
Chapter 144

But Robert seems to be moved because Manson is a very close friend of his, apart from being one of his army. Like I had heard from Nicholas, Manson and Richard were saved from being abused as slaves by Robert years ago.

Manson and Richard are siblings. Robert really cherished the both of them. He begged him and Alaric to turn them into supernaturals like him. He wanted them to live forever and be by his side.

Alaric said softly, with a devilish smile, "Do you think I would hand over your mother to you because you have a stake of wood on her heart?"

"Like seriously, you are going to allow him to kill him?" Robert yelled, asking

Now there is a clash between the both of them. I guess it would be a help for me to save mum from these demons that would not mind ripping out her heart.

"Yes, I don’t care about him," he replied.

Robert bolted at Alaric, immediately jerking him off his seat and slamming his back on the wall close by with his hand on his neck.

"Don’t you ever disrespect my guys again. I won’t let it slide away," he said, giving him a warning.

Alaric stammered, "Okay...... fine, let me go."

After a while, Robert released him and adjusted his suit for him.

"Sorry for doing that. I don’t know how to control my anger lately," Robert said.

"Nah, it’s cool," Alaric replied.

While I was carried away with the drama Alaric and Robert had put up, Manson used this opportunity to get himself free. He pushed me backwards, using my back to hit the wall, then turned around and removed the stake of wood from my hand. He really caught me off guard.

I was able to stop him from staking a wood stake into my heart thanks to my quick reflex, and I dragged the stake of wood from his hand, before he had the chance of stabbing it into my heart. .

While I was about to pull him over to the wall, in order for me to stab the stake of wood into his heart, Robert held me from behind and threw me over to the other end. I crashed through the dining table, slamming my back onto the wall.

Oh shit, that was really painful, but I had to get out there and stand up because I slighted Robert was looking at me with the stake of wood in his right hand. He was going to come to stab me with it.

While he got to where I slammed my back onto the wall, I was already standing a few steps away from where he was. He looked at me. He really seemed to be angry at me.

He was about to bolt to me, but an uninvited guest entered clapping. He got all of us' attention. We all looked in the direction he was coming from.

"I hope I haven’t missed anything," Nicholas said laughing.