
Chapter 109

"No, I'm not going to tell anyone about that," I said. 

I noticed a girl running down the hallway, and she was going to collide with Ellie really hard, and they might fall down, so I had to make a move to avoid that, and I pushed her against the locker on her side. 

While the girl ran past us, she collided with someone else; while people gathered around the person the girl collided with, I moved back from Ellie. 

"Thank you for the save," she said gratefully. 

"You're welcome," I said. 


I was in the school hallway, it was a little dark and very scary to be alone at night, when I received a text from Jack saying that I should come over to school, that he needed me.

His phone number hasn't been reachable since I texted him, and I'm wondering where he is. Suddenly, I saw a light coming from a turn on the right side of the hallway, and the person had a touch light with him. 

I thought it was the janitor, so I ran into a class and found the door open. I gently closed the door and hid, but I could hear his footsteps approaching my side. 

"Jack!" exclaimed Josh. 

"Wait, isn't that Josh?" I wondered. "I'm certain it's him; I can't imagine another person's voice being similar to Josh's," I added. 

I walked to the door, held the handle, opened it, and came out of the classroom where I was hiding to find out it was Josh. 

"Adam, is that you?" He inquired, directing his touch light into my eyes. 

"Yes, it's me, Adam," I replied.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he inquired, removing the touch light from my face. 

"I got a text message from Jackson asking for my assistance, so I came over here, and what are you doing down here?" I inquired. 

"I guess we're here for the same reason, because I also received a text message from him," he responded. 

"Wait a minute!" I exclaimed. 

"Yeah, I've been going around the school looking for him, but I don't think he's inside," he admitted. 

"Same here, I've been going around the school looking for him as well, and I'm wondering where he could be right now," I explained. 

"Let's keep looking for him for a while, and if we don't find him, we should go and report him to the police," he said. 

"I think that's a good idea; let's keep looking," I said. 

We both continued down the hallway, and after a while, we began to hear feminine voices that sounded familiar. 

"Wait, isn't that Lydia, Lora voice?" Josh wondered. 

I turned to face him while paying close attention to the voice. 

"I believe they are the one, but what are they doing here?" I wondered. 

We suddenly heard Lora and Lydia scream, and Josh and I looked at each other, wondering if they were in danger. We both dashed towards the source of the screams immediately to check what was going on.