
The Fated Familiar

Luna’s a Bruja, Demetri's a werewolf. They come from different worlds and species. When Demetri’s wolf reveals his Mate to him, and Luna cast a canto to find her familiar, their lives will be turned upside down. In a rollercoaster of emotions and everyone pulling them apart, will Luna and Demetri be able to hold on to each other. Finding love is hard enough to begin with, but when Luna and Demetri lives seem to collide into one of another, will love find them.

JaeMarie · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Visit ~Luna~

      "Luna..." a soft voice whispered. A gentle breeze brushed against my skin. I shifted in bed trying to ignore the call.

        "Luna, wake up" the voice whispered again.

        "Mmmmm" I moaned in my sleep, pushing my face deeper into my pillow, again trying to ignore the call.

       "Luna," another breeze came again, this time nearly snatching the blankets from my bed.

      "What the hell," i say aloud sitting up in my dark room. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my alarm clock on my night stand, 3am. I scanned the room looking for the voice. But no one was there. "I could have sworn-"

      "Luna," again the voice whispered again. Another breeze grazed my skin. I looked to my window, slightly ajar.

      I tossed the rest of my blankets from my body and brought my legs over the side of my bed. I stretched my arms and stood walking to the window closing it the rest of the way.

      I tuned around, but before i could take a step back towards my bed, "Luna," the voice whispered again, another breeze brushing past me.

     Whipping back around, i found that the window was still securely shut. "What the hell is going on?" I mumbled to myself, scratching my head. Suddenly a gust of wind hit me, nearly knocking the air out of my lungs. Eyes shut tight I throw my hands up shielding myself but suddenly the wind ceased.

    Slowly opening my eyes, i notice my hands glowing a soft light purple. I see my feet hovering just a few inches from the floor. Looking around to find Wind swirling my small frame me.

      "Very well done Luna" a voice chimed.

       My head snapped up to the voice. I recognized it from distant memories...but it couldn't be. The owner of the voice left this  plane almost 10 years ago.

        But it was, there she stood right in front of my floating form just as i remembered her. Our faces nearly mirrored one another's, mine just 20 years younger. Her long black curls pulled back neatly into a pony tail just like the last day i had seen her.

      "Mom?" My voice cracked, as i slowly began to descend to the floor. The glow of my hands dimming until nothing remained but the darkness of my room, a moon lit path gracing my mothers form.

       "Happy birthday beautiful." My mother's voice said as smooth as ever.

       "Mom!" I completely broke down running to her open arms. She wrapped them around me tight pulling me close to her chest. But something was wrong. It's almost as if she was there but then again not. "But you're -"

        "Yes dear, i am dead" she said nonchalantly brushing a curl from my face.

        "But how are you here?" I asked pulling back looking into her eyes.

       " my sweet Luna," my mother said staring at me with her silver grey eyes, " it's you're blessings day"

       "My what?" I said again rubbing my eyes trying and failing not to yawn.

       " Luna, do you know what today is?" My mother asked giving me a quizzical look.

     Just then it dawned on me, today was October 31st, " I'm 18 today." I say softly.

      " yes dear," my mother said. "But more importantly, today is the day you're magic fully comes to you."

       That's right, the day of my blessing. The day Selene, the Moon Goddess, would bestow the blessings of my ancestors upon me gifting me with the powers of the ones before me.

     "But how are you here mom?" I asked again.

     "I think i can explain" just then, there leaning against the door frame was my Tìo Miguel.

    "Tìo?" You asked looking at him confused.

     "It wasn't right, you turning 18 and your mom not here to see you, all grown up. So i said a little cantos, made an offering and boom, your mom made it to your 18th birthday. Well at least for a little bit." He was babbling, he does that when he's nervous.

        I ran to my uncle wrapping him in an embrace. He's been my guardian for the last 10 years. I didn't know my pops, mom said he was human, but after she told him she was pregnant he vanished. Go figure right? So after my mom passed away her baby brother Miguel took me in and had to deal with the really tough years with me.

       "Thank you Tìo." I whispered into his chest before letting him go.

     I turned back to my mother, beaming at me. "My you've grown." She states looking at me.

     "Not much in height." I say softly with a nervous laugh.

     "Well come here." She said, my uncle quietly excusing himself. I walked back to my mother her arms outstretched for me.

     "I've missed you so much mom." I say wrapping my arms around her. "I'm so happy you're here."

"Well i couldn't possibly miss my little Brujas big day now could i." She said more as a statement rather than a question. Her eyes danced to the white sun dress hanging from the back of my closet door. "I see your Tìo found my old ceremony dress for you. How he got the blood out I'll never know."

" i didnt even think magic could help it, but he got it clean." I retorted following her gaze.

"Mmmm," she hummed breaking her gaze. "So my darling are you ready for you blessing ceremony?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes" that was a lie, but honestly i didn't know how i felt about my blessings day.

"It's ok not to be," my mother started softly. "Goodness Selene knows i wasn't"

"Mom what if something goes wrong" i start.

"Like what?" She asked eye brow raised at me. I just shrugged looking down at my fidgeting hands, not knowing what to say. how to explain my nervousness, But she knew. Just then i felt her pull me tightly into a big hug. " listen to me Mija," she said pulling back looking me in my eyes, "you are meant for such great things. Today not only do your full powers come to you and you find out what kinda of bruja you are but it's also the day you become a woman in your own right."

I nodded. I had been told this my whole life, even after her passing. "How am i suppose to do this without you?" I asked not really expecting an answer.

"My sweet Luna, you are never without me." She said lifting my chin. "So, have you taken a familiar yet?"

I shook my head. I had been procrastinating on finding a familiar, Kinda like a partner. In Brujerìa, young Brujas and Brujos will take familiars the same night as their blessings day. Making their magic stronger, "and why not?" She asked arching an eye brow at me.

"Mom, i already knock things from my shelves and start mini earthquakes when I'm upset or having a nightmare."

"And a familiar will help you control that" she said cutting me off. I rolled my eyes, smirking. I guess things never change, even in the after life. My mother always knew best when it came to our magic, but i had missed her too much to care.

"I'm working on it, but even if i don't get a familiar by tonight, it's not the end of the world." I shrugged, but the look on my mothers face said differently. "Right mom?" I asked.

"Luna, my love. There is so much you just don't know." She said squeezing my hand staring deep into my eyes. "I think it's time i told you everything."