
The feathered sky

"Mother...?" "Mother !" "Run my child. " "No mother. I will never leave you -" "Go but never forget the most important thing," "What is it ?" "Y -" She was cut short by a loud BOOM. Her daughter took of at a tremendous speed. Once her daughter was out of hearing range.... " It is your past my child."

Daoist97tfu · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I still remember the day.....

The day that led to all this.

It was the same as any other day in the forest. Mother was the same as always. It was Grammie that was a bit strange. We did all our usual daily activities. We went fishing by the pond. Then hunting for deers. Later mother would tell me one of her usual stories about dragons, serpents and the phoenix.

"Long long ago... before mankind had developed the slightest bit of intelligence. The dragons ruled the sky while the serpent ruled the earth while the phoenix -"

She was interrupted by a slight tremor.

"Mom!" she shouted as she rushed to Grammie.

"I did all I could to keep him out," Grammie replied with sad expression on her face.

"What about the other villagers..."

"It's too late to worry about them now. You and little plum must hurry, you are the last hope of our clan."

"I will not leave you..."

She turned her gaze to me.

"I'm sorry for giving you such a huge responsibility plum."

" What responsibility.." I replied.

The tremors were getting stronger and stronger.


She placed a tiny egg in my palm.

"This is your soul companion. Promise me you will always keep it close to you."

"Why, are you leaving me?"

"No you are leaving us..."

Her eyes were full of tears.


"Mother! "

"Run my child. "

"No mother. I will never leave you -"

"Go but never forget the most important thing,"

"What is it ?"

"Y -"

She was cut short by a loud BOOM. Her daughter took of at a tremendous speed.

Once her daughter was out of hearing range....

" It is your past my child."


I ran at a speed which I didn't know I was capable of moving at. It was as if my body was being controlled. Once I exited the forest the control loosened. I attempted to run back to mother but a tall man in black grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

His shades were blocking his eyes so I couldn't figure out what he was thinking through his expression.

"So this is a fight between masters of the heavenly realm...." he muttered. I looked back to the forest but I saw two strange entity's. One resemble a bird while the other a long scaled animal. Each time the met in the air a shock wave that shook the forest would appear.

"Don't worry, the shockwaves won't hurt you. Your mother and grandmother put up a barrier that protects the land outside the forest. If they hadn't this country would of been razed to the ground with on hit but unfortunately it uses their life force so they can't fight at One hundred percent so the chances that they'll win are down to twenty percent."

"Who are you...?" I asked.

"I'm your pops"

Please inform me of any grammar mistakes or other mistakes

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