
The Female alpha

She is only a woman. Meant for other things. Unfortunately, she is the only heir of the Alpha, and there has never been an Alpha Female in the pack's history. A trial by combat for the Alpha position is one option, but from the pack, only males are allowed to participate. There is danger in that process, however, because when a trial by combat for the Alpha position is held, enemy Alphas can also participate, giving them a chance to grab power, all the territory and willing members in a single victorious fight all the while leaving those unhappy with the new leadership with the only other option of exile, losing everything they have. What could she possibly hope to do to break the old, traditional way of how females are seen to be little more than wives and second line supporters of the males in the pack? Some say that if she finds a mate that becomes Alpha, making her a Luna would be an acceptable compromise, but for whom? And even then, what kind of male wolf would accept such a dominant female partner? Probably... none. WSA THEME: Werewolf

PassivePigeon · Fantasy
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11 Chs




Home Rise of an Alpha Female #Wattys2016-Book 1 Part 5


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"What, no! We..." Hannah turns even redder, trying to defend herself, swapping away at her friend's hands.

"Joel!" Jena suddenly says, turning her gaze on Joel, squinting her eyes into a menacing line of deadly daggers.

He is suddenly on alert.







"my "




"without her approval?" And she is upon him, lifting him up by the neck against a nearby house wall.

Her words hold promises of pain.

Hannah is trying to pull her friend back, but with little to no success, pleading:

"Jena, stop! He didn't hurt me! Jena, please, stop!"

"Jena! For fcuk sake listen, just look at my neck!" Joel says, pulling his shirt down and away from his collar bone with one hand, while the other is around his neck to prevent her from completely cutting of his air supply.

Acknowledging him, she instantly lets go and steps back.

"I'm so sorry guys. I don't know what came over me."

"Are you all right?" Hannah checks her mate, like she is worried he would vanish into thin air.

"I'm alright, beloved. Gonna have a nasty bruise though." Joel answers her, kissing her hands slightly.

"I'm just gonna go." Jena states, feeling like the fifth wheel for the xteenth time but with a spoon of guilt on top this time.

"Wait!" He has one hand on Jena's shoulder, holding her in place.

She freezes but doesn't turn around.

"I'm not upset, you were just defending a weaker wolf from a potential threat. I understand." Joel adds.

"Hey!" Hannah interjects.

"I said weaker, not weak honey. And I only meant in comparison to her own wolf." He explains.

"Plus, it's a little embarrassing to admit it, but she started it! Not only that, but she marked me first! And she didn't ask for permission! Though I would have given it anyway."

"I knew that!" Hannah jumps to saying.

Jena faces them, smiling slightly.

"Again, I'm sorry guys. Please forgive me, Joel!"

"Forgiven and forgot! Come and hug me!" Joel answers.

"Oh you guys, come here!" Jena says, throwing an arm around each of her friends and happily squeezing them, relieved they are not upset with her.

"Can't breath, help!" Hannah manages to whisper.

"Oh, sorry!" Jena lets go and smiles sheepishly.

"I'm so happy for you guys. So when are you moving in together?"

Hannah blushes again, but Joel answers unaffected:

"Well we need to have our positions entrusted to us officially, than our ceremony, and then we can request permission to build our own place, unless Hannah wants one of the vacant houses."

"I see you've given it some though, buddy." Jena says, proudly. "He is a keeper!" She winks at her best friend.

"Of course. Soon after that we can start working on a litter of pups." He answers.

"Joel!" Hannah growls at her mate. "I'm not ready for pups and I won't be for a long time! I have lots of things to do and experiment until I'm ready for any pups." And she stomps her foot as she says the last part.

"We'll see." Joel adds.

"No, you won't!"


"Shut up!" Hannah growls again, stomps her foot on Joel's, who yelps in pain, and storms off.

"Don't worry, bud. She'll come around. You have lots of time to convince her." Jena grins at Joel.

"I know. But I like to tease her. And after last night, I don't necessarily want pups, but it was awesome. So awesome, that I want to practice pup making; over and over again!" Joel adds, raising and lowering his eyebrows in a quick succession.

"You are such a pig!" Jena answers, half smiling and half frowning at him.

"Nope. Just a very horny, happy wolf." His grin is as wide as the Oasis.

"Bye Joel. You're still a pig, though." She waves as she is turning a corner away from him.

"But you love me anyway!" He shouts back but she doesn't bother answering him over the distance.

Of course I do Joel! As long as you keep my Hannah happy, you have a spot in my heart, my friend.


"Settle down everyone, settle down! Your Alpha is ready to address you now!"

"Thank you, Beta Lindator! Please take a seat." And as one the entire crowd, sits down on the lush grass of the central plaza, the biggest communal place of the pack, the one place that can fit all of them, either during training, group practice, festivities or pack meetings.

"My dear friends, wolves, parents, children, and children that could be parents. You know who you are." Laughter erupts in the crowd but dies down quickly.

"Last week another group of our young wolves, have become full members of our pack with the graduation of the warrior training program and taking of the vows. Some you may know, some you may not, since their parents live in either of our advanced trading outposts. Some have come from afar just to have the best training in Southern Calla, and I dare say in all of Calla..." howls, laughter and shouts of approval happen at that.

"... conquered by our fair ways, our beautiful exquisite women..." whistles from the men present,

"... our strong, powerful males..." claps and appreciation howls from the females,

"... have decided to stay and join us, making us even stronger..." happy shouts from everyone,

"... but of course some of our own, either through mating..." whistles and innuendos,

"... or because they honestly didn't feel like they fit in..." boos and loud verbal disapproval,

"... but..." the loud disapproval continues

"Let your Alpha speak, you disrespectful mutts!" The Beta demands in full force and the crowd is instantly silent.

"Thank you, Lindator. As I understand your reaction to someone wanting to leave, so too you have to understand and appreciate the honesty of the wolves that will leave us.

But all is not lost, as we may yet gain new friends, trading relations and perhaps alliances with the packs they will end up in." Murmurs of approval.

"So we have gathered here again today, for the assigning of positions for our newly graduated wolves. But before that..." slight whispering of disproval,

"... the Master at Arms will address us." Complete silence.

Conall comes to the slightly risen podium, obviously grumbling.