
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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You Can't Drink This

Forges Campus.

"Master Kei, may I know what kind of magic did you use to make the drawing I draw to come out from the scroll?" Zoro walks beside Kei. They are now in the middle of touring the campus.

"Hm? It is the fundamental magic that each of forging student needs to learn. If not learn it then you can't imply it to your drawing." He feels a bit enthusiastic with this student. He had a feeling that this young man beside him could do wonders.

"But, what if..a person can't produce that magic?"

"Pftt..no way. Everyone can do that." He almost burst into laughter. If that person doesn't even know how to do simple magic why would they enter the Magiya Academy, right?

But only for a minute, he stops his pace and turns to look at the man which put a serious face. "You…don't have any magic boundary?"

Zoro diverts his eyes and shakes his head slowly. "No."

Sighing, he pinches his space between his eyebrow. "Then..there is one way to help you with that."

"How?" Zoro eyes once again lit up.

"It's kinda dangerous. But for a useless person who doesn't even possess a tiny of the magic boundary in his body, we can opt this method."

"I'll do it."

"Right. That's some spirit I expected from you." He pats on his shoulder before they continue to walk again.

"If a person doesn't possess any magic boundary in their body, there are actually two methods. First, create the magic boundary in the hard way of training and meditating. Usually, require years to build it. But not all result could come out great. And second..use the magic stone. But this stone is very rare and only can be found in the highest mountain guarded by the slob creature."

"Stone?" Zoro raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. There are four types of stone. This stone is only used by us..forges. Long ago, there is one person who didn't have any magic boundary in his body but he posses a great skill in drawing and invention, so he went to the highest mountain and collect those magic stone. He makes the stone into the ink, and when he draws, the ink from the stone's substance delivers the magic into the drawing and the drawing was able to pull out from the scroll. But you need to draw an emblem all around the scroll first."

"So, you mean..we need to find these stone and make it into ink for me to use it?" Zoro guesses it.

"Correct. If you were going to the first option, it'll take more time and the result..you could die from it if your body could not support the force to form. So..its better if we take the safe option, right?"

"I understand."

"So, the lesson for today...I gonna show you these four type of stone. Let's go to the black market outside the Academy." He winks at him smiling widely.

"Eh? They sold these stone?"

Kei just smiles and snaps his finger making a portal for them to go to the black market. "Let's go."

Both of them step into the portal and they arrive at the foreign place for Zoro. It's already dark in here like they were on another side of the world. The place looks rather creepy with the people wearing a black hoodie and the damp alleys giving him a vibe of scary movies.

"Where are we, Master Kei?" Zoro couldn't help but ask him about their whereabouts.

"Shh..do not say my name out loud. Just call me Kirei. They know me by this name." Kei put his finger on his lips making sure Zoro did not utter his name again.

"Hm? Uh..okay.."

"We're now in the eastern of Onyx Kingdom."

"What?!" Zoro eyes almost pop out from its socket. Why they go to this kingdom? From what he heard from Zane and Farrell, this kingdom is full of disgusting creature and yuck! There really is a grossed creature passing by him. He really not a fan of these creatures.

It feels like he just enters a zombie world. Where there is all black and sticky with slimy disgusting dark water on the ground. He really hates this kind of scene. Even in his world, he really despises it when his ex-girlfriend keeps insisting to watched a zombie movie.

All the time she forces him to watch, he will cover his face with the pillow and sit silently on the couch. Oh, by the way, his ex-lover and Rachael are sister-in-laws in his real world.

In his last mission, he only encounters with the mutation people with the thought, they only a tiny group. But not at this time. This time..the world he entered is more like or he should say is..full with the scary creature and he is like a tiny bug in here.

"Calm down. They won't bite." Kei smirks a bit seeing Zoro's pale face.

"They just swallow it and digest it with their acidic saliva." He continues again. Teasing Zoro which become paler than before.

"Can we return now?"

"What? We just arrive." He chuckles and continues again. "You're no fun." Kei still teasing him.

Zoro keeps his mouth shut after that. Worried that his voice might attract these creatures to notice him and attack him. First, because he was obviously looking like a complete human being here. Even though Kei also looks like a human, he has a huge build body. His ear also a bit sharp at the edge, looking like an elf. So with a careful look, he is also just like these creatures too.

They stop at one shop. The shop window is all black and they couldn't see anything from the outside.

"We've arrived," Kei said and he pushes the door to open. Zoro still following him from the back.

"Well well...Mr. Kirei. Long time no sees, huh?" A creature who had a lizard tongue smirking at Kei.

"Mr. Lizaros. Seems like you still alive huh?" Kei also sneering a bit to him. He pulls a chair in front of the bar counter where the lizard-human creature standing behind the counter.

This shop looks like a normal bar where there's is a few other creatures having a drink and drunk inside the bar.

Zoro also pulls the chair beside Kei and do not intend to gap their distance at all. He feels like he just walks into a monster dent.

"As usual?"

"Yes, please." Kei nods his head and prop his head with his left hand on the table.

"And who is this?" Lizaros glance over to the tiny man beside Kei. From his look, he is surely a man. A human.

"He's my acquaintance. Got any problem with that, Lizaros?" Kei put his dagger on the table making the lizard-man immediately turn his eyes away.

He went to prepare Kei's drink and another beer for the little human besides his regular customer.

"Here's your drink." Lizaros put the glass in front of Kei and shove another glass to the human. "Beer for you."

"Th..thanks.." Zoro said and look at the huge size glass. If it in his world, this kind of glass…could drink at least ten people.

"It's the tiny glass we have over here," Lizaros said again when he saw the human's hesitation face.

"Oh..thanks." He stands up and tries to lift up the giant glass for sipping.

Before he could touch the beer in the glass, Kei took the glass and put it back on the counter. "You can't drink this."

Lizaros turns his head to look at the man. "Very rude of you thinking I'm drugging your friend here."

Kei scoffing. "No. He really can't drink it. Not when I'm around at this hour, no?" He then turns to look at Zoro.

Zoro scrunches a bit with his word before he finally gets it what he means. They still in lesson hour. Of course, he can't get drunk in front of his head of department.

"Right. I'm sorry." Zoro said his sorry and look at the lizard-man in front of them before he continues again "I have zero tolerance against alcohol."

The lizard-man just shrugged his shoulder and take the glass back to behind the counter.


He then turns back to look at Kirei with a questioning face. "What bring you here today?"

Sipping his drink, he smirks a bit at Lizaros. "Good question. I want to see your four stone. Is it still on sale?"

Lizaros sigh deeply. "No. Its already bought by a wealthy man."

"Huh? When? Isn't the stone is useless to your people?"

"Hmph..you think you're the only one who looking for it, Kirei? These man has been buying all the stone from the merchant like us since months ago."

"Who is he?"

"I can't tell his name because he didn't give me one either. So, can't help you. I have no stone left."


: )

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