
The fate of the gifted

Sone Chi, the world's strongest cultivator, stood powerful on his throne with the power to change the world with a twist of his wrist but is now a powerless cultivator with no soul realm He lost his kingdom and was sent a hundred years into the future, he has to start a new life and grow up in a world that he is not from, a world where only a hand full of cultivators live all struggling to develop their skills with now knowledge, Sone hold the key to restart his divine empire but it all changes when he finds out that his past can still hunt him in the future, he has to raise from a soulless cultivate to the greatest person to walk the earth even stronger than his past self in ten years  

CloverXIIV · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Demon cultivation , hell fire


Fei was the last person to touch the stone and the light that it emitted was so fighting that even Master Zangi was stunned, the light was so bright that everyone covered their eyes, this wasn't any ordinary fire, a hellfire, everyone covered their eyes at the frightening light that emitted from the crystal, everyone that touched the crystal had a small light go up inside it, but he was a burst of fire shooting straight up, at a level that was almost equal to that Master Zangi, of course when master Zangi held it earlier he used only half his power but for any sixteen years old to have such power was impressive,

the Demon had taken control of his body, he played a dangerous game with the devil and the devil doesn't play by the rules, once Fei let the demon out of the scroll he was cultivating it took control of him, using his body as a host it would create as much chaos it wanted, all it had to do was get rid of Sone and this body is his

In the blinding lights, there was a black spot, a dark figure that had demon energy, Mater Zangi tried to look closer but the lights were too strong, and when they deemed no one held the soul stone

" Master seems surprised, why have you seen a ghost ?" Fei was at the master's back this was a different aura, he was powerful and confident, and his aura was the seem as that of Sone but with a dark twist

" No, I only wanted to praise the genius that is a silver rank at the age of sixteen " Master Zangi's voice was calm and controlled, Yami was blown away by the display that she tripped and fell, anyone with such a soul force could be compared to Seli, or even stronger, this wasn't something that comes from a person who has not been practicing

" Good but am thinking of leaving and going to the north, Sone chased me from the south, he said I didn't belong there, only one sun can shine and he has taken the southern City, " his voice was intended on getting rid of Sone, the demon offered to get rid of Sone and Fei stupidly gave it his body

" Ow, so if master Fei is to stay what should I do, " Master Zangi asked he wasn't going to get rid of Sone even if it meant losing a genius like Fei, Sone offered something more, the key to power for more than one person

" Get rid of Sone Chi, " Fei's voice turned dark a soulless

" If I get Sone to change his mind will master Fei stay then ?" he asked but the demon disappeared and reappeared in a different location

, it moved at a frightening speed, this was no normal child, Zangi suspected he was being controlled by a demon beast but with his soul realm unable to hold anything it wouldn't be able to take over his body and if his boy was controlled by a demon it would instantly tear the body and mutant it to a state where I would look inhumane, Master Zangi had never seen a hell spirit before and didn't know it's characteristics or it's power

" No either Sone goes or I go," He said, the dark aura that was given off from him proved that he wasn't human at all

" Okay, " Master Zangi posed and thought " then let's let you choose who stays and who goes, you will fight for the chance to stay " Master Zangi offered, he wanted to know what this strange aura was, but to study it he had to take Fei back to the southern City first

" Good, when do I kill that brat, when do we fight " the words fight only strengthen this demon, it was a demon of chaos it feed on violence to get stronger and has never been beaten in battle before, if it was a fight then it would not lose

" When we get back to the city " Master helped Yami up," I will in form Sone of your challenge," he said and walked away,

the demon was upset but it had to wait, a few days won't kill it, if it had to share this body with Fei's spirit until then it had time after all this body was still young when it takes control of this body it will bring down everything, and it will look for the person how trapped it, even if it had to go to the heavens and kill the person from there

With such a murderous aura Master Zangi wasn't going to let it fight Sone, all he needed was to trap Fei and examine him, Sone was too important to put in battle, all he was going to do was warn Sone of the threat for now, after they get to the city Fei would be arrested

" Sone I have to go, " Mika said but Sone never responded the general test was about to begin, this is where Seli watches and gives you sores accordingly, she would also give you a teacher where she taught the strongest class

" Sone " Mika asked again but Sone wasn't responding "sorry, " she got up " bye " she left but still felt bad for leaving him, if anything were to attack he would only realize when he was being eaten and when she was about to turn back Master Zangi appeared

" Where is Sone ?" he asked, and her nerves soothed if Master Zangi was with Sone nothing could attack him, she directed him and ran to the Soul stone where Zee was standing at the side watching everything that was happening from a distance

" Has the general test begun ?" I asked as I approached her, she was staring at something

" Not yet but here comes Seli " she responded, her eyes still looking at someone, I stood by her as she told me about what Master Zangi said about the cultivation type of each person who tested

Master Seli, put a table near the stone where she could record details of the students as they tested, all day she had been recording students, it went on for about thirty minutes until it looked like there was no one left

" Is anyone left ?" she asked

" Mika I think it is your turn " Zee shaved on me, I had forgotten that I had to be tested and ran to the stone

" Am here " I ran up, and her eyes lit up, it was rare for girls to get tested more so girls from commoner families, her lips curled up I had to be her student, she like to teach girls, they are easier to hand than boys when they start to cultivate

" Which family are you from ?" she asked with a spark in her voice,

' if she has a soul realm even a small one and she had to be in my class ' Seli thought