
The Fellow Gents

Who do you call if you need a quick hit made? But don’t want to get your hands dirty. This consortium of highly trained, self taught assassins. But when the last hit, successfully got their boss killed, what would you do? Being his right hand man for many years, now being trusted to teach his long lost estranged grandson with the assassins methods, along with making sure his bosses killer is dealt with, appropriately.

Evvy1 · Action
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12 Chs

Double check

Later that day, George wearing a different suit, a three piece dark blue pinstripes, with a dark blue shirt, red tie, walking through the top corridor of this run-down building. George passes a room full of green plants that will get you higher. A Shirtless Latino guy, covered In tattoos taking buds off one of the many plants. In the doorless rotting doorway a machine-gun leans up against the doorframe. He carries on walking down the corridor towards the door at the end, dirty walls with peeling off wallpaper. He takes a peep Into another room which is full of topless Latino women, tits out not In their bras mate, some are counting money, at a decrepit brown table, in the kitchen area same type of women wearing white masks, with jugs out nipples hard, they are scooping white powder Into brown packaging. George carries on walking, pleasurable moaning becomes more apparent, as he takes a peek into the last open room, just before he gets to the door he needs, he sees a naked woman riding a guy on a bed, she is facing George, her boobs bouncing while she is rubbing her clit, she winks at George as he passes, to his destination. A rotting brown door, he puts his ear to the wood, to hear a slight gagging noise, not what you are thinking, that's when he opens…

In front of George is a hefty business man, that runs all the things George has just walked past. His name is Tomas, he Is wearing a grey suit, sitting at a desk, but not for much longer because for a big guy he Is quick to get up.

Angrily asking "Who the fuck are you?"

To the side, behind him is a gaping window, that has had itsglass smashed in, to the side of that Is where Tomas's henchman in a blue suit is gasping for air, because of a Fellow Gent, called Flames, is strangling him with cheese wire. Now the reason why he is called Flames is simple really, he likes to burn shit down, but also he wears a mask with flames on when he's doing it, burning shit down that is, not having sex, well he might who knows. George closes the door, a peep hole In the middle of the door.

George asks "Evening all, hows it going Flames?"

Flames nods in response, he is dressed all In black with black shades on, he's not wearing his mask though.

George says "Forgot your not much of a talker, any who, listen Tomas shut your lard ass up, also while you're at it sit down before you bust a blood vessel."

Tomas with face like thunder slowly sits down, while George walks over to a wooden chair, that is in front of a crumbling wall, grabbing ahold of It.

George says to Flames "You can drop him now bro."

George sits opposite Tomas at the wooden desk, while Flames swings the struggling purple faced henchman out of the window.

George smiles while saying "Not what I had in mind."

Hearing the henchman gasp screaming after splat, pedestrians screaming at the man that just splattered onto the pavement.

Tomas asks angrily, I mean that anger, spits flings from his mouth, "Why the fuck did you do that!?"

Flames walks over to Tomas as he pulls his shades down to the top of his nose, he puts his finger to his lips after going "Shhhh."

orangey tint in Flames eyes, he pushes his shades back with his Index finger.

George says "Thank you Flames, now let me get to the real reason why I am here, as you may of heard the boss of The Fellow Gents was killed."

Tomas getting a bit fidgety, responds saying "Yes, so I know nothing about it."

George responds asking "Don't you hate people who lie Flames?"

He nods as Tomas starts to get even more fidgety, chins wriggling as he is trying to get up but is stopped by the right hand of Flames on his shoulder.

Tomas says "Even if I did know something, you know I can't talk."

George says "Well this isn't getting me nowhere fast."

He pulls two un-silenced guns from their holsters, from inside his suit jacket, he shoots Tomas twice, one in his chest where his heart Is, the other between his eyes, he slumps over the desk, blood seeping all over the desk, soaking Into the scattered papers on the desk, trickling down to the floor below.

George just about to say something, *Slow Motion* but a bullet wizzes past their heads through the room, through the peep hole in the door, hitting the oncoming topless Latino man with his machine gun, right between his eyes. His body has soon become lifeless, thudding the ground, twitching. *Back to normal motion.* The panicking screams of the topless ladies echoes through the building, as they start to flee the scene, George goes to the window putting his thumb up to a black figure on a rooftop opposite, which is packing their things up.

George says "Come on, let's look to see if there Is anything that will help us."

They start to look around the desk, opening the draws, shuffling through the loose papers, the ones that are still readable, not blood soaked. Tomas's lifeless body lets off gas, a stinky one at that.

Luke gets off from a public bus, he would of drove but you know it's fucking expensive just to park for a day In any cities centre, cheaper to get a day rider. Luke turns left, dodging around the people waiting for buses or shopping, as he walk past a clothing shops window display, with three stylish mannequins, the fourth Is getting sorted out by a lady, which I would presume works there, Luke catches her eye, they smile at each other, he turns crossing the road, between two bus stops, he puts his hand up as a thanks to a slowing taxi, the driver puts his index finger up, his hands on the steering wheel. He walks around the corner on the other side of the street, a homeless person sitting outside the bank, a scraggy fella, Luke gives him the change from the day rider.

The fella says "Thank You."

Luke taps the key within his hand while taking a deep breath, he Is double checking the address of the bank with the homeless person. Diverse types of people walking around, going about their business most of them wearing suits, bankers, Im sure some of them are what rhymes with bankers, snobby ones. A number three bus stops at Its correct bus stop, as a number two along with one bus pull away from their bus stops, after picking up people.

He says "Thank You" to the homeless man, Luke walks into the bank .

Luke standing in a room full of numbered metal bank deposit boxes, a security guard standing guard out of the room, Luke is the only person within the room, there Is a wooden table with a single chair, tucked underneath. He goes to the number 19 that's been etched on to the key, tries the key but it doesn't work, he decides to add 19 with the address number which is 17, in total it's 36. Quick maths for ya. So he finds that number to try the key, the metal slated door, opens, if the metal box didn't open, I would presume he would of tried seventeen. He slides out the box, placing it on the table, sitting down on the chair to sieve through the contents. There Is a credit card, with Luke's name on, with a transparent piece of paper, you know the ones you get sent from the bank, It tells you the cards pin, yeah that one, his is telling him the pin for his card, I won't tell you his pin though. A white envelope is inside the box with his name scribbled on the front, in the middle. There is also two keys inside the box, attached to each other. Luke grabs ahold of the envelope, opening it up to read the letter inside. We are gong to leave him there reading.

Within the letter another address for Luke to visit but before he goes there, he Is standing outside of the bank he was just in, in front of a whole in the wall, or for those who don't know that expression, a cash point. Luke's checking the balance on his new card, he types in the pin while double checking with the slice of pin coded paper. He clicks the balance button, the amount exceeds having It In number form on the screen instead it just states the amount In words. He turns seeing a old lady, walking with a stroller thing, you know the ones that old folks put their shopping in. His ecstatic behavior nearly gives her a cardiac arrest.

He asks her "My darling, do you mind just double checking what that says?"

While she puts her glasses on, shaking a little while she gets them out of her handbag, the cashpoint beeps, asking on the screen "Do you need more time?" Luke obviously clicks more time, the balance comes back up on the screen, the same as before. The old lady looks at the screen, now with her glasses on.

She is shocked while she responds "10 million, 7 hundred thousand."

Luke laughing like a giddy kid, while responding "That is what I thought it said, just didn't believe my eyes."

The machine beeps again, this time Luke's presses 'No' to the machines request to give more time, he takes his card, kissing the old lady on the cheek.

Luke says "Thank you, enjoy your day my dear."

The old lady smiles, as she carries on with her journey through the city's center, Luke on the other hand goes back into the bank to get some of that money out, It would be rude not to use It.

The cafés door opens which causes the bell above to ring, a few of the local café dwellers heads turn to see, George walks through the doorway, wearing the same suit as before. Some people sitting around, mainly builders, eating breakfast, can't beat a good old café full English mate, especially after a hangover or arriving in a different city. He walks around the tables to the counter, looking through a doorway, to a chunky short fella, In grubby whites, cooking breakfast stuff on a flat top grill, bacon along with sausages sizzling away, as he cracks a couple of eggs onto the flat top grill, they are start spluttering like a person who can't get their words out.

The cook puts his index finger up as he shouts through to George, "One moment mate!"

George with a raised voice responds "I just want a coffee chef!"

The cook with spatula in hand, flipping the eggs as well as tending to the rest of the breakfast, takes a peak at the person that wants the coffee.

"Oh it's you Georgie, help yourself I thought it was you by your voice!"

George walks around the counter as he starts making his coffee.

George responds asking "How's business chef!?"

"It's been a nice week so far." He doesn't shout through because he is leaving the kitchen with two other full English breakfasts in his hands, maneuvering around the the counter too tables to two builders, wearing hi-vis vests, that are chatting amongst themselves while drinking their tea's.

At the same time they both say,"Thank you chef."

While walking away the chef responds "You're welcome lads."

Chef walks back towards the kitchen to finish off the other breakfasts.

While George Is stirring his coffee, he rummages around in his trouser pocket, placing a fiver in the chefs hand, as they shake. George says "Don't worry about giving me the change, I will have another coffee after this one."

The chef responds saying "Just let me know when Georgie."

Chef grabs his cold tea from beside the till, after walks back Into the the kitchen, while George takes a sip of his coffee, as he walks over to a table in the center of the café to carry on with business, chef will come to chat with George after he is finished them breakfasts.