
The Fate: Unlucky Girl

Aisyu_Kenny · Fantasy
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11 Chs

new environment

"Tzuka, take it. From now on, you are Elizabeth Kim. Tzuka is your nickname only" Daddy give a international passport to me.I opened it and see my name it's Elizabeth kim.

"daddy,why my name change? my real name is Tzukayumi Kim. Daddy can we change it?" Tzuka saw Daddy's eyes deeply.

"come on, I don't want we lost our flight" Daddy ran into the flight gate." wait for me, Daddy." after I gave my bags I turned my phone to flight mode. I can't believe that I will move to Ireland. I looking outside, Korea - my house, I grew up with Mumy but now I must kick all of those out from my memory and life as Elizabeth Kim a Ireland Nations.

" sweetie, we are arrive.pick up your belongings. fasten your seat belt."

" Daddy, we will live at rent house or our bungalow?" I just curious if I getting poor, I have to search for jobs. Daddy smiling at me." what so suddenly? of course I prepared everything for us.we live at bungalow. as you wish I built your room in front of Sea. You will love it." I checked my phone if Mumy sent any message to me.no. no message from Mumy nor kazuma. Daddy look at me,he take my phone and gave me another new phone - a latest model phone." you can have it.a new phone and number. I just added my number only." The aeroplane was stopped by. they're a few Man were waiting for us. they are looking smart in dark blue shirt mix with black material suit and blue sea tie.it was perfect for their white skins.

" they are our bodyguard, but listen to me don't trust them 100% percent. they outsider. they may became our enemy if we're not alert" Daddy walk into the car. I followed him and ask one of the bodyguard to take me a soy milk and bread for a night snack.

I set my new address in my phone.it was beautiful bungalow.dady said he bought it from his friends,he just renovated my room and added a balcony in our room.my room are big enough for me. I feel like no change in my room and it's still same with my old room style.- have a big study table and a gamer computer in the table. I miss kazuma. my nerd brother -a book worm. I still remember his nerd face with a circle spectacle. my Mumy's pretty face and she's full of love.

"Ireland, I coming.wait the day I bring my Mumy and my brother here" I kept my promise.

the next day, Daddy enroll me in the high private school. I never expected that Daddy take serious about this. Daddy also send me to the tuition and piano lessons.