
The Fanged

When the end of the vampire race is at hand, chaos erupts. Will our protagonist rise, probably not. Is she the most powerful? No. But, she will do anything it takes to protect her family, and that's what matters. ------ Everything comes to an end, whether it may be the death of a family member or the destruction of a worldwide underground organization. Such is the will of the cosmos. Nothing lasts, especially when the head of a royal family of bloodsuckers dies. The power struggle suddenly fights its way to the surface and snaps the tension between families. Wars wage, thousands of brethren die. For what, a seat at the head of the table? To play chess with the ancients, and lose? There is no gain, no number one, but there is blood, a lot of blood.

Wishing_For_Wings · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Vengeance For The Fallen

After looking at Lily's body for an hour, I decided to get up. I felt sick, and my mind was racing. These monsters had no mercy; I wouldn't either. They were as good as dead once I catch up to them. Rage burned in my eyes as I took a sheet off of one of the beds and wrapped Lily in it. I picked her up and made my way to the garden. 'She would want to be here,' I thought to myself.

Setting her down gently, I walked over to the rose bush she had been nurturing for the past year. It was beautiful. I found a pair of scissors and snipped one of the roses off. I smelled it and walked back over to Lily's body. Savoring the scent of the rose, I crouched down and smiled at the lifeless form beneath me. "I love you, Lily," I say.

I heard shuffling coming towards me. I looked up and saw Sera standing there, holding her arm. She slowly approached the rose bush I was just at and snipped another rose off. She then made her way over to Lily and me. As she reached us she spoke.

"I think mother was too hard on her, this place," she continued to say, gesturing to the garden, "was her refuge." She sighed. "I just wish I talked with her more, she was always so kind," Sera said, a small smile forming at the edge of her mouth.

"I know, we weren't there for her. We should have been. M-mom didn't pay her any attention after I left, did she?" I asked.

"No, not to me either. She was always in her study, filling out papers," Sera answered. I nod and lay the rose on Lily's chest. Sera followed suit, placing the rose next to mine. We both got up and walked back into the living room. I helped Sera since she could barely stand. As we both trudged back Sera asked a question.

"Why did you leave?" She asked. I stopped for a second.

"Mother, she... she decided that it would be best if I left," I answer. It was her decision, it always had been. Or maybe it wasn't? All I remember were the words, "... you won't amount to anything," my heart sank when I remembered them.

Sera looked at me. "Well whatever the reason was, I'm glad she did. Or else you might have ended up like Lily," She said. We continued walking and finally crashed down onto the couch. We were both exhausted, both physically and mentally. We both fell asleep shortly after we laid down on the couch.


[Donahughe's Residence]

"So, what happened? Did your men succeed? Is the Valentine family no more?" A man asked.

"I-I'm sorry sir, the family proved worthy in combat. We were able to kill one, b-but there was a girl that fought us. She killed half of our men alone. We were able to injure her but we had to flee. There were no other people present." Another man answered. It was a mercenary hired by the Donahughe's to kill the Valentine family.

"So, you're telling me that a girl was able to kill 8 of your men and you couldn't kill her?" The man asked.

"A-as I was saying sir, the family was formidable. If there were more me and the rest of my team would be d-dead," The man says, shrinking down in fear. The head of the Donahughe family was an imposing man. They say that he killed his brothers and sisters to get his title as head of the family.

Mr. Donahughe looked to the corner at a man waiting for a command. He nodded slightly and the man bustled off. "We paid good money for you. Yet, you end up failing to one. Lousy. Girl," Donahughe sneered. He picked the mercenary off of the ground with one hand and choked him.

"You had one mission and you failed!" Spat Donahughe, crushing the man's windpipe. The man that was in the corner earlier came back. "Sir, the rest of the mercenaries team has been dealt with. Would you like me to get the cleaners here?" The man asked.

"Yes, tell them to burn the bodies this time. Drake, it would be best if you said none of this to your mother. She is currently... occupied," Donahughe says.

"Of course. I will contact the cleaners and ask them to report here immediately," Said Drake, pivoting off his foot and walking into the hall. He walked down the hall gritting his teeth. His father thinks he can boss him around. I'll show him. I'll earn our spot at the royal table back, without your help.


[Valentine Residence]

Alice woke up on the couch. Sera was next to her still sleeping. I wonder if mother took the twins with her? It's a possibility. They were always favored by her. They garnered most of her attention. They of course got everything their hearts desired, heartless, spineless brats.

I slowly got up off the couch and stretched. I figured that I should start cleaning up the mess. The blood was intoxicating to an extent, but after a while it became gross. I made my way to the supply closet and grabbed all the things I would need for this endeavor. Rags, sponges, mop, bleach, and more. I started scrubbing.

After a while, I could feel myself tiring out. At this point, nearly half of the entrance was clean. Sera had woken up a little while ago and had started helping me. Slowly, but surely, we cleaned up all the blood and disposed of the dead bodies in the woods nearby. Even if they were found we were moving houses anyways.

Me and Sera finished up and sat down in the kitchen. We both drunk a little bit of water and made small talk. The atmosphere was suffocating. Even with everything cleaned the house still felt stained. The house felt uncomfortable, less like a home and more like a morgue. The smell of bleach was quite strong. I sighed and got up from the bar.

"Let's pack. We need to leave, but before that let's search the house. Maybe we can find some information about where mom and the twins disappeared to." I said. Sera nodded in agreement and I went towards my room. Even though I had a lot of clothes in my carry-on I grabbed a suitcase from my closet. I grabbed my old laptop, phones, personal information, and my violin. After cramming all my stuff into the bag I went downstairs and left my stuff near the staircase.

I walked upstairs to explore moms study. When I reached the door it had been locked. 'Of course she would lock it, why wouldn't she?' I thought. I then proceeded to kick the door open causing pieces of wood to fly everywhere. One hit me right in between the eyes. I rubbed my head and walked into the study. It was quite chic. The furniture was specially crafted and her desk looked like it cost a million dollars. Which I didn't doubt, she was always a spender.

I looked around the bookshelves and found a few interesting family accounts and passports. I shoved these into my carry-on and continued my search. My eyes found their way to the desk. On it was dozens of papers. Research, science division, experimentation. What the hell? I found a logo and company name on the papers. A small v surrounded with lines. The organizations name was V.Tech. It wasn't that clever of a name. I probably could've come up with something better myself. I sighed and sat down in her chair.

I twirled around and looked out the window. The sun was beginning to rise. The clouds were quite puffy today, it was probably going to rain soon. Turning back to the desk, a sticky note caught my attention. On it was an address. 3450 Frigg St., ME. I looked at it for a moment longer and shoved it into my pocket. I guess we knew what our next move was. However, as the least injured vampire and most experience, I decided to take the place at the head of my families table. My father has been missing for years and my mother has been gone for the past day. Sera was also too hurt to lead. This left me. I sighed and looked at the list of family members. The only other person who could challenge me was my uncle. He was currently down south.

I pinched my brow and looked up to see that Sera had entered the room. "Find anything useful?" She asked.

"I have an address and a company. I also have passports and legal documentation so we can exit the country if need be," I say, shuddering at the thought of having to go to Europe. The families there were not only older, but much, much more deadly. They would kill us as soon as they caught our scent.

I decided to plan later and headed out the room. "I say we raze this place. There's too much information on us here," I say. If we planned on making a safe getaway, precautions had to be made. Sera frowned for a moment and pondered my suggestion. She sighed.

"Yes, I suppose that would be the wisest course of action. We've no idea when they will return," Sera says.

Sera was lost in her thoughts and didn't say much after this, and grabbed her bags. I called a taxi and we decided to walk down to the end of the road so the taxi driver wouldn't get suspicious. Although, a plume of smoke would be sure to warn the authorities.

Sera made her way to the front porch. I went down to the cellar and found all of our alcohol. I smashed them onto the curtains upstairs and set the house ablaze. Me and Sera watched the blaze from the front of the house and silently said out farewells to Lily. She truly deserved better than this.

We turned out backs on the house and started the walk to the end of the road. I can see Sera start to break down so I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. She looked grateful.

We reached the end of the road and waited for the cab to arrive. It felt like years before it had finally showed up. We both put our suitcases in the trunk, while I kept my carry-on, and climbed into the back of the taxi.

"Take us to the airport please," I asked. The taxi driver nodded and we were off. Me and Sera both watched the plume of smoke rising in the distance as the cab got farther and farther away. We both said our final goodbyes to what had once been our family home. Goodbye Lily.


[Donahughe's Residence, Drake's Room]

I hit the punching bag over and over again. Each hit I imagined my father's face. Each hit I cursed him for the way he treated the family. My sisters are deathly afraid of him at this point, and won't make eye contact with him. I will KILL HIM. I let out a war cry and punched the bag as hard as I could, snapping the chain and sending it flying into the corner of the room.

I sat down on my bed and wiped the sweat off my brow. As much as I hated my father, he was quite a good businessman. It showed with his choice of housing. It was a modern style house located near the top of Ohio. I sighed. The fact that he's this rich means I'll never be able to live in peace again if I don't succeed in murdering him. He'll send mercenary after mercenary after me. I laid back in my bed. I thin I was about due for a rest. I could feel my muscles agree as they sunk into the plush mattress. I put on a pair of headphones I had on my nightstand and plugged them into my phone. I turned on some music and sat there relaxing.

Sweet, sweet rest. I say drifting off into slumber.

Hey, hope you guys liked chapter 2. I decided to add differing viewpoints, as well as more emotion into the novel!

I would love to hear some feedback; anything helps.

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