
Chapter 9

It kept ringing in her hands for a few seconds before she got her courage and picked it up, taking it close to her ear. "Hello, please, who's this?" she asked, followed by, "Emergency, okay, I'll be right there."

She hung up the call and looked at me. "When I come back, you will explain better," she chanted. "Get me my keys from my room, Lora," she added. I excused myself from the sitting room as fast as I could.

 I jumped on the bed. I felt so tired. I got a thought of calling Jose to tell him what had happened to me. I stretched my right hand into my pocket. I didn’t feel my phone, so I moved it to my left side pocket to check if it was there.

I found out it wasn’t in my pocket. I got up on my back. I thought I had lost it until I heard my ringing tone. I was sure it was my phone. The sound was close by. I got down from the bed and walked to my reading table.

It stopped ringing but I saw the phone's bright light under my book. I guess it should be under the book. I lifted the book from the table, and dropped it on top of a book. I found my phone underneath it. I picked it up. I have gotten a lot of missed calls. I decided I bettern’t try to use my data. A lot of messages would be waiting. I walked back to my bed and sat down with my phone in hand. As I was scrolling through my call logs, I didn’t know who I should call back first. 


I don’t know why telling Josh was really hard for me, because that vampire who saved me told me not to, but Josh is my best friend. I should have told him. I kept thinking and rolling on my bed. I didn’t even know his name. I should have asked, "But how does he know a lot about me?" I said to myself.

 He chanted, crossing his right leg over his left leg, and placing his hand on it. I was just there looking like a fool, wondering how he knew so much about me and Josh.

 "Who were those hunters?" I asked. "They are called Breakers. They get rid of supernaturals like me and you." He giggled. The story became interesting, so I looked at a sofa nearby. I walked closer and sat down to hear more about the supernatural world. "Breakers are just human. How do they kill supernaturals?" I gasped. He smiled and withdrew his back on the chesterfield chair. 

“They created a weapon a long time ago with the help of some witches, because they had promised the witches protection against other supernatural beings, the witches thought they could use the humans. After creating the weapon, the breakers started killing both the witches and other supernatural’s, that was when the real war broke out, many life’s were lost." He babbled.