
The family next door

At the surface, the Qiang household seems like your ordinary, run-of-the-mill everyday family that's striving hard to make a living...But little did the people know that behind the curtains of that seemingly "Normal" household lies a strange cast... The last surviving child of an ancient bloodline that stood as the pillar of all the future civilizations that came after them... A ruthless demon that has once ravaged and brought immense destruction to the entire world thousands of years ago, plunging the land into temporary darkness... And a prodigy of a divine exorcist, possessing such talent and skill that is said to be unheard of in the millennia of spiritual cultivation... Tune in to the adventures of this trio as they desperately try their absolute hardest to convince everyone that they're "normal" and nothing different from any family that their fellow neighbors have next door... [Cover photo is not mine, all rights belong to its perspective owner] A/N: This is my first ever novel so I hope ya enjoy it :)

Malim_67 · Eastern
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The footsteps of the woman echoed in the empty, wooden hallways as she walked with a smile

Today was a wonderful day, the birds were peacefully chirping their harmonious tune, the sunlight was giving the surroundings a bright glow, and the moment she opened the door to her destination she was greeted with the cheerful smiles of the children

As she saw them running around shouting, and playing games with each other without a single care in the world, she couldn't help but smile more.

One's childhood is truly a beautiful thing, a fleeting yet memorable one that would surely stay in the minds of everyone till they inevitably cross to the other side...truth be told, the woman felt a bit jealous...

"Hehe, what are you even thinking? There's no time to be jealous over a few brats"

The woman muttered to herself before taking a deep breath and clapping to the class

"Alright everyone! Take your seats, class is starting!"

The children instantly looked crushed hearing this, and groans of displeasure echoed in the small classroom...

"Ehhhh? Come on teacher Xiu we still wanna play moreeee!"

"Fufufu, nope~ You've all had your fun, now it's time to study. Come on you stinking brats you either sit down now or I give you all a black star~"

Xui tried to get them to sit down in a simple, yet effective manner. Every student that she has would obviously know that a black star means a demerit, and a demerit means a spanking from their parents

Children being children, they naturally don't have a much-developed sense of judgment. But even they could understand the consequences of this

And so, despite being a little reluctant, all of them begrudgingly went back to their seat. Albeit some were still conversing on the way back though...

"Hmm, so...she's still alone huh?"

As they were going back, Xui noticed the lone girl who was sitting at the corner of the class. Her blonde hair was glistening under the bright rays of the sun, and for a child, she was already blessed with an extremely pretty face...Xui could only shiver at the thought of how many hearts such a girl would break years later...

But despite being blessed...Xiu noticed that she seemed very lonely as her mind would always wander off to the sight of the mountains visible from the windows...She couldn't deny that the sight was kinda beautiful, but all the students she had would usually lose interest after a while...

To be honest, she was EXTREMELY curious as to why this was the case...

"Okay, we discussed last time the basics of how the spiritual techniques and spells from cultivation can work. Can anyone give us a quick rundown again on how?"

"Oooh! Oooh! Teacher pick me! pick me!"

A student...rather, a rascal in the eyes of Xui, raised his hands. Xiu was rather hesitant to call him, but as the only person raising their hands she had no other choice

"Yes, Little Wei?"

"So basically we take deep breaths and then boom! We can harden our fists to punch massive holes in walls! Or we could do those cool hand sign thingies to summon flying swords to slice up everyone! And we could also walk on water or run faster and things like that!"

"Uhm, Er...That's not necessarily wrong but...I'm asking the process behind that..."

"Teacher" the little girl raised her hands, and Xui couldn't help but feel a bit relived

"Yes! Jing fei"

"I believe that spiritual techniques work through the precise manipulation of our spiritual energy to bend the world a bit and allow the supernatural to occur. And to do this, years of precise training and cultivation of our energy are required to perform even the simplest of techniques"

"Exactly! You're correct again, well done dear. Here, have a gold star"

The rest of the class was practically glaring daggers at the Jing fei as their teachers handed over a golden star, which to the children, was like a medal of honor. But despite this, Jing fei merely glanced at the star as if it was worthless and simply placed it aside...

This act was like putting oil on a raging fire, as her classmates grew even more furious

Sensing this, Xui couldn't help but let out an awkward laugh

"A-Alright kids, don't be so discouraged, you can still earn some stars..."

Sensing that the anger and jealousy were not yet dissipating, she figured to divert their topic for now. They would've been discussing the primary basics of spiritual cultivation right now, but Xui was certain that her students wouldn't bat an eye, and continue to feel spite over Jing fei's golden star

"Y-You know what? I suddenly remembered an awesome story that I was told by my parents back then! A tale about the ferocious, and frightening demon that once walked the mortal plane! Who wants to hear about it?"

Like a fart in the wind, all their disdain quickly disappeared as they looked at Xui with excitement. Xui felt relieved, and as she told them the old tale that she remembered, she glanced at Jing fei...

She's not only blessed in the looks department but in the mental one as one. She's the smartest and most mature in the entire batch...Nay, Xui could say that she'd possibly be the wisest child that this school had the opportunity of ever teaching...

Ordinarily, someone like that would find themselves popular and set for happiness in life. So why? Why do golden eyes always look so dead and depressed?...

Such a thought continued to bother her, and after class, she called in Jing fei who seemed slightly annoyed upon being singled out

"Yes, teacher Xui? What is it?"

"Hello, Jing fei. Don't be nervous dear, come on take a seat"

Jing fei didn't let out a single complaint despite being held her dismissal, possibly the most liked schedule by every kid out there. She sat silently, with an unwavering gaze locked a Xui...

"First of all, good work today. Your class performance is spectacular as always. You must've been really studying hard huh?"

"It would be weird if I didn't perform well. After all, I usually just read and study at home"

"U-Uhuh...Ehem, right so...I just wanted to ask you how are you doing? You transferred in to our school at quite a late time after all, so I'm sure that you've had a hard time adjusting here...Sooo um, have you made any new friends?"

"Absolutely not, everyone here hates me"


She honestly knew this already, so Xui felt quite guilty at letting those words come out from the child herself...

"But it doesn't escalate to bullying right? You can tell me if it does, I'll rain those brats with a thousand black stars"

"No, not really"

"Good...well, do try to get along with them. Maybe it's because you transferred at a time in which most friend groups are already established, but give it some time and I'm sure you'll get along with someone"

"It's been three months already"

"O-Oh right, W-Well...Y-Yeah, like I said...T-These things take some time..."

Jing fei squinted her eyes and glanced at her with an intimidating expression. Honestly, the fact that such a child could radiate such a chilling aura frightens Xui to the core...

"Understood. If that's all, then are we done here?"

Her voice was so authoritative that Xui almost said yes, but she luckily snapped out of it, and realized that she was the adult in the room

"Not yet. Jing fei...I want you to answer me honestly, Is everything...alright?"

She couldn't help but cock her head in confusioon

"What do you mean? If teacher Xui is referring to my health, then the doctor said that I'm healthy as I can be"

"Well, that's good. But I'm referring to your state at home...Is something wrong? Are you having a fight with your parents?... Or are they fighting each other? You can be honest and tell me all this dear, I'm your teacher after all"

"Why do you ask?"

"For one, it's my responsibility as a teacher. And...something tells me that your glum attitude at school is caused by your family affairs...So I'm just thinking that I could help you with this, and you'll finally grow cheerful and be friends with everyone!..."

For the first time, the expression of the girl turned to one of surprise. But it quickly vanished and returned to her usual aloof face

"I'm thankful for your concern teacher Xui. But my relationship with my family is...alright. We're getting along well. If this is all, then I should really lea-"

Xui held the hands of the girl tightly, and asked in a serious tone;

"Are you sure?...You don't need to hide it from me you know?"

Jing fei went silent before she forcibly pulled away her hands from Xui's grip

"...I'm sorry teacher, but this isn't a problem that you could help me with anyway"

She said coldly before leaving the room. Xui simply stood silently in the empty classroom, one hand stretched out in front of her, fingers slowly closing in sadness. As much as she wanted to help her, there are limitations as a teacher...

If the students themselves insist that there were no problems...then her authority as a teacher could only take her so far...

As the doors were closed shut, Xui could only pray to the divine to guide the poor soul of the girl, and bless her with a happy life that all children were deserving...

Now, if that wish of hers was granted...she couldn't really tell...

Because the next day, Jing fei never came back to their school...