
Chapter 77

We had entered the house. It was dispersed. I assumed there had been a fight there. "Can you tell me what happened here?" I inquired as I approached the photo frame hung on the wall. 

It was a family portrait. The five people in the photograph were visible to me. The father and mother were the only adults present. The three people left in the picture were their children. 

There are two males and one female. Seeing as she appears to be the youngest, the female would be the youngest. Ellie approached me and stood beside me, staring at the picture. 

"They're werewolves," she explained. I looked down at her as she turned to face me. "They called Connor and asked for his assistance. That's when they were attacked by an unidentified supernatural "She elaborated.

I could remember when we looked around, the dead bodies we saw appeared to look like they were  burnt. It was even more difficult to identify them, but something didn't appear to be quite right. 

Did they come to their aid? "They came, but it was already late," she said, "but have you noticed a body is missing?" I stated, "That is correct. Connor also informed me that a body had gone missing "She disclosed. 

But who could it be, and is the person still alive or dead? "I suppose we'll have to find out," I mused. I received a call and reached for my phone. I picked up the phone and walked away from the photo frame because it was Elizabeth's call.

"Hi," she said softly. "Hey," I said, "I came over to your house but you weren't there, so I just wanted to check on you." "Oh, are you still in my house?" she asked. 

"Yes, but I'm about to leave," she replied, "so you can wait for me." "Okay, I'll be waiting for you," I said, "I'm going to join you shortly." "She responded. "Bye, see you later," I said quietly as I hung up the phone. 

"What are you going to do?" Ellie inquired. "When we're not done," she added, "I'm going home to meet Elizabeth, so I guess we should call it a day," I replied, "Okay, let us go." 

We exited the house, closing the door behind us. The street was completely deserted. I took a look at the house across the street from the old one. From her window, a woman was staring at us. 

I paused to look at her I was perplexed as to know why she was staring at us. Perhaps she might be aware of what had occurred here. She walked away from her window, lowering her curtain. "Are you sure you're not going to get in the car?" "And what are you looking at?" Ellie inquired.

"Nothing, I'm coming," I replied, walking into the car as she drove away down the empty street. 

She pulled up in front of my house after a few minutes of driving. "Thank you for the ride," I said as I got out of the car. "You're always welcome," she said as she zoomed away. I turned around and began to walk back into the house. 

After walking into the house, I closed the door from behind. In the living room, Elizabeth, Lora, and Lydia were seated. "Hey," I said softly as I approached them. "Hey," they responded.