
Chapter 1: Prologue

Through all the wars, Ceyium had always followed the code of Bushido. Ever since he was born, he served the army, climbing ranks until he led as a samurai lord. Ceyium thought he'd die happily, but instead, he was met with the betrayal of his comrades. The feeling of his beloved comrades who had fought with him through thick and thin betraying him shattered Ceyium's heart. His comrades had secretly been siding with the enemies during the war and backstabbed him when it seemed almost implausible. Ceyium's so-called friends: Kunishige, Seiichi, Shota, Shoya, and Wataru were unsuspicious and loyal until that day. On that day, they pierced his heart with arrows and katanas, shaking Ceyium to his very core.

He didn't know what to think of it. However, he did know one thing. From this moment onward, Ceyium desired nothing but vengeance. Just as his soul ascended to the heavens, Ceyium's blue eyes glistened in the scarce light, resembling a beautiful sky. This same sky started to shower and flood as tears fell onto Ceyium's cheeks. His eyes closed, concluding his days and the beautiful sky within his eyes. Then, slowly, Ceyium died in disbelief, anger, and filled with regret.

Five years after Ceyium's death, a baby with the eyes of the divine was born. Suddenly, a beam of holy light hit the baby. The baby was confused when he then asked himself,

"Where am I?"

At this very moment, the time paused, and a beautiful lady entered. She answered the infant's question,

"Hmm, you're currently in America."

Ceyium, presently a baby, turned speechless by the woman's answer. Nonetheless, he was still in his infantile stage and was unable to speak. The lady continued,

"Hello Ceyium, I'll be the one to be by your side, until the day you die. Seventeen years from now, it has been determined that you'll be sent to fight against Japan. Fortunately, in Japan, you'll eventually meet your former friends: Kunishige, Seiichi, Shota, Soya, and Wataru. Having said that, I'm exhausted ever since I used my powers to reincarnate you. I'll need time to recover, but once I recover adequately, you'll be able to get the abilities to strengthen yourself. For the time being, I'd recommend you to learn some martial arts and everything you can to gain power."

The lady paused before placing her hand onto Ceyium's forehead.

Before I go, I'll give you the ability of omnilingualism, meaning you can speak and understand foreign languages. Well, I'll see you again. You'll know that I've recuperated if the time stops again, but until then, goodbye."

Time slowly began moving as normal as the mysterious lady disappeared as ominous as she appeared. Instantly, Ceyium glanced at his new parents and cried. Ceyium thought to himself,

"Why am I crying? What's going on?"

A strange man with blazing red hair smiled and exclaimed,

"Welcome to the Boucher family, my son. Hi little one, I'm your father, Boucher Arthur." Arthur immediately burst a huge smile and started tearing up at the sight of his firstborn. Ceyium's mother, also in tears, held Ceyium in her arms and said,

"Arthur, it was so worth it. I gave birth to such a beautiful baby."

Arthur laughed and told Ceyium's mother,

"Adele, I'm sure the boy got his looks from you."

Adele giggled and Ceyium realized,

"So this is how it feels like to have parents."

Ceyium started crying once again, remembering that he lived an orphan and had no parents in his previous life. Adele and Arthur saw him crying and tried their best to calm him down and instead have him laugh. After multiple tries, Ceyium started bursting with laughter, realizing that he was only a baby to them. Ceyium smirked and said to himself,

"This is exciting. I'll show them the power of a former samurai lord. Once I've grown enough, I'll make this body capable of doing all techniques. Since I've memorized my former friend's techniques, it'll be satisfying to kill them using their own techniques."

Kunishige's Lightning Imperial Blow, a spear technique capable of dealing fatal blows.

Seiichi's Volcanic Explosion, a volatile kusarigama technique.

Shota's Multi Death Eyes and Shoya's Snake's poison, both bow techniques, perfect for execution and assassinations.

Wataru's Abyssal Reap, a Nagamaki technique that perfectly complements Shota's and Shoya's methods.

To Ceyium's luck, he already knew both their weakness and strength to their abilities. He smiled with malicious intent and planned to push himself to refine their techniques. He was determined to do it until the techniques became flawless and lacked any weaknesses.

Finally drawing away from his daze, Ceyium glanced at the window to realize something was written, and it was a frightening message.


Author's Note: What's his parent's ethnicity? French.

<Bonjour, Je m'appelle croissant.>

Here I'll be answering the reader's questions. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

PR: Is this historical fiction?

Author: No lol

PR: So you just making stuff up

Author: No but yes

PR: i- Nani??