
The Female alpha

She is only a woman. Meant for other things. Unfortunately, she is the only heir of the Alpha, and there has never been an Alpha Female in the pack's history. A trial by combat for the Alpha position is one option, but from the pack, only males are allowed to participate. There is danger in that process, however, because when a trial by combat for the Alpha position is held, enemy Alphas can also participate, giving them a chance to grab power, all the territory and willing members in a single victorious fight all the while leaving those unhappy with the new leadership with the only other option of exile, losing everything they have. What could she possibly hope to do to break the old, traditional way of how females are seen to be little more than wives and second line supporters of the males in the pack? Some say that if she finds a mate that becomes Alpha, making her a Luna would be an acceptable compromise, but for whom? And even then, what kind of male wolf would accept such a dominant female partner? Probably... none. WSA THEME: Werewolf

PassivePigeon · Fantasy
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11 Chs


"As I am not sure how much Jamil here said to you, I'm just going to start from the top. I am Aqil, Chieftain of the Alqasadiq Tribe. Please tell me about yourself! Alpha Jena was it?"

"Yes Chieftain, you are correct. I come from way over in the East."

"If you were trying to find refuge from the beasts here, you are out of luck. Ever since 5 years ago when the first attacks started happening, this entire region has been locked in a relentless war of extermination.

The wolf packs who tried to oppose them had little to no success, and their werewolf physical strength is clearly superior to what we werecoyotes could muster."

"You mean you've been fighting for the last five years?"

"Almost 5, take a couple of months. At first, and that was before the war, they just came and settled in one of the uninhabited areas. But their numbers kept increasing and then they just started attacking everyone."

"I have actually come your way following the refugee trail from the East. Your group was the only one not running away."

"We are an advanced scouting patrol for our Tribe, we had to come back and warn them but we got ambushed by..." Jamil says.

"The warhogs we found you with."

"Yeah. We were on our way back to report to the chieftain when we walked right into the shallow valley the warhogs as you call them were and we were immediately surrounded. We can't outrun them. It's a wonder you found us at almost the exact same time."

"We were actually following the warhogs. I wanted to talk to one of them."

"Impossible. They do not talk."

"They do. With the proper motivation."

"Can you prove that, Alpha Jena? We've never witnessed anything like it," Aqil says.

"I can. Only under certain conditions."

"Forgive me for interrupting Alpha, but Chief, we need to move again. We were reckless on our way back because we have less than a day before a large group, maybe 10 strong, will be upon us. And 3 days before another 80 reach us. They are going after the panthers again, and they will pass through this exact spot."

"Ok, Jamil, you are to start the evacuation immediately, the Tribe will head to the Eternal Forests, as we've always had in times of trouble. Our black pelted friends will help hide us."

"Right away, Chieftain," Jamil says and leaves the tent.

"So Alpha Jena, why did you help my men? We've never had the wolves help us coyotes in the past. Why now?"

"I'm not sure how things are done here in the West, but my pack has nothing against coyotes, and honestly you and your men are the first I've ever met. And I know for sure the warhogs are the enemy. They were about to attack Jamil and his team, so enemy of my enemy..."

"Indeed. I will ask you to let us prepare for departure and please follow my people to the Eternal Forest. Our black panther brothers there will want to know of your experiences with the warhogs."

"Preparations are underway Chief," Jamil says after having come back in. "We won't be ready in time for their advanced group, though."

"Prepare a sacrificial group then. Let them know it's voluntary only, I will stay behind with them and we will delay them for as long as possible."

"We will help. How much time do you need?"

"Two days to erase our presence and traces here and be far enough for the main group to be unable to catch us before we reach the forest."

"So if we take out the advanced group, everything should be fine. Can your black panther friends really help you against the large group?"

"No warhog ever to enter the Eternal forest has come out. True they were half the size in numbers until now, but I am confident."

"Then I really want to meet them. We will handle it. Stay with your people and prepare."

"You cannot be serious, you may be an Alpha and have a few men with you but 10 warhogs are enough to wipe out a tribe and maybe even a pack. Just go, your information is too important to risk."

"Chief, she didn't come with regular wolves. All of them are Elites."

"You have access to water? Clear, clean water?"

"My entire pack does. We are the guardians of the Oasis in South Eastern Calla."

"I'm in the presence of royalty it seems. Are you familiar with Alpha Magnus then?"

"He was my father."

"Was? I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you! You knew my father?"

"Actually your grandfather. But he talked about his son Magnus quite a lot. I just figured Magnus would be an Alpha by now."

"He was."

"And you became Alpha after he died?"

"That is a complicated story for another time."

"So you have elite werewolves with you?"

"12 plus my Gamma and I will, of course, fight as well."

"Wow. You have the equivalent of the pack's Home-guard with you on a trip to just investigate refugees?"

"I think packs are different in size here as opposed to where I'm from. Or at least compared to mine."

"No, it's just that the black werepanthers have the only clean water source in this area, apparently somewhere deep in the forest and they only give a certain amount to each pack."

"I don't understand."

"I've already said too much and I do no wish to upset them. They will have to tell you more if they decide you are worthy."

"They are not gods, you know..."

"True, but they are something else. It's like they follow different rules."


"So, if you don't mind me asking, how do you plan on fighting all those warhogs? I mean you may outnumber them, though barely, but you can't beat them one vs. one. I mean you might stand a chance since you are an Alpha and I know Alphas are stronger than even elite wolves, but what about your men."

"Worry not, we shall simply challenge them."

"I... will hold my opinions to myself for now and if you manage to do this we will be in your debt. Jamil, find someone to act as a guide to our new friends please."

"I shall do it myself, with your permission Chieftain. I already owe them four lives."

"Very well."

"Ok then. Let's go meet some warhogs. Best if you stop them as far away from the camp as possible," Jena concludes the meeting.


In a world far, far away...

This world is so strange! Metal carriages with no horses to pull them, buildings made of a single rock or many red stones cut in the same shape. Even the ground has no dirt in it. Same single rock thing.

"Hey friend, are you going to a costume party? Nice outfit!"

"Thank you!"

"I was making fun of you, loser!"

"I did not lose anything."


Strange indeed. And not feeling my wolf is disconcerting as well. Ok so the witch said is should be able to sense where he is. So left or right? Left it is.

I wonder how I can understand what they are saying. And so many people! You could make such a large army out of this many individuals!

Aaand got you! Hmmm, he doesn't look like much.

Doesn't seem strong, nor handsome either, though I wouldn't call him ugly. But he is nothing compared to my mate! Now he was beautiful.

Would it really matter if I'd just go to him and snap his neck?

Just one more step and I can reach his...

"Watch where the hell you are going, idiot! Fcuk off!"

311, Faur Poarta 4 – Piata Rosetti strange name for an iron carriage. This must be one of those things called a bus that killed my beloved. Actually, Jena did by forcing him in front of it!

Ok I'll just follow you home then. Man I wish I could kill you in your sleep!

But I'll just have to wait to get you on Calla, let Jena know you are there, so close to her, then get rid of you so she can know proper suffering. To know the loss of a mate – that is what I want for you, dear stupid Jena!