
Snow, Mia& fears

Grrrr,Are you ready to go Storm?" Mia asked her big wolf-like dog. Storm just barked loudly. "Let's go then!" Mia shouted. Mia was an eskimo and Storm was her dog. Mia and Storm were going on an adventure in the icy cold North Pole. Mia and Storm walked and walked. They were getting hungry and tired. Mia stopped to have a rest and soon fell asleep. When she woke up she heard growling! Mia looked around. Nobody was there. She was so scared! Suddenly she heard something creeping up behind her! Mia spun around! It was a big, snowy, growling, wolf-like creature! Mia turned to run away as fast as she could, but she thought that growling sounded awfully familiar. Suddenly the big, snowy, growling, wolf-like creature shook himself and all the snow on him came flying off. It was Storm! Mia laughed and went to give her big wolf-like dog a nice cuddle and then they continued their exciting adventure in the North Pole.

The End!