
The Fate of the Unknown: A New Future for the Naruto World

An otaku was run over by a car and reincarnated into the world of Naruto. In order to survive in this dangerous world, he decides to become stronger than everyone else. Follow the story of our MC and see if he actually achieves what he hopes for in the end - his goals, ambitions, and dreams. _____ This is my first novel, and I would appreciate your support. Your comments will show me that my work is being appreciated and naturally motivate me to continue. Please feel free to share any potential improvements, so that this work can become even better and we can all enjoy it more. I do not own the rights to Naruto and any characters appearing in it, except for my main character. The book cover also does not belong to me, and if the creator wishes for me to remove the image, they are welcome to let me know.

BlueElios_0001 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation Dattebayo!

My life ended suddenly. I was crossing the street when suddenly I flew across like Superman and my vision went dark. In that moment, I knew that I had died. I had prepared myself for my end, but fate had played a joke on me. Shortly after, I woke up and was naturally very confused and disoriented.

'But now the question arises, where am I, is this the afterlife?' I wondered as I saw only yawning darkness before me. I didn't know where I was or how I had gotten here.

The strange thing was that I couldn't move and everything was dark, but I wasn't afraid. I felt comfortable and safe, like at home, when I was enveloped in a blanket.

As I continued to think about it, I suddenly heard something.

"Rena, we don't have time to keep checking on the child. Take our child, we need to go!" The person who just spoke sounded very desperate.

'I wonder what's going on that he's shouting like that', I wondered.

I realized that I was slowly regaining control of my body. I wondered how I could move even though I was dead.

"I'll get him right away and then we have to leave," I heard a female voice say.

'What the hell is going on here? Can't you even have some peace in the afterlife?', Irritated, I tried to open my eyes, which finally opened and I was surprised.

My vision was still blurry, so I couldn't identify the colors and shapes I saw. But I felt that it was somehow different than what I was used to. The surrounding appeared to be somehow larger than normal, as if I had shrunk.

I found myself in a room that was unfamiliar to me. It was neither my own apartment nor a hospital, but a normal, decorated room.


Suddenly, I was interrupted by a deafening crash. I felt the ground shake and the air around me seemed to vibrate. I could hear the hiss of fire and the cracking of wood. In that moment, I realized that my sense of touch had also returned. But I wasn't happy about it, because at the same time, the panic caused by the earthquake returned.

'Shit, what the hell is going on! I swear, if I find the person responsible, I'll give them a piece of my mind.'

I didn't know how quickly I would retract those words.

As the fear consumed me more and more, the door opened. But I couldn't see what was behind that door, as suddenly the view in front of me disappeared.

The door, the wall, and the house I was in were destroyed by some kind of purple sphere.


I was stunned. Time stood completely still in front of me. I couldn't make any sense of this situation. Out of fear, I tried to retreat, but I realized I couldn't move away.

It wasn't until I saw my hand that I understood what had happened. It hit me like a lightning bolt.

'I've been reborn!!!'

I understood this fact very quickly. When I saw my small hand move as I imagined it, I quickly realized that I was a baby.

I would probably never meet the person who opened the door, but I knew it even without confirmation. It was my mother. The thought of my mother, whom I had never seen, being dead filled me with great sadness. It was a strange feeling to mourn someone you don't know, but for some reason, tears came to my eyes and I started crying.

"Wa wa wa," of course, no real words came out of me, as I was a baby. So I cried, embraced by the cold breeze blowing through the destroyed house and all the tremors that were taking place. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the suffering stopped due to another, but strong earthquake.

Instinctively, I looked towards where the earthquake began and froze at the sight. The reason I saw before me, the root of all my confusion and suffering, was there. It wasn't a natural cause that caused the unrest, but a single creature.

'I- I can't believe it, that's the nine-tailed fox Kurama,' I realized as I saw this monstrosity.

But even this didn't last, as the monster suddenly disappeared from my sight, as it was teleported. The whole thing happened too quickly and I didn't understand what was going on from start to finish. The only thing that was clear was that my little body couldn't handle all of these scenes and I started crying again.


In another part of Konoha,

"Papa, please get up, I'm begging you!" a little girl cried desperately as she saw her bloodied father lying on the ground.

"Izumi, my daughter, you must go. You must quickly flee this district and seek shelter in the security bunker," the man said.

"No, how can I leave you here and run away?" Izumi replied. She couldn't leave her father, because if she hadn't been there, he wouldn't have had to protect her and wouldn't be dying now.

"I'm sorry, Papa. If only I had been stronger, none of this would have happened.", Izumi said, lowering her head to hide her tears.

With great effort, her father raised his hand to touch his daughter's face so she would look at him. With not much time left, he had something to say to her so she wouldn't be consumed by guilt in the future.

"Izumi!" he said forcefully.

Shocked by her father's energetic voice, she focused all her attention on him. As her father realized she was now listening to him, he continued.

"Izumi, you don't have time to fall into self-doubt. We Shinobi of Konoha are ninjas who dedicate ourselves to protecting the people we love and our village."

"Papa-" Izumi tried to reply, but her father interrupted her.

"It's my duty as a Shinobi, of course, but above all, I did it to protect my wonderful daughter and secure her future as a father. Someday, there will come a moment when you will find something that is most important to you."

Izumi was moved by her father's words, which sounded so confident despite his condition. She touched her father's hand that was touching her cheek and promised him, "Papa, I'll become strong enough to protect others. Please watch over me." With a self-assured smile, she tried to look strong, but she couldn't hold back her tears.

"That's my daughter," he said, laughing a little and wiping the tears from her face until the warmth of his body left him, and he died.

"Papa..." she said, tears in her eyes. But she no longer looked desperate. She had made a promise to her father and would keep it. In this situation where her desire to protect the promise from her beloved father and the duty to become stronger were so high and united, something changed in her brain. Izumi didn't notice it, but her eyes took on a different shape. Her black pupils turned red, and within them was a Tomoe. Her strong emotions were driven to awaken the special power, the Kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha Clan, the Sharingan.

"I have to go," she said after closing her father's eyes.

She was on her way to the bunker when she suddenly heard something.

"What was that?" she looked around until she heard the sound again, this time more clearly.

"Wa wa wa."

"Is that a baby?" she wondered.

Concerned for the child, she decided to look for it and take it with her if it was alone. Unbeknownst to her, this decision had greatly changed her fate and that of the world. If she had moved according to her original destiny, she would have met someone she had unilaterally fallen in love with and eventually been killed by that person. But with this decision, fate changed, and she would never have that encounter again.

However, Izumi only focused on the safety of the child and didn't think about such things.