
The Fault Series

The Fault Series Tells The Story Of A Cursed Family, And Their Stories As The Curse Truly Takes Over

Jasper_Petals · Urban
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It's Not His Fault

I've always been afraid of the dark, even as an adult, I covered it by saying I just can't fall asleep without the TV on, I don't even like going out after dark without a flashlight. I'd like to say I'm a superstitious person and overall just very untrusting, I guess that may have been what led me to starting my own business as well as starting a family so I had people to be around that I could actually trust, and yet it all comes full circle. Here I am alone, in a room where the only thing keeping the dark at bay is a singular buzzing light bulb, and my entire family is either missing or dead.

I had been brought in by the police for questioning, no doubt because there was a dead body in my house, and not just any body, it was the sheriff. Now fortunately I'm cleared of suspicion, as I called the body in as soon as I had gotten home and my employees were able to support my alibi because they saw me leave the building. That, and of course cops here don't know how to keep their mouths shut. The sheriff was last known to be chasing after my son. So of course he's the prime suspect, but personally, I know he did it, but it also wasn't him. It's hard to explain.

I always encouraged him to embrace his imagination, his mother… well she used to be a great person, but she changed, I learned she was selfish. Only focused on herself, I don't know why that happened, it took me so long to realize how she abused our son. It's very clear to me, I can remember it almost vividly, I came home early one day cause I was feeling under the weather, I went to check in on him and… well he was changing his hoodie, and I could clearly see his ribs, he was being starved. My wife didn't work, because, well… haha, I own my own company, so, well, she stayed at home most of the time, I didn't think she was starving him at first, my son was always troubled mentally, so maybe he just refused to eat, but I was really worried about it.

It was stupid but I bought this stupid quote unquote spy camera, and I hid it in the kitchen. What I found horrified me. She was gaslighting him. One direct quote that I remember… something like "You're asking me for food? Your dad works so hard everyday to keep us afloat, and you do nothing, you don't deserve it. Ask your dad for food and he will tell you the same thing, maybe if you actually helped with anything"

That's not even the worst part, she didn't even cook the food, she forced him to cook for her, clean for her, do the laundry for her. It absolutely repulsed me. That actually led me to the night I'm sure you're aware of, the night my wife died. But that's a bit ahead of the story, we can come back to that later. I want to explain what I meant by he did it, but it wasn't him. As I said I always encouraged his imagination, as it could be an escape for many people. I had my own mental issues growing up and that always helped me get through the days. Now this is important because I remember one day, my son had disappeared from his room, nowhere to be found, however when I was leaving for work the next morning… I heard him in his room. I was going to burst in but I began to listen to him, and it felt sweet at the time.

He was talking to someone, and not just like a moment someone might have when talking to themselves. No this was a full blown and vocal conversation as if someone else was there. I never felt such fear then when I actually heard a voice respond to my son. I burst into the room and he was alone. I shouldn't have let myself burst in so suddenly. Because of me my son had a panic attack. However, there was one detail I couldn't have missed. There was a name written on my son's wrist "Mikey."

This wasn't the last conversation I've heard from my son, every morning he'd talk to this Mikey, and every time someone was responding to him, I know it sounds crazy, but somehow I knew someone else wasn't there. So after my… sorry, choked for a minute. After my wife died, I stopped hearing the conversations between him and whoever- no whatever was talking to him. It was like it disappeared. Everything was great.

"And that's everything sir?" the officer said, almost interrupting me. I could tell this was a very impatient man

"Yes, that's everything officer. That's all I know" I replied to him. The annoyance was plain in my voice

He sighed and stood from his chair, turning his back to me, next thing I knew he turned back around and slammed his hands on the table. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't startled

"That's bullshit and you know it! What? First your wife dies under mysterious circumstances, now a Sheriff is dead, in YOUR home, and your son is missing! Excuse me if I think it's bullshit! What, you're saying this 'Imaginary' friend of your son killed an officer of the law, and kidnapped your son?!"

I can't keep my composure anymore "Are you insinuating that I'm the one who killed the sheriff?! You have to be some kind of dumbass. My Alibi is covered by at least seven of my employees and your very own traffic cams. And you dare to even imply that I would do anything to harm my wife… MY SON! We can take this outside right now"

The cop swiftly backed down, normally this would be good, but he had this sinister smile painted across his face "That'll be all for now Mr. Abaddon. That will be all"

He left the room in silence and I felt a bit of relief. Until… the one light in the room went out and it was pitch black "Hey!? What the fuck is your problem?! Let me out! What the fuck are you doing?!"

I can feel the panic setting in, what the fuck am I going to do all I could do was scream "It's not his fault! It's Mikey's fault! FIND MIKEY"

Without warning I felt this sudden chill, and I was calm. "What the he-"

"You called for me?"