

Maya was born as the first female Alpha after 1000 years of them being extinct. An alpha female, during the ancient times was known to bring about great calamity to their park. They were brutal in their rulings and killed at will. Maya's life was not a bed of roses as she was tortured and scorned by everyone in her park. Their pack's witch made it known that the very existence of Maya was a sign of an impending calamity to the were world and as such, she should be killed. But as the moon goddess will have it, her very existence was not in anyone's hands as she was saved by an alpha rogue after being severely tortured and left to die. There in the rogue community, Maya was trained in the hard way and she vowed to reclaim her pack from the enemies who killed her parents and left her to die. Michael was a human werewolf hunter whose destiny was to eradicate the werewolf races. He happened to be the strongest werewolf hunter in the human community. What happens when the human werewolf hunter happened to be mated to the most powerful female Alpha?. Lets find out what happened when their parts crossed

Imma2city · Fantasy
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160 Chs



Maya felt rejected and abandoned after she almost had sex with her mate.

Who was she fooling, ever since she was a little girl, she had suffered so many hardships from family and friends.

Why will her mate be an exception? She had to leave, it was good enough that she had found her mate.

She wasn't going to force him into doing anything he isn't willing to.

"Why don't you tell him who we really are, I'm sure he will accept us."

Maya wished Layla was right, she understood how much her wolf wanted to bond with their mate. But everything is wrong, the moon goddess wasn't tired of playing games with her. Just when she thought things would get easier once she found her mate, but it turns out things only got worse.

Her mate had to be a human who hated her kind. She could tell how much he hated her just by the looks in his eyes.

She had to leave to someplace else, being close to the human village will only make things much worse for hoer.

Maya left the human village. Layla refuses to talk to Maya all through their journey back into the woods.

"Look, I'm sorry Layla, I believe we can do without him." She did not believe she cannot get stronger without a mate.

She just had to undergo a little training and that's all she will need.

After spending two days inside the woods, Maya finally found a place where she could rest.

She stood in front of a rusty cottage with grasses scattered all over its walls.

As Maya approached, she heard some rustling sounds, which immediately brought Layla to action. She surveyed the area, as she took little steps forward.

Suddenly, she saw a big gray wolf with brown eyes. He growled loudly upon seeing her, she could see his sharp canines ready to devour her at any minute. Maya also shifted to her wolf and Layla who was also fearless growled back at the wolf and immediately the wolf laid low, his ears became droopy and his eyes which shone in anger became dull.

The wolf shifted back to its human form and behold it was a tall, handsome young man with curly black hair.

Maya was still in her wolf form, eyeing him. She was still on alert, not wanting to take chances with this werewolf.

She watched him as he went into the little cottage, but no sooner than later, he came back with a dress.

He threw it at Layla, and she grabbed it with her teeth, she ran into the forest where she shifted back to her human to put the dress on.

Maya walked back to the cottage slowly, where she found the werewolf waiting for her.

He gazed at her, eyeing the dress on her body. Maya quickly took notice of him checking out the dress on her body. She wondered if the dress belonged to his mate.

They both stared at each other in silence for a while.

"Why are you here in the woods?" Came the deep but calm voice.

She could tell that he wasn't a bad rogue even though he didn't have the smell other rogues had, but she could tell he wasn't from a pack either.

"I'm sorry for intruding, I'm a rogue too who was just searching for a place to stay" Maya lied.

"My name is Tyron, you can say I'm a rogue too".

"I'm Maya"

Maya did not know what else to say, but just stood nervously.

He ushered her into the small cottage with two rooms. Maya observed the room and from what she had gathered, there seemed to be two more, others living with him here and one of them must be a girl, his mate perhaps, Maya thought.

"So…what pack are you from, though you don't smell like one and neither do you smell like a rogue too"

Tyron could tell she was lying about being a rogue.

"I'm from a rogue town, but I had to leave for everyone's peace of mind, she said.

Now Tyron became very curious about Maya, she seemed to have many secrets lurking around her.

He wasn't going to be too nosy as to start asking about why she left and all that because he believed she would have told him if she wanted to.

When she shifted to her wolf and growled at him, he could tell that she was not a simple werewolf because his wolf seemed to obey her.

He wondered the kind of wolf she possessed that could make whimper into submission.

She must not be ordinary, and she must be from a powerful pack just like him, he thought.

When he had seen her coming to the cottage, he thought she was a rogue because over the years he had been fighting of rogues with his two siblings who are probably out to get a good kill for their dinner.

Ever since he lost his father who was the former Alpha of silver moon pack, him and his siblings have always been on the run through the years.

It was a miracle they have been able to survive this long, considering how alpha Derrick had sent the strongest war wolves out to get them.

For a whole year, they had been running from place to place trying to escape their former pack's warriors.

Tyron being the eldest of a boy and a girl had promised his siblings that he would reclaim back their pack one day, so they don't have to leave as rogues.

"What pack were you from before you became a rogue" Maya asked him in return.

It took Tyron some minutes before he replied to her. Maya watched his every action, and she could tell that he had a bitter story too, just like her.

"Well I was originally from Silver moon pack" Maya's wolf became very tense at the mention of Silver moon pack. She knew that pack and who the Alpha was. How could she forget the Alpha behind her father's death? Maya's hands immediately clenched into a fist, but she managed to suppress her anger, so Tyron won't notice.

"My father was originally the Alpha of silver moon pack, the beast! Derrick took over. I and my two siblings had to escape by the help of our father's trusted soldiers, who were later killed by the new Alpha." Maya could tell how angered Tyron was through his voice.

Just as she had thought, he had a terrible experience, and to think that they both had the same enemy made Maya feel a bit relaxed with Tyron.

"I'm so sorry about your pack, I can imagine how hard it must have been for you and your sibling to be out here in the open facing all kinds of rogues.

"We are okay, we've gotten used to leaving as a rogue, but I can tell you how terrible it was at the beginning".

Of course, how would she not know it felt to be an outcast.

Knowing they have been outside the world way longer than she had been and survived made her feel some admiration for Tyron and his siblings which she hasn't met?

Maya thought about linking them to Frederick, so they could leave together with them at the rogue village.

Uhm, Tyron, have you ever thought of going to the rogue village?"

Tyron looked at her, seemingly confused.

"Well I've heard about a rogue community in the southern area close to the human dwellings, but no, my siblings and I are okay being here."

Maya made an "oh" with her mouth, seems she was just feeling sympathy for nothing, how silly of her when she should be the one feeling sympathy for herself.

Here she was being hunted down by Lana, and it looks like she carried disaster with her wherever she went.

"Wait, isn't the rogue community where you said you lived before coming into the woods?". Maya nodded in agreement.

"So why did you leave when you were already living with them?" Maya heaved a long sigh.

"It's a long story, I don't intend to explain".

"I won't make you explain either, okay?" Tyron stared into Maya's. There was no denying about how beautiful she looked. He wondered what story she might have had that will make her pack send her away.

"Anyway thanks for taking me in, but I guess I have to leave now". Tyron was confused at what Maya was saying.

"Where will you go from here?". He asked curiously.

"I don't know, anywhere I can train my wolf". Tyron smirked at her.

"Then you have come to the correct place" Maya looked at Tyron very surprised.

Back in silver moon pack, Tyron was known to be a strong warrior and soon to be Alpha. He fought and won against the strongest of the pack soldiers, but when tragedy struck, he had no choice but to escaped with his siblings.

Left for him, he was ready to fight to his death, but then, he had his siblings to protect and that was the only reason he ran away.