


Opening her eyes with a lot of effort, while opening the window she lit up a cigarette and gave it a puff, her body hurts all over, she hates mornings, well its almost 11 a.m so whatever.

She got on her most basic outfit, to fit in with the normies and was ready to go out for the day when suddenly a notification popped up in front of her, she got slightly surprised

"YBS?" She didn't remember it at all, he thought it could be just another of her delusions, it wasn't, looking around for a while expecting the notification to disappear and failing miserably she started to access her memorie and remembered the day before something similar popped up "Oh shit, it's not in my head? actually it is in my head, but is it real?"

She needed confirmation, she opened the store of this supposed system, everything was gray, she couldn't buy shit cause she was peniless" What a shitty system, it fucking requires money on the store, wasn't there supposed to be a magical currency of some sort?" Unlucky, that's what came to mind, she was so unlucky.

What other choices did she had? Cultivate? why tho? to be immortal? when the thing she wants the most is to cease existing?Shit shit shoots, 'Maybe I could use the system to make money and stuff, to have a less miserable life?' she was very confused, she spent three hours dazed, late for work,didn't ate shit, so UNLUCKY.


She got late for work for the first time since starting on this job. She knew she lacked energy, sympathy and charisma, she also wans't very diligent, but did the best her painful body could and never said no to do work she wasn't paid for, and did her best to not be late.

She started her cashier as fast as she could, counting money always requires a certain amount of time when you can't miss even one buck at the end of your shift, the started working. Client after client, annoyed and always about the fact people were dumb, and trying her best to not crack open someone skull.

She was finishing closing her cashier when her carefree Boss showed up

"Let's head to the cafeteria, to have a talk" she finished what she was supposed and followed behind him "You are fired" that was the only thing she heard, everything was bullshinting and bootlincking to not feel bad about firing someone, to lessen his own guilt.

She only regretted she wasn't fired as soon as she got to work today, why wait until she was done with her shift?So annoying.

She was never a person full of words "Ok,thank you, good bye, I will come sing my stuff when HR calls" got up and left, never looking back, on her way out she exchanged a few words with the closest colleague she had, done just like that, it's no like she needed the seven hundred bucks she got, what she need was the reason to wake up every morning and leave her bedroom.

Holy shit she was starving, she hadn't ate up until now. Fainted again.

"Shit" it was the first thing she said whe she opened her eyes to see the hospital ceiling "It happened again, great" she laughed sarcastically


After the doctor bullshit about malnutrition and anorexia, she was discharged with some medicines that went straight to the first trash bin she saw, she already knew she was slowly starving herself to death,but so what, she loves eating, she eats like a glutton goddess when she could remember about eating, that's the thing, she have close to no memory and her body apparently forgets it needs to eat and never cry for help.

It was already night time when a thin figure walked down a dark alley, she was on her way home, slowly going foward,sometimes looking towards the sky, listen to music to refresh her spirits.She was very sad, it was the month she parted ways with her granny last year.

She had two granny for whom she used to live for, she lost one two years ago and another last year around this time, so sad. She never cared about her own live, and thinks she never will, but she cared dearly about those two, she tried for a long time no to think about dying because her most precious ones where on death's door, and she knew really well how loosing the only granddaughter would affect their will to live. Now that they lived their amount and went away with no psychological blows she felt relived, she could leave this world any time now and be forgotten for good.

While remicend about her granny she reached home and melted away in tears in her room, crying away the pain until she felt sleep, forgetting about to eat and about YBS once again.

So unlucky, the poor girl knew nothing about her doomed fate with the system.