
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

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Marrying Me?

The next day, they arrive at the Peridot Kingdom's port.

Just like what Freya said before, the marine soldier escorts them to the bay and help to unload the goods from the ship. Its look like Freya is well-known among these Peridot officers.

Four carriages are waiting for them at the jetty. They went straight to the main city after that. Yuina doesn't want to think much about who Freya is to get this special treatment when this is not her kingdom. It's been long since last she visit this place with her father and of course, with Hayden too. But, before, this kingdom is ruled by the late King, King Lorenzo.

But now, it has been ruled by his son. King Larren. He's younger than Yuina about two years and he already bearing a big responsibility on his shoulder.

"Something bothering you, princess?" Hayden saw Yuina's restless face.

"Hah? Uh…not really. It just..it's been quite long since last I visit this place." Yuina put on smile on her face.

"Yes..you were still young at that time, right?"

"You remember?"

"Of course I remember. That boy confesses to you in front of His Late Majesty and his father at that time. Luckily they treat it as a joke between you two. Otherwise, you might already be betrothed to him."

Yuina laughs softly. Yes, she remembers that incident. Prince Larren boldly said that he likes her in front of her father and his father too. He said it was love at first sight. Even though he is younger than her, but he's quite brave to confess to her like that.

"By the way, how did you rejected him that day?" Hayden suddenly remembers about it. He did not know how Yuina turns him down. She went to meet him secretly without him knowing that time.

That night, he went to search for her like a madman. If he fails to find her, surely he will lose his neck that day. While keep looking for her, he finally spots them not far from the rose garden. But he did not interfere with them and just wait behind the giant pillar until she returns to her room.

"You were there, that night, right?" Yuina peek at him before she diverts her eyes back to her hand.

"You knew?"

"Well, I was aware. You never leave me alone, after all. I just have a small talk with him. Cuddling and give him a goodbye kiss. That's all."

"You were... what??" Hayden a bit surprised to hear that. Well, he didn't think Yuina will be so brave enough to do that with that brat anyway.

"Pffttt…yeah. I know you did not expect that, right?" Yuina looks at Hayden's face which almost turns to green color.

"Of course not. If I knew, I will-" he stop and not continuing his word. He meant to say 'behead him.'

"Oh, Hayden, we were young. Nothing serious though. We talk about it with harmony. I never met him again after that. I guess he's doing alright now." Yuina smiling a bit to him.

Hayden averts his eyes to the side and says "He's married last year if I'm not mistaken."

"I know. You're not jealous, are you?" She squinted her eyes a bit.

"No. I'm not. Even when you have a crush with Hans for years, I could contain myself, let alone just some old story with a brat like him."

Yuina did not reply to him. Hans name makes her heart skip a beat. It is so complicated to ascertain her feeling toward him.

Yes, she was madly in love with him for so many years, but after what he did..all she could feel is hatred. But at the same time, she feels like she loses something.

In the past months..she starts having a love feeling toward Hayden. She starts to realize that she has fallen for him. However, she still afraid. Afraid of another betrayal will happen. What if one day, he decides to leave her like what Hans do? Will she be able to endure it later? She also doesn't want to lose the relationship that she had with him all these years.

It's too precious for her. That is why she still did not give him her answer about how she felt.

"Did I say something wrong, princess? I'm sorry if I hurt you." Hayden took her hand and gently caress it.

"No..don't worry. I already over it." Yuina smile at him. Lucky for them the carriage only carries the two of them while the others took a different carriage.

Both of them keep silent until they reach the Castle's gate. "It's grand as before, huh?" Yuina mumbles before the carriages stop and Freya leads them to the castle.

In other carriages, a few minutes before reaching the castle.

"Z..did you see that?" Rachael pointed her finger to the big fountain at the center of the city, surrounded by the town building.

"Yup..like a dream, right? The architecture here looks like we were in ancient Rome. But the difference is this city is filled with indescribable things." Zoro eyes lit a bit when the first time they enter the main wall gate to the city. It was really beautiful and at the same time it just like a dream to him.

"It's a magical place, Z. I think like I was in a magic world, you know?" Rachael giggles when seeing Zoro's expression.

"Hm..magic does not exist, right? Even though we encounter with weird things too, back in our days, but..there's always an explanation behind it."

"Come on, Z…we already gone through unexplainable occurrence when we were dumped to the ocean from the sky. What else could we do? Just trust your eyes and let this dream keep going on. I don't mind though. Maybe in our real world, we already dead." Rachael still with her believes. Well, whatever. As long they still alive here and safe, that's enough, for now at least.

"Haa..since you said this is a dream. Have you already thought about my proposal before?" Zoro took Rachael's hand to his lap before he caresses it gently.

"Huh?" Rachael looks confused. "Which proposal, again?"

"About..marrying me?" Zoro tilting his head a little, looking deep into her brown eyes.


Ning Zhi who sit at the opposite seat from Rachael blushed when she heard about their conversation. She never thought that these two-person were in such a term to the extent of marrying each other.

She always thought Rachael and him a bit close like a best friend but….Zoro just throws a bomb to the both of them today. After silent took over between them for a few seconds, Ning Zhi decides to clear her throat a bit. "Ahem."

Like just awake from a long dream, Rachael immediately averts her eyes to the side while both of her cheeks blushing red. "Uh…Er..didn't I said…no, last time?"

Ning Zhi almost chocked up. 'Huh? No? So…he was rejected?'

"May I know the reason?" Zoro still wants an explanation from her. His voice also calm.

"Z…you still can't get over my sister-in-law and just because I like you, you suddenly come up with this idea? I know, you're not in love with me and I don't want to be a substitute too. So…yeah..no." Rachael pulls her hand slowly from Zoro.

Again, Ning Zhi pretends to be like air inside the carriages. Even though she's quite surprised. 'Wow..so complicated huh? I thought I just see this kind of scene inside the manga or novel. It does happen in real life too I guess.'

"You're not a substitute. Maybe I'm still not over her yet. But, I can always give it a try to starting to love you, every day? After all, you said that maybe we're already dead in our real world, right?"

Rachael turns her head to look at him back. His expression looks like he serious about it. "Hmm..then..how about if we just going out as other couples? I mean, not until you really fall in love with me, you can't marry me."

"If that's what you want then, I have a lot of time to courting and pampering you in this world." Zoro smile to her respond. He then caresses her cheek using his thumb.

"Emm..well..congratulations to both of you." Ning Zhi spoke up after keep pretending as the air inside the carriage.

Startled, both of them turn to look at her who still blushing, looking at the outside of the window.

"Oops..sorry, Ning Zhi. We forgot that you're here too." Said Zoro.

"Uhh..don't mind me. I didn't hear anything.."

Her awkward smiling shows that she actually heard everything. "Uhm..hey..look at the city's view..it just like a fantasy, right?" She tries to cover the awkwardness between them.

"Yeah..yeah, you right. Hehe." Rachael also diverts her eyes back to the outside of the window. 'Ha~ lucky we didn't kiss in front of her!'


A few minutes later. The main hall, King Larren's private building.

"Greetings Your Majesty," Freya said while the others followed behind her lowered their head a bit including Yuina and the three of the strangers.

Looking at the girl in front of him, he scrunches his eyebrow a bit. "Freya? Where have you been all this time?"

: )

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