
The Fastest Man in Game of Thrones AU

A modern man reincarnated in an alternate universe of Game of Thrones / ASOIAF as the son of Lyanna Stark and Raeghar Targareyan. He also inherited superpowers from three worlds - Flash, Aquaman & One Piece. Is he a savior of Westeros or the destroyer of order? Let's see how many changes he had brought to this world. Spoiler: He will discover NEW WORLD CONTINENT, the unknown part of ASOIAF. Disclaimer: This is fanfic written for fun and enjoyment. I did not own any copyright to ASOIAF, GOT & the cover pics.

maturenovels · TV
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23 Chs

How to tame your lioness (18+)

He disrobed himself and went to the bed. His hormones were running high.

He checked out the beauty carefully. To be fair, the young Cersei was indeed a peerless beauty with golden hair and fair skin no to mention her voluptuous figure.

He removed her clothes which was just a silky night robe. There lied the flawless body tempting him to mate immediately.

Yes, he gave into the temptation. But it's not because of pleasure and lust but for the sake of Westeros and the future of humanity. 😝

What a resounding reason to have sex!

He kneeled over her body and fondled her perky boobs. He did not forget to activate her sexual hormones.


She began to react on his touch. Her pink nipples erected.

He slid down his hand and check out he cleanly shaved pussy. He rubbed a little on the attractive the slit which got wetter every seconds.

That awoke the sleeping queen. She was confused a little. She was waiting for the king. She saw him coming in drunk and then there was blank.

"Are you awake, woman? How dare you sleep without serving your king?"

She was not a woman to be looked down. Above that, she was horny lioness ripe for mating. She looked at him with gleaming predatory eyes.

"Let me serve you, my king."

She wanted to roll over above him. But how could he allow it. Prespeterous! He would never let woman rode over him especially on their first night.

"Lie down, woman. Just open your legs to welcome your kings invasion. Let me plough your fertile fields and sowed you a seed of young stag."

The lioness wanted to challenge. But he pressed her down, separated her legs and aimed at her entrance.

No foreplay, hormone did the work. No romantic acts, to tame a lioness, he did not need romance but strength. He need to prove that he was the king of her PRIDE.

His fertility shaft pushed in stretching the limits of her pussy. She hummed in response. He tried in and out and pushed in directly. She moaned loudly.

It continued for several hours. He kept changing positions and poses. She kept up with everything. She countless orgasms.

It was a war of conquest. Unfortunately, she met someone with super strength and superspeed. Whenever she climaxed, he gave compulsions using his psychic power. At the time of pure bliss, her mind was blank, he took such opportunities to plant seeds for obedience, love and worship.

After fighting several rounds, she fainted finally sleeping sweetly like a tamed cat.

Aegon also vented all his hormonal urges. He hugged her and sleep soundly.

/Next Morning/

When he woke up, he found her puppy eyes watching him with love and worship. Whatever he did, it worked. Her eyes on him was no longer predatory but puppy round eyes.

She looked refresh. Her face was glowing.

He hugged her and kissed. "Good morning, my queen."

She literally purred in response.

It boosted his manhood which stabbed her groin directly. She moaned and rubbed her boobs against his muscular chest.

"Are you ready to receive another blessing?" He asked her as he fondled her boobs.

She frowned a little. How could she be okay? She was wounded because of the night's melee.

"No worries. We have lots of time."

They got up and called in the maids. They cleaned up the room and prepared water for them to wash, new clothes to change.

But he was not satisfied. He wanted the plumbing facilities where he could take bath directly. He decided to introduce such facilities.

While they were having breakfast, Jon Arryn sent a kingsguard to remind him of the small council meeting.

He was nervous a little. In Spite of having of all Robert Baratheon's memories, he was just a imposter after all. He could not imitate everything.

People would notice changes soon. First of all, he was not going to bless the whore or the maids.

Seriously, if he wanted to have sex, he would look for a noble lady. Conquering a proud noble lady was more fun.

Secondly, he was going to introduce lots of reforms and changes in the socio-economic aspects of Westeros. That's not something Robert Baratheon could come up with.

He thought of a way to justify his future actions. He wrote a book about why he revolt against the Tagareyan Dynasty and why he himself established a new king of seven kingdoms. Most of the core expects were from Divine Rights Theory.

The book was telling a story about god's giving him a vision explaining how he should rule for the peace and prosperity of the Seven Kingdoms.

In short, the book was justifying his rule through god's anointing.

He sent the maids away. Cersei did not want to leave him. She became quite attached to him. Maybe he did overdose the amount of compulsion.

He persuaded her with lots of honey coated words and promises. Finally, she went to her chambers with a reluctant look.

That was not the Cersei you knew.

He printed hundred sets of the book. He titled it "Robert for Peace and Prosperity". It was like election manifesto. It was full of promises for the peace and prosperity of the seven kingdoms.

He kept the printing machine and remaining papers inside the hidden underground chamber. Yes, he created new chamber.

He packed the books and called in the kingsguard to carry towards the hall of small council. They wondered what was inside. They had not seen King Robert carrying anything to the small council except for wine.

On the way, he kept thing how to handle the members of small council. What agendar could be introduced?

To achieve all his wishes, he needed to know the financial conditions of the throne. Seriously, he doubted if there was any surplus though. He'd be satisfied if there was no debts.

Maybe the previous Robert had not started squandering whatever was left off from the previous dynasty.

I am not good at writing conversation and adult scene.

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