Turning the Tables_1

Translator: 549690339

"You demon!"

"You pervert!"

"If you have the guts, kill me directly!"

"Playing me like this, playing us people from the Loyal Sect, as long as I live and get out of here, I will tear you to pieces!"

Wang Dahua was howling hysterically, and Qin Feng responded with a faint smile.

"I'm waiting, waiting for your men from the Loyal Sect to tear me to pieces!"

Qin Feng took the car keys and drove away in the black business car.

Who knows how many lives the Loyal Sect has taken?

Although Qin Feng could not kill, that didn't stop him from finding an opportunity to catch all the evildoers of the Loyal Sect and bring them to justice!

He needed the help of the Patrol Team.

Isn't Song Sisi from the Patrol Team?

Find an opportunity to have a good chat with that chick Xiao Hu.

Half an hour later, Qin Feng returned home.

Seeing the state of his home, he was stunned.

Seeing her son return so quickly, Wang Guixiang was overjoyed, yet she also seemed somewhat apprehensive.

She checked Qin Feng over, feeling here and there, and then with a worried face, she asked.

"Are you not hurt? The Patrol Team didn't beat you, did they?"

"It was all a misunderstanding, once explained, it was all good."

Qin Feng pointed around the house and asked in return, "What happened here? Where are the new furniture and appliances I bought?"

"You could get out so quickly thanks to my good daughter-in-law Qianqian. If she hadn't hauled away the stuff in the house and returned it, how quickly do you think you would have gotten out?"

"Our house's property deed, did you give that to her too?"

"Don't worry about these things, Qianqian will handle them for you. They say I've raised a useless son, but at least this son has found a capable daughter-in-law."

"Capable?" Qin Feng's lips curled into a cold smile, "Indeed, very capable!"

Telling the truth to mom, telling her that Wu Qianqian wanted to kill me, and that by chance I received the legacy of the Immortal Doctor, would be like a wild fantasy.

Mom definitely wouldn't believe it!

Wu Qianqian had a venomous heart, and now I couldn't kill that bitch.

If she found out mom believed me and was no longer being used by her, she would certainly make a move against mom in secret.

Therefore, the best approach for now was to let Wu Qianqian continue to use mom, and then I'd turn the tables on her!

Qin Feng noticed that even the chicken soup on the stove was gone.

So, he asked, "What about the chicken soup?"

"Qianqian took that too. She said it was also bought with illicit money."

Wang Guixiang's reply made Qin Feng laugh.

The chicken soup in the clay pot, he had specially prepared it for Wang Guixiang, adding a lot of medicinal herbs.

The medicinal chicken soup, though incredibly fragrant, was only suitable for Wang Guixiang to drink. That's because the medicine used was specifically targeted at Wang Guixiang's ailment.

If someone else drank it, at best they'd suffer vomiting and diarrhea, at worst it could be lethal.

Wu Qianqian took away the chicken soup, certainly not to throw it out; she must have smelled that amazing aroma and wanted to drink it herself.

Qin Feng actually hoped that Wu Qianqian and Sun Zhihao would both drink that chicken soup.

Even if it wouldn't kill the two of them, it should at least send them to the brink of death, forcing them to spend at least three months confined to their beds.


Haiyun Group, Chairman's Office.

Xue Xiaochan sat upright in the boss's chair, while Song Sisi plopped down onto the desk.

"Could you sit properly? You don't have the slightest bit of ladylike grace, you'll never get married like that!" Xue Xiaochan chided her.

"Do you have any ladylike grace? You're married off! To a con man you knew for less than a day, and you couldn't wait to tie the knot!"

Song Sisi lightly slapped the documents she was holding against Xue Xiaochan's chest.

"Open your eyes and look, look at your scam artist husband!"

"You little brat, where are you touching!"

Xue Xiaochan took the documents and started looking through them, page by page.

After finishing, she asked, "Is this all there is?"

"This is all, and it's enough to prove that Qin Feng is a big scammer."

"How is he a scammer? I don't see it!"

"Xue Xiaochan, are you blind or what? The ironclad evidence is right in front of you, and you still don't see he's a scammer?

Qin Feng's family is very poor; his mom made ends meet by picking up recyclables to send him to university. After graduating, he interned at Rende Hospital and lingered there for three years without getting a proper position. Not only is he a good-for-nothing, but he also loves gambling!

His girlfriend of three years, Wu Qianqian, became extremely disappointed in him and was heartbroken. In the end, she broke up with him and threw herself into Sun Zhihao's arms. That Sun Zhihao isn't just the young master of Tianlong Group. He and Qin Feng graduated in the same class, and he's already an associate chief physician."

"Sisi, are you biased against Qin Feng because his family is poor? Setting that aside, just the fact that he cured my illness and also saved your grandfather is enough to prove that his medical skills are indeed amazing. Even Zhang Zhongliang, the dean of Rende Hospital, isn't as good as him!"

"Medical skills? What medical skills? What can an intern who can't even get promoted have in terms of medical skills? He just grabbed your hand and squeezed randomly, sticking silver needles haphazardly near my grandfather's heart—it was all dumb luck! Even if he hadn't squeezed, you would have recovered on your own. Even if he hadn't inserted that needle, my grandfather would have come back to life!"

"You don't believe in his medical skills? Why not let him have a look at you?"

"I'm not sick; what is there for him to look at?"

"Three years ago, during that mission, you took a bullet in the stomach. After that, don't you always have terrible pain during your period? According to the calendar, you should be on your period right about now?

Every time it hurts so much you can't stand it, you take ibuprofen—but that's not good. Might as well call Qin Feng over to treat you. It'll also be a test to see if his medical skills are real or fake."

Without waiting for Song Sisi to agree, Xue Xiaochan sent a text message to Qin Feng.

"Come to my office immediately!"

"Is Song Sisi there? Can you help me set up a meeting with her?"

The reply from Qin Feng left Xue Xiaochan somewhat baffled.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"There's something important I need to discuss with her."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you when I get there. Make sure you set up the meeting!"

Looking at the message on her phone, Song Sisi smacked Xue Xiaochan's thigh hard.

"Ah! You little demon, that hurt like hell!"

Out of anger, Xue Xiaochan pinched Song Sisi's proud chest.

"Xiaochan, the important thing that scammer is talking about—could it be that he's found out I've been investigating him?"

That's what Song Sisi was thinking.

Because when she went to investigate Qin Feng, to thoroughly expose him, she didn't just talk to several people from Rende Hospital but also snooped around Ciyun Street.

"Are you afraid he'll come to settle scores with you?"

"Settle scores? Does he dare? If he dares, I'll handcuff him and lock him up for ten, fifteen days straight."

"You're the team leader of the Patrol Team; aren't you afraid of being reported for such reckless behavior?"

"Does he dare? If he reports me, I'll lock him up for another ten, fifteen days!"
