
Chapter 115

"You said you were going to answer the question I asked during class," Josh recalled, recalling what he had told me.

I replied, "Oh about that, I really don’t know now. I have to make my findings and I will tell you guys what I find out."

"Okay, you better do it. He almost killed us. He seems really angry," Josh said.

"Yeah, I think he’s angry with someone among us, then thinks we all knew about what he or she did to him," Jack said.

He could have come up with the plan for a while now. He recognised all of us by our names, "I said.

 "What if he comes for us again?" Jack asked.

"Then we should be prepared for him," Josh replied.

"Can I leave now? I want to go and take a walk," I said.

"Yeah, sure, you can go now," Josh said.

"Are you not coming to the cafeteria?" Jackson said.

I replied, "I just want to clear my head. I’m going to join you guys once I’m done."

"Okay, we are going to be expecting you there," Jack said. He

and Josh walked out of the class, leaving me behind. I was finally free from all their questions. I also walked out of the classroom, heading towards the garden. On getting to the garden, it seemed a little bit crowded.

But I could still hang around in there for a while. I kept on walking through the walkway. I finally got to Ellie. She was sitting down all alone in the garden. I changed my direction to walk up to her. I’m wondering what she’s doing in the garden, and why she’s not with the others in the cafeteria. What could be wrong with her?

I came to a halt when I got to her front.

"Hey," I called out.

She looked up slowly at me and said, "Hey, Adam," she said.

"And how do you know I’m here?" she asked.

I was just talking on a walk through the garden when I caught a glimpse of you, and I began to wonder why you were here, rather than with the others in the cafeteria. "I caught a glimpse of you," I admitted.

"Ohh, nothing is wrong with me. I just wanted to enjoy the cool breeze in the garden for a while before I come and join you guys in the cafeteria to have my meal," she said softly.

"Okay," I replied, "Can I join you?" I asked.

"Sure you can join me," she replied, while she shifted for me so I could take a seat.

After a while of sitting down next to her, nobody brought it up. There was silence. I couldn’t bare it anymore. I had to bring up a topic to talk about in order to break the silence.

"Who is your prom date?" I asked.

"Prom date!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, prom date, you can’t tell me you don’t know about prom date," I asked.

"Why won’t I know what prom date is? That is an insult to me," she replied.