
The Fellow Gents

Who do you call if you need a quick hit made? But don’t want to get your hands dirty. This consortium of highly trained, self taught assassins. But when the last hit, successfully got their boss killed, what would you do? Being his right hand man for many years, now being trusted to teach his long lost estranged grandson with the assassins methods, along with making sure his bosses killer is dealt with, appropriately.

Evvy1 · Action
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12 Chs


*Gunshot. Gunshot*

"Hurry, escape….!" Screams a lady laying on the floor in a room covered in blood and barely holding the handle of the door.

"Mum!" I shouted; panting heavily, a teen me…

"Run! Run!" Mum faintly said gasping her last few breaths, with her last bit of energy she threw a necklace towards me…

At that moment I heard just running but I knew she said something else. It was like a dream fading away, I didn't…No… I wished it was all a dream or at least a nightmare. It wasn't like that, everyone, my dad and mum, granny and I were such a happy family until that day.


"Child's rock, playing"


The aroma from the kitchen always smells so pleasant but today was really bad. A teenage girl came rushing from the living room to the kitchen…. Of course, that teen girl is me, I looked much like a child since I was the only born of this family. I was fifteen then.

"Mum, it's very unpleasant!" I said, while pulling my mum by her dress.

"Oh boy! Your mum is going to burn the whole house down, can't she ever do anything properly, she most probably didn't rape your dad properly." Granny jokingly said.

"Grandma! Are you safe?" I asked. She always has this habit of complaining and saying my mum made my father have me early.

"I'm the only one who sees the bad things, oh ho! Let me go and turn the gas off! I'm just to young to die." Granny said.

"Grandma, aren't you, seventy odd years old?" I asked her.

"Shut up there, what do you know about age?" she replied. *LAUGHS*

My mum was just a normal housewife after I was born. She was a teacher before but became a full housewife for my sake, Granny lives here with us… she just loves to be around us.

*Door unlocks, Opens*

"Dad! It's been days since I saw you. I was starting to hate you 'cause we haven't been to the shooting ground." Said the teen me.

"If dad is here who is mum raping?" I continued to ask grandma.

Dad stood there with a surprised face, he pulled Granny to the other side and said "How? Mum, I told you to avoid using certain words for the sake of Courtney."

Well I better introduce myself, I'm Courtney Brown.

Granny sipped her juice, exhaled, and calmly replied to my dad, "Well, she's fifteen and she might be having a boyfriend by now."

"Mother!" Synced shouted Mum and Dad.

We all…I mean mum, granny and I know dad is a detective of the crime unit department and often doesn't stay home cause he needs to catch bad guys.

"It's time for school, you're damn late, hurry so I can drop you at school." Lashed out Mum.

"Courtney, I wrote this poem for you, it's called 'The silencing ocean.' This is part 3." Dad said.

"But where's the first and second part? Let me read it then, Mum. Wait for a while, after reading I will take it to school and show it to my friends." I said joyously.

"Okay, read it, we're listening," Mum replied.

*Clears throat*

I read: The sea knows when to end and return to start again… that doesn't mean it failed. Sometimes one needs to know when to retreat to learn what's ahead.

Even though there's darkness on the sea at night it still continues to work and never cease

Just like the lively wind that backs the waves…. Feeling it makes you imagine all things are set at ease…

One can naturally go blind at night when by the seaside but fall in love with the cool breeze and that gives natural sight

Peacefully listen to the waves of the ocean and you could hear a struggle to lift it back that tells you life isn't to be easy.

When I finished they all clapped and cheered, after Granny and Dad gave me my school kisses and I left.

As usual these days, Mum drives me to school. It's Friday and it's mostly for the theatre students to show some talent.

A lady-looking girl wearing an unprescribed uniform shouted, "Hey, girl!"

Well, that's my best friend, Nela, her dad is a police officer but works at the patrol station. I know much of this cause I wanted to be a police officer or maybe a detective like Dad.

Nela walks to me, chewing her gum so loudly, she blows bubbles from her Chewing gum and asks, "Any guys for the weekend?"

I hit her cutie mouth and whispered to her, "Unless you come for me!" We continue to talk about different topics.

Back at home while mum is driving me to school. "So son, how was work?" Granny asked my dad.

My dad, emotionally holding my Granny's hand, kissed the back of her hand, and rubbed it on his face.

"Hey boy, are you trying to contaminate my hands." Grumbled Grandma.

"I really love you, mum…I'm proud we have this family, since you know how to shoot can you teach Courtney how to do it? I might be out for a while."

"And where will you go, that you can't take my granddaughter to the shooting range?" Grandma asked.

*Door Opens*

"I'm home, I really drove fast otherwise, Courtney would have been late but thankfully we made it on time, it's already 11:20 am. Gosh! day by day, our baby is growing." Mum said while arranging the groceries she bought on her way home.

"Come here housewife, your husband is behaving strange, he's saying I should take Courtney to the shooting range… but he's not telling me anything." Grandma spilled it out.

"Honey, if you are stressed you can do something about it."

*Bang *Bang * Bang*

"Who's trying to break my son's door!?" Mum shouted.

Strange men stormed into the house, and broke the door, looking tall and bossy with tattoos on their back and arms, wearing strange stained black attire. A man who soon arrived in a ponytail hairstyle said "Wow! So this is where you stay, what a lovely family you have."

One fired the gun as Grandma wanted to sit upright, "Don't you dare try to move, old lady."

"Hey young man, we are humans and you don't need to treat us with violence, just let us know what my detective son did… aren't you even afraid of breaking into a detective's home." Granny retaliated.

"Detective? Hahaha! It's grace to have an elder at home, and who the hell is a detective? Anyway, Granny you should have taught your son when to mind his business and what to eat and not eat…" he chortled.

"Son, what's he saying? Do something, my boy!" Courtney will be here soon." Granny asked Dad. Dad never said anything, he was so calm as the ocean.

I arrived home at 12:30 pm, my house door was opened, I sneakily passed the back door to see what was going on, I arrived to see Dad shot Granny too, I gasped and freaked out there was just one man I came to meet, I didn't see him but there was a word written in his tattoo "Scabby" yes as it reads on his back Scabby, grabbed my mum who was already bleeding, and hit her on the floor, Mum saw me standing there in fear that I couldn't move nor do anything,

"Run, Courtney, Run! Mum faintly said as she's barely holding the door handle… I quickly took the necklace she threw to the floor and got out of the house… I heard a loud last gunshot, I started running again and this time I didn't turn back…


"Sniper! Wake up it's already morning and George is asking you… he wants a full note on the incident that happened at the mall." A Guard said.

"Couldn't you have patiently woken me up, gosh damn, I will blow off your mind if you try that again." I warned him.

"Why are you so cold-hearted? How can a girl be like that." He said.

'I'm still trying to figure out what my mum said that day but I know for sure that poem dad wrote for me is a code… it's something Dad wanted me to find.. I need to solve this poem.' I thought.

*Suspense music plays*