
Prologue: Those Who Dwell & Veiled Instance

The Deep Dark is a sprawling labyrinth of caves and caverns that stretch across the shadowed lands of Fearn. As its name suggests, darkness reigns supreme within its depths, where light struggles to penetrate the thick shroud of gloom. The air is heavy with moisture, clinging to the rough-hewn walls and dampening the earthy scent that permeates the caverns.

Within the confines of the Deep Dark, echoes of unseen creatures reverberate through the cavernous expanse, their sinister whispers drifting through the stillness like ghosts in the night. It is a place teeming with undesirables and outcasts, where those deemed unworthy by society seek refuge from the harsh realities of the outside world.

Among the shadows lurk the goblin-folk, skulking through the darkness with predatory grace. Their eyes gleam with a feral light, reflecting the primal instincts that drive them deeper into the heart of the caverns in search of sustenance and shelter.

For those brave or foolhardy enough to venture into its depths, the Deep Dark offers both danger and opportunity in equal measure. Its twisting passages and hidden alcoves conceal untold treasures and ancient secrets, waiting to be discovered by those daring enough to brave its perils. But for most, the Deep Dark remains a foreboding realm best left untouched, its mysteries shrouded in darkness and its dangers lurking in the shadows.

For those born in the Deep Dark, the caverns and tunnels are more than just a home; they are a way of life. Raised amidst the perpetual gloom and dampness of their underground surroundings, these individuals have learned to navigate the labyrinthine passages with ease, their senses attuned to the subtle shifts in the darkness around them.

Life in the Deep Dark is harsh and unforgiving, yet for those who call it home, it is all they have ever known. From a young age, they are taught the skills needed to survive in this hostile environment, from scavenging for food and water to defending themselves against the myriad dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Despite the challenges they face, those born in the Deep Dark possess a resilience born of necessity. They are resourceful and cunning, able to adapt to whatever obstacles come their way. Their bond with the land runs deep, forged by generations of hardship and perseverance in the face of adversity.

While they may be viewed with suspicion by those from the surface world, the denizens of the Deep Dark are fiercely loyal to their own. They form tight-knit communities within the caverns, banding together to overcome whatever challenges they may encounter.

For them, the Deep Dark is not just a place to live, but a part of their identity, shaping who they are and how they view the world. Despite its dangers and hardships, they would not trade their home for anything else, for in the darkness of the Deep Dark, they have found a sense of belonging that cannot be found anywhere else.

In the dimly lit alcove, veiled by the oppressive darkness of the Deep Dark, Sir Allstair Darkthorn faced the enigmatic Shaman Woman. Her aura was a tapestry of mystery and ancient power, her form barely tethered to the realm of the living.

Her eyes, alight with a cryptic fire, sliced through the gloom, whispering of secrets not meant for mortal ears. "Zadila teeters on the brink," she cackled, her voice a serpentine hiss. "The Dayseekers, blinded by their own light, will find their end in the dark of night."

The Shaman Woman's form seemed to flicker in and out of existence, her presence as transient as the shadows that danced upon the walls. "The Dwellers of the Deep Dark stir, their fate entwined with thine," she murmured, her words a tangled web of madness and prophecy. "Seek the heart of their despair, for in their salvation, thine own is mirrored."

Her laughter, a cacophony of discordant tones, echoed off the cavern walls. "The threads of destiny are frayed and worn, yet in thy hands, they shall be reborn. Go forth, Darkthorn, embrace the night. Only then shall Zadila see the light."

With a final, cryptic smile, the Shaman Woman retreated into the shadows, her form dissolving into the darkness. Sir Allstair stood alone, the weight of her prophecies heavy upon his shoulders, the path before him shrouded in mystery and fraught with peril. Yet, within her riddles lay the key to Zadila's salvation—and his own.

As Sir Allstair navigated out from the alcove, he entered the cavern of the king's city; Nurindere, a city of stone, rock, mud, and water. The Deep Dark held no sunlight, and nothing to indicate night or day, no torches or braziers, no light source for the dwellers of the dark were immune to its shadow. The city was a labyrinth of echoing chambers and winding tunnels, where the slightest sound could carry for miles, and the air was always cool and damp.

Sir Allstair's footsteps were silent on the wet stone as he made his way through the city. The inhabitants of Nurindere, accustomed to the darkness, paid him no mind as they went about their business. The city was alive with the sounds of industry and the murmur of voices, a stark contrast to the silence of the alcove he had left behind.

As he walked, Sir Allstair pondered the Shaman Woman's words. "The Dayseekers, blinded by their own light," he mused. "Could she be speaking of the priests of Zadila, who worship the sun and shun the darkness?" He shook his head, frustrated by the riddles that seemed only to deepen the mystery.

"The Dwellers of the Deep Dark," he continued, his thoughts racing. "Are they the key to Zadila's salvation? And what is this heart of their despair she spoke of?" He sighed, knowing that the answers would not come easily.

Sir Allstair's journey through Nurindere took him past the great forges, where the smiths worked tirelessly to craft weapons and armor from the rare metals found in the depths of the earth. He passed by the markets, where traders bartered for goods brought from the surface, and through the residential quarters, where families lived in homes carved from the rock itself.

Finally, he arrived at the palace, a grand structure built into the very heart of the mountain. The king of Nurindere, a wise and just ruler, awaited him in the throne room, a vast cavern illuminated by the soft glow of luminescent fungi.

"My lord," Sir Allstair began, bowing deeply. "I have returned from the Deep Dark with a message of great importance." He recounted the Shaman Woman's words, watching as the king's expression grew grave.

"We must act quickly," the king said, rising from his throne. "The fate of Zadila hangs in the balance, and we cannot ignore the warnings of the Shaman Woman. Gather your companions, Sir Allstair. You must seek out the Dwellers of the Deep Dark and uncover the heart of their despair."

Sir Allstair nodded, determination setting in. "I will not fail you, my king. I will find the answers we seek and save Zadila from the darkness that threatens to consume it."

With the king's blessing, Sir Allstair set out once more, his quest clear and his resolve unshaken. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was ready to face whatever trials awaited him in the depths of the Deep Dark.

For in the heart of darkness, he would find the light that would save Zadila, and in doing so, he would fulfill his destiny as the savior of his people. The journey would be long and perilous, but Sir Allstair Darkthorn was no stranger to adversity.

He was a knight of Nurindere, a warrior of the Deep Dark, and he would not rest until the light of salvation shone upon Zadila once more.


Veiled Instance

In the hallowed depths of the cavernous hall, Marcus stood, his gaze transfixed upon the oppressive boulders that loomed overhead like the darkened clouds of a storm-wrought sky. The twisted limbs of the young, cruelly rent asunder, protruded from the rubble—a grim tableau of innocence despoiled by the insidious machinations of evil. The air hung heavy with the unspoken lament of souls undone by the treachery of a wicked tongue, the sibilant whispers of deceit, and the malevolent schemes of a corrupt Priestess bound to the will of a Sovereign consumed by avarice.

Marcus, his silhouette etched against the brooding stone, spoke without turning, his voice a somber echo in the vast emptiness. "I knew you'd come, Aureilia."

The Eternal Priestess, Aureilia, her form shrouded in the vestments of her sacred office, emerged from the penumbra. "So then, you divined the fate that awaited should you unveil our secrets to the masters?" she inquired, her tone a chilling blend of curiosity and condemnation.

"Yes." His response was a mere whisper, a simple utterance that carried the weight of inevitable destiny.

"Then you absolve me of the consequences that must now unfold?" Her query was sharp, a blade unsheathed, bereft of any semblance of remorse.

Marcus's silence was his final testament, for in that fleeting moment, his life was forfeit. His head, once held high, now lay severed from its seat, a stark witness to his "crime": the audacious revelation of sinister truths.

Aureilia stood resolute, the ceremonial dagger clutched in her grasp, its blade anointed with the lifeblood of sacrifice. She recognized the dire necessity of the act—that she must endure as the last of her lineage, the sole custodian of a legacy teetering on the brink of annihilation.

"You foresaw this, did you not?" she demanded, her gaze piercing the gloom.

"Yes," came the reply from Afron, the Sovereign of the Sun, his voice a resonant baritone that seemed to fill the chamber. "My father's vision has dimmed; his dominion over the others has waned. Once an iron-fisted ruler, he is now but a fettered cur."

"Indeed, so it is. I believed you had forsaken these lands," Aureilia responded, her words tinged with a mix of surprise and intrigue.

"I have, in a manner of speaking. I have sundered my consciousness, dividing my burden to ease the strain," Afron declared, his tone soothing yet laced with an undercurrent of deeper machinations.

"And what course shall we chart now?" Aureilia queried, her voice a soft murmur amidst the stillness.

"We," Afron intoned, his hand tracing a path down her cheek, lingering upon the line of her jaw, "shall ascend to the pinnacle of power, wealth... happiness." His voice tapered off into a hushed cadence as he gently removed her mask. Her eyes, once a wellspring of compassion, now hardened into flint.

"Do you comprehend the magnitude of your actions?" she breathed, her exhalation a tempest contained.

"Yes," he whispered back, his words a mere zephyr, "but it pales in comparison to the fate you bestowed upon Marcus. Come, we must away, my queen."

And thus, the stage was set for a new epoch, as the Sovereign of the Sun and the Eternal Priestess, bound by ambition and a shared vision of dominion, turned their gaze toward the dawning horizon, where the promise of untold power awaited those daring enough to seize it. Theirs was a pact sealed in shadow, a covenant that would shape the destiny of realms yet undreamed, as the echoes of their foreboding alliance reverberated through the annals of time.