

Maya was born as the first female Alpha after 1000 years of them being extinct. An alpha female, during the ancient times was known to bring about great calamity to their park. They were brutal in their rulings and killed at will. Maya's life was not a bed of roses as she was tortured and scorned by everyone in her park. Their pack's witch made it known that the very existence of Maya was a sign of an impending calamity to the were world and as such, she should be killed. But as the moon goddess will have it, her very existence was not in anyone's hands as she was saved by an alpha rogue after being severely tortured and left to die. There in the rogue community, Maya was trained in the hard way and she vowed to reclaim her pack from the enemies who killed her parents and left her to die. Michael was a human werewolf hunter whose destiny was to eradicate the werewolf races. He happened to be the strongest werewolf hunter in the human community. What happens when the human werewolf hunter happened to be mated to the most powerful female Alpha?. Lets find out what happened when their parts crossed

Imma2city · Fantasy
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160 Chs



I can't believe it's my coming of age ceremony, and still couldn't find my other protect.

Alpha Frederick has promised to protect me with his warriors. I was so afraid, not knowing what I wolf I would shift into.

Meredith and Vina prepared a very nice dress for me.

All other rogues both respected and loved me as a member of their pack.

What will become of me when my wolf finally awakes, I have no idea.

Night came, and the rogue community were surrounded with warriors. We still have no idea what we will be guarding against, but I was protected the best way possible.

When the hour came, I was surrounded by wolves, including alpha Frederick, who had always been by my side.

When the time came, i suddenly felt uncontrollable pains, I screamed loudly as my bones cracked, one after the other I felt severe pains all over my body.

Everyone looked worried as to why my pains became very severe.

I continued to scream, and after about 30 minutes, I suddenly become on all fours.

When I looked at myself, I was white, and colossal, my claws looked enormous in my eyes.

The gasp from everyone present, made me a little horrified.

Looking at them, seemed I towered on every wolf present. I was huge!, and I panicked.

"Hello Maya, I'm Layla, your wolf. I've been with you since you were born, I saw everything you went through in your pack.

"Wow, Layla, It's good to finally meet you. You don't know how happy I am".

"Do not you worry Maya, vengeance is on us now, we have so many powers and things we can do that no werewolf is capable of doing. I will guide you.

She can't believe how friendly her was.

"Maya they know you are awake now, and they will come for you, but do not worry your guardians will also come".

Maya's wolf growled loudly and all the rogues bowed in submission. Frederick on the other hand, who was still in his human form, suddenly shifted to his wolf before he knew it.

All the rogues growled as they all shifted one after the other.

Maya's eye's glimmered and sparkled darker shades of blue. Every part of her wolf was pure white, which was very rare. No one had seen a white Luna Alpha before, apart from the ancient times recorded in the book.

Suddenly, they smelled werewolves rogues attacking them from all corners, some bowed to her while others wanted to harm her.

Alpha Frederick fought as many that came for Maya.


In Blood Rose pack, Nathan's wolf growled as he heard another strong and powerful wolf calling.

To everyone's surprise, they all turned to their wolf without thinking.

What was wrong, whose wolf was that, that was capable of making them to obey without their knowledge.

Lana knew what was happening, she knew Maya was still alive, and she has transformed into her wolf already.

"This can't be, I thought she died, how did she survive such torture. No!!!".

Maya resisted the call of submission as she gathered every wolf around her, telling them to match to war. She was going to kill Maya herself if that is what it will take to finish her off for good.

She mind linked Alpha Derrick, who also heard the cry of submission. Together, they matched to the south searching for the wolf that was calling for submission.

Nathan was among those going searching for the wolf who was a threat. In his mind, he thought of someone he thought might be the wolf, but it was impossible that she was still alive.

Meanwhile, Maya growled as the war was going on.

Her wolf was calling on other wolves for submission including the Alphas of different packs, some obliged why some resisted the call.

This went on for the whole night as more wolves attacked the rogues dwelling, it was only now they understood what the moon goddess said about them looking for her guardians to protect her.

For she was to make the call of submission the entire night, announcing her arrival in the earth. After a long time of growling and calls.

Maya shifted back to her human form as she passed out.

Frederick had to take her back to her room as she was fragile now.

He fought his way through to the scrowd and he called Meredith with him, who was hiding away with Vina and the pups.

When Maya stopped growling, all those subjected to immediate transformation changed back go their human form.

They knew Maya will be no longer safe since she announced her arrival for the full were world to hear.

Maya woke up the next day feeling very heavy, her complete body was different, she changed overnight.

When Meredith came in, she was shocked at the transformation in front of her.

Who would have thought that Maya will be looking so different. Her long black hair was now the color of white, her eyes shone bright blue instead of its original deep blue even when she wasn't in her wolf form.

Alpha Frederick came in to see her and was also taken aback by her new-look now. When she saw Frederick, she called him to get closer, so she could take an excellent look at him.

She acted very different from the way she normally behaved.

"Frederick, we have to train more warriors now. Those who came over to my side yesterday, I want you to assemble them, so we could have a good meeting on how to prepare for the great battle."

"I'm very well-prepared for that, but what should I address you as now?, even your followers are also very curious to know what to call you now."

"I'm your Alpha"

"Okay, is Alpha Maya okay with you?".

Maya nodded in response.

Maya gave permission to her wolf to her wolf to talk and take over her consciousness since the wolf presided with her, saying she has to prepare for the coming of a great war.

"Maya we have to leave now, you are not strong enough to fight, we would need an army to continue this fight."

"No Frederick, I need to meet them, we have no time anymore, we are running out of time soon, I know Lana will come for me soon, and I want to avoid sacrificing anyone for my cause.

Maya knew what happened to blood Rose pack, she knew Lana will never let her be until she's been consumed.

She can't sacrifice those who have helped her for nothing, rather she would protect them with everything she has.

She has to leave, so they would live, that's the only way they could survive the witches plots.

Frederick has never seen anyone as stubborn as Maya was, she just doesn't want to be helped.

Just how strong are those people that she can't stand for them to find her in their community.

Witch Vina told Frederick to never let Maya go out there alone, for she was not strong enough.

Maya left the pack according to Alpha Frederick's instructions.

Cedric was among those who escorted her to the woods, where she was to be trained to master her Wolf's powers.

Layla told Maya not to worry about she would train her on how to use the powers before the great war.


"How many weapons have you made, we don't have time any more Evans, the Alpha has awoken, she will come for us if we don't go for her now.

We should let her die in peace once and for all.

Evans can't remember when last he saw his family. His son, he must be a grown man now?. Do they miss him, or they thought he's already dead?

He wished he could go back to his family when Evans was captured years back when he was on a battle with the werewolves

After being beaten, he was captured and taken to the werewolves pack where he was made to do weapon's for them.

The Alpha of silver moon pack made him to make weapons. At first he refused, and when he did, he got threatened with his family. They threatened to kill his family if he refused making the weapons, and with that, he made weapons.

He did not understand how they could do weapons they know is very dangerous to their kind, all just to be dominate over them.

Evans made weapons even when the former Alpha died, also when the pack was overthrown by Alpha Derrick, Evans was still subjected to make weapons for he made the weapons they used in fighting their kinds.

Truly these werewolves are ruthless beings.

He heard the fight between the werewolves and humans was on a rise, but there was nothing he could do since he was locked in a pack making weapons.

He hoped his son and wife were all doing okay, and also his brother Kyle.