
Prologue Pt. 2

Dear Yoon Jun Park,

You made my last 3 remaining months special. I was able to feel the warmth of happiness from the bottom of my heart. The times that we spent together were filled with joy and bliss. They were experiences that I have never experienced. You were a kind man that did not discriminate me based on false rumors and was not persuaded by others' opinions on me. There was a bottle of happiness inside me, filled to the brim that could have exploded. You were able to approach me with an expression that not many others gave me. You approached me with a smile and a "hello", as if I was hearing these words for the first time. When you greeted me with such an expression, my heart was struck with lightning. Sometimes, I wondered if people saw something in me that was different from other students. At that time, a bottle of happiness really exploded with glitter, glee, and gratitude.

Unfortunately, it seems that my time is up. I will soon be going to a place full of curiosity and wonders. I'm sure that by the time you read this letter, you will have learned about my pancreatic cancer. If you're wondering about my situation; I am in a better place. Even though I am not receiving chemotherapy, my body realizes that even without it, it won't function any longer. The doctor has given me up to 3 months including all the medication that I have been taking. I would have enjoyed spending time with you longer. We could have gone to festivals, dances, and the amusement park together. Thank you for everything that you have done and offered me. Please take care of yourself and don't cry after reading this letter. That would make me much happier.

Goodbye my loved one.

Please don't forget me and if you ever find someone else that you truly love from the bottom of your heart, then go for it. Don't wait for her to make the first move; make the first move yourself.

