
The feathered sky

"Mother...?" "Mother !" "Run my child. " "No mother. I will never leave you -" "Go but never forget the most important thing," "What is it ?" "Y -" She was cut short by a loud BOOM. Her daughter took of at a tremendous speed. Once her daughter was out of hearing range.... " It is your past my child."

Daoist97tfu · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter two~Growth spurt

We both looked down uneasily and chuckled.

"It seems both of us can agree maybe it's time for a little lunch break," he said with a grin on his face. He was contradicting himself. He never did that. That second I noticed what he was trying to pull. The good old "change the topic when the mood lightens up a little." Well I wasn't falling for that.

"Please," I whined ,"just this once let me do something. "

"I'm sorry," he replied shooting one of his "once in a millennia rare" genuine looks, "I'm doing this for your own good."

He walked away slowly as if he was feeling bad about this whole scenario. He wasn't and I could tell and I didn't mind because he wasn't the only one being insincere. That's right I was going to the party and noone was going to stop me.




My breathe was soo unsteady that I had to think about breathing. My blood rushed at an unusually high speed and I was sweating loads. Not from nervousness or any other emotion. It was just awfully hot for a few minutes to 10pm. In


My body was itching all over. It was all too ironic that this all started the one day I wanted to sneak out. I didn't let it stop me though. Not even pop could. I checked my phone ,which was probably the oldest model still being issued, and it was 10 o'clock. My heart raced twice as fast and I carefully crept out of bed. I snuck through the passage past pops room out through the backdoor. Pops was a heavy sleeper and he kept that habit because he trusted that I would never sneak out. I felt a twinge of guilt and whispered to myself, "what are you doing?" and I response I whispered ,"I'm putting myself first" and persisted on. I heard a cawing sound far off and knew instinctually that it was Toben ,my pet eagle. During the day he is usually out hunting or doing whatever eagles do during the day and at night he'd usually go into his cage on his own. I don't remember how I ended up with him but pops said he found me with Toben. He circled above my head twice and dived in to land on my shoulder.

"Tonight's the night." I whispered to myself once more.