
The falling shadow

In the shadow something is hiding, who knows what it’ll be… maybe some bullies or the truth behind my misery?

Ailin_41 · Urban
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2 Chs

Always the same story…

As usual I passed the school gate feeling watched; not as if I were the most handsome in the school, they looked at me laughing as if it were normal, as if I were an ant ready to be crushed.

I had almost arrived at the entrance when I felt my shoulder getting heavy, if the day wasn't already bad, the kids that kept targeting me came.. shit.

- hey Akio why don't you answer my calls? - said that madman who has been bullying me since he learned what happened to my father..

- sorry, I didn't hear the call... - I said in a faint voice, I didn't want to sound arrogant, I didn't want to make a big deal for nothing.

- who the fuck do you think you are?! Ehh... ahahah.. you're dead meat.. come behind school at second hour weakling, if you don't want worse to happen.- he said punching me in the stomach.

They went their way, looking at me with an insolent look.

Everyone at the entrance looked at me in the same way, like a loser who can't even shake off some bully.

I don't know what they could think of doing in their place but I can't say anything about it.

And with a strange atmosphere I walked towards my locker.