
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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Welcome Aboard, Lord Zane And Friends.

"Where?!" Hayden shook Zane's shoulder.

"Erm.." He scratches his temple a bit before he continues. "I can show you, but we can only go there tomorrow. And…you need a lot of money to go there."

Hayden scrunches his eyebrow a bit. "How much?"

"Ten to a hundred gold coins?" Zane looks at him with squinting eyes.

"Payment entrance?"

"Something like that," Zane said and then he turns to Kyra. "But, we need to make a plan first before we take further action."

"Yeah. So where is the place exactly?" Hayden releases his shoulder.

"This city."

"What?" Hayden and Kyra ask in sync. Didn't Hyden just say that he tries to search all over the town but he couldn't find her? So, why did Zane say she was still in this city?

"Okay, listen. I would tell you about the place. But, in return.." He looks at both of them one after another.

"I want to join your group."

"Huh??" Hayden was confused. 'Group? What group?'

Kyra also confuse. But after a moment, she realizes something. Even without the deal, they still need him after all. He is the guardian of the Skylark Dragon. Of course, they had to bring him too.

"Uh, Hayden..he is..actually.." Kyra gulps a bit before she continues. This is hard for her. Because Zane really does not look like a guardian at all. He is more like a playboy and a trash man. But, well..nothing that she can do about it.

"The guardian of the Skylark Dragon. A dragon which can control two elements." Kyra explaining to him.

With the new news, Hayden's jaw drops a bit. He silent for five seconds before he finally said. "Are you sure?"

Kyra nods her head. "He owned the stone. The same stone as you. Except it was embedded with a bracelet."

Zane raises up his hand and shows Hayden the bracelet that he wearing. His face looks happy and proud. Something that makes Hayden annoyed a bit.

"Sure. Welcome to the group." Hayden said with a voice that he tries to not sounded annoying to Zane's ear.

"Thank you. Thank you." He then sits down on the couch and invites the other two to sit down too. He would start to explain what happens to this city first.

"Okay, so, five years ago. This man, named Lord Kaza arrive in this city. He claims to be the long lost cousin of General Abi. As you might know, Lord Abi welcoming him and his family. He even being one of the province ministers. He offers a job opportunity around the villagers, youngster and most of the people outside the main city."

"Wait wait, why not he offers the job to the people in the city?" Kyra asks.

"Because, if he offers the job for people in the city first, Lord Abi for sure will notice it. So he starts with the villagers."

Kyra nods and Zane continue again.

"All of the people who accept the job soon were transfer to one place. A place that he already builds up years ago without anyone notice it. A place under this city. There's a black market under this city. The biggest one. They provide a weapon, woman, children, slave, and even a valuable item. All of it has been covered by Lord Kaza. General Abi did not know any single things about it."

"But, about the elders that I ask you earlier.."

"Ah yes! The elders, Lord Kaza make new rules. All of the people above fifties need to move back to the village. He claimed that all elders need retirement and don't need to work anymore. The governing unit will give them a sum of money every month as their retirement pay.."

"But?" Kyra lift up her eyebrow. Curious.

"But of course, it just an empty promises. All of them need to work to provide the supply for this province. Cover up all the missing maiden, beautiful girl, children, man and woman from the village."

"They can make a report, right?"

"Sure. They made a report. But..who would attend to such a thing? No one. Lord Kaza control the security in this province."

Hayden clenches his fist. "That damn bastard."

"Yup. He is a damn bastard with a big fat belly." Zane nods his head.

The next day,

General Abi's Castle.

"Your Majesty! Why didn't you tell me you're here?" Abi greets a new King, King Hans to his castle with a wide smile on his face. Of course, even though he might not like him, he still needs to show his smiling face.

"General Abi. I just happen to comes here. Sightseeing." Hans smiling back at him. He was escorted by his Adviser and all of his shadow team has been spread to the few locations.

"Your Highness should have told me first so that I could stretch a red carpet for you." He tries to joke around.

"I don't like red. I prefer gold if you have. But, If you don't have, just don't stretch any carpet for me. I like to come in surprise."

"I will note that, Your Highness." Abi bobbed his head.

"Hmm. General Abi, are you free today?" Hans smile at him while seeing his castle interior design. Very enchanting with combination color of green and gold. There is a living plant all over his castle. A garden type of decor. Just like in West Wing of Zirconia Castle, where Yuina always goes with Hayden. A garden that is built just for Yuina to play at it

"Pardon, Your Highness?" Abi blinks his eyes two times.

"I would like to go around this city. But of course, I don't want an escort. Just you, me and my adviser. There's a place where I would like to go with you." His faces never lack smiling.

"But, that's impossible Your Highness. Here, all people know your face and me. We can't just go like this without any escort. It'd be dangerous for your safety, Your Highness." Abi state the matter-of-fact.

"Oh..Don't worry. We can always disguise our self." Hans looks at his adviser. Lord Albert already lifts up a fake mustache and beard to General Abi.

Knowing there no other way of rejection, he obeys it. "Very thoughtful, Your Highness." He took the fake mustache and smile at both of them.

The three of them then change their attire into a commoner's clothes. Wearing the Ghutra and agal to cover their hair and even make a fake mole in King Hans face. They totally look like a commoner, except they are quite handsome among the citizen.


Meanwhile, Hayden, Kyra, and Zane also ready to go to the place where they held the Princess. The three of them also put on a disguise so that they will get easy access to the place they're going.

"Ready?" Zane asks.

"Yup." Both of Hayden and Kyra nodded their head.

"Good. Let's go now." Zane gets down from the carriage follow by Kyra and Hayden.

They secretly went to one of the bars where there is someone guarding the entrance.

"Your pass, Mister." The bouncer who guards the door ask.

Take out the black card inside his vest, Zane present it to the man.

He flips the card and verifies it. "Welcome aboard, Lord Zane and friends."

Nodded his head, the trio walk inside the bar. It is a bit dark, Kyra had to hold on Zane's sleeve. Hayden and Kyra's eyes widen to see what's inside the bar.

They thought it was a normal bar, but who knew, just after passing the door, there are stairs went straight down to the underground. Many people who wore a fancy dress and suit inside the so-called 'bar'.

They follow their way until they reached one big entrance door. From the corner of his eyes, Hayden could see the security inside this place is quite tight. Just like what Zane had explained last night.

: )

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