
The Famous CEO

she's dead but look at her Hu-go getting marrie d to CEO Qin

Ebimoboere_James · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 will my dad support me

"catch her"

i heard the men shouting at one another

who are these people ?

why are they after my life?

who sent them?

what have i done to them that they want to kill me?

All this questions kept running in my head as I run for my life

as God was'nt on my side i tirped and fall in the ground.

then i saw an opening in a tree

without wasting time i hid inside...


"Good morning , mother".I said while coming down the stairs .

"Good morning dear, I hope you slept well"

"Ye mom,"Good morning mom and sis "

" good morning sis" i said

"good morning dear" my mom ansered

let me tell you about myself.

my name is chen anne and I studied acting and music I love does two things so much and my dream is for me to work for the Shine stars music and entertainment industry

i'm twenty so age is not a problem. And today I will tell my family about my dream I'm sure they will support me and my dream , but the question is that will my dad support me . The truth is that my dad his never support me in anything, he supports only my elder sister which actually makes me sad.

once I was ten I heard my dad and mom qurraling because dad wanted me to stop by my education Midway.

I never thought my own father could hate me to that extent, but now I will manup ,.

Hi, guys this book I am sure you going to like it

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