
Chapter 230

Half a dozen wolves surged forward, ready to torpedo me. If I had one mishap, I’d be done for. It was too late to turn around and flee. Besides, there was no way out when they had me trapped like this.

Now! my wolf snarled.

At the last second, I leapt into the air, up and over the running wolves, and slammed into BJ. We tumbled down together, but she twisted her throat away from me to avoid my blow.

Her wolf was well-trained. She turned swiftly from defense to offense and slashed at my neck with her claws. I ducked, but she still managed to tear a gash into my shoulder.

I ignored the pain and tried for her throat again.

Our wolves clawed at each other, snarling and engaging in a life-and- death battle. My claws opened a thin line on the side of her neck, and she retaliated by slashing my muzzle.

Blood poured out of me.

I willed my claws to turn into blades like when I had slashed open the hound, but that didn’t happen. I opened my jaw, dove for my enemy, delight glinting in my eyes as I saw raw fear in hers.

But a wolf from behind took me off guard and clamped down on my hind leg to hold me in place. I yipped in pain as its teeth buried deep into


 my flesh, but my cry was cut short when two other wolves slammed into me, sending me flying.

Air exploded from my lungs as I crashed into the hard ground. Despite the pain, I forced myself onto all fours.

Two dozen wolves surrounded me, three rings deep to prevent my escape. They snarled with bloodlust, ready to pounce and finish me off. But by the hungry look in their eyes, they wouldn’t kill me quickly. They’d tear me apart first.

Fear pooled in my belly, and fury pulsed in my veins.

This bunch held no honor. They only knew how to fight dirty.

I spotted BJ standing outside the circle like the coward she was. I

doubted I’d get another shot at her, but I’d given her many wounds to remember me by.

I turned slowly in a circle, snarling and seeking out the weakest link to break through. My paw kicked up a twig. This gave me an idea.

Taking them off guard, I rolled in the dirt, getting sand, dirt, and twigs onto my fur and tail, then I raced in a tight circle at high speed. The debris flew from me and hit the surrounding wolves.

While they were surprised and enraged, trying to blink the dirt and sand from their eyes, I bumped away two wolves and leaped in an arc toward BJ again.

This time, she was more than prepared and jumped to the side to avoid me. Two wolves, who appeared to be her bodyguards, charged me at the same time.

A large gray wolf threw me off course, and we collided and wrestled against each other. Her fangs clamped down on my jaw and held on.