
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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I Miss You.

"Your Majesty." Grey kneel before King Hans once he arrived at the Aquamarine town.

He's in the mission when he heard about King Hans making his trip again, secretly. This time, he went to the Aquamarine province just with Lord Albert and a few soldiers with him.

King Hans ordered him to investigate the state of water tribe and the report he sends him a few days ago reached the King. The damage on this province is much more severe than the Emerald City.

It also a bit difficult to deal because it will collide with two kingdoms treaty. This port has been divide with two kingdoms and they've shared most of the profit from it. The Heliodor Kingdom is not a weak kingdom. They're way viler than the other three kingdoms.

"How's the condition until now?" Hans asks him with a casual tone. He also did not wear any crown or heavy-king clothes today.

He already changes his clothes to a Tsumugi along with Lord Albert. They both look like a commoner right now.

"Most of them are affected by the drug. Some of them had to continue to consume for life purpose, and some of them seek the cure in the palace. Only the children under age are still under supervision. General Kiki already put all the children under palace protection. They're not allowed to have any contact with their parent until the condition is stable." Grey reported to him.

"Good. Protect the younger generation is a way to save civilization." Hans said and he starts to walk to the castle gate followed by Grey, Lord Albert, and two other soldiers.

"Everyday, at least two to five death has been reported among the city and nearest town. Mostly because they don't have money to keep buying the drug to maintain their life." Grey continues again.

"Hmm...We need to settle this matter as quickly as we can." He then enters the palace's gate.

"Requesting to meet General Kiki, please." Lord Albert show the King decree in front of the soldier who guards at the front palace.


"Zephy..help me to find these herbs leaves, please? I think I saw it in the yard before we came here. Hmm..at the east barrack where you can see a well there." Kyra shows Yuina a picture on the book she was holding.

"But...Kyra..how do I know it was a right herbal leaf?" Yuina feels a bit nervous. She never goes picking the herbal plant. What if.. she plucking it wrong?

"It has a unique smell, unlike the grass. You'll know it when you see it. I need to go and find other herbs at the other place. If we go together it will take more time. But, if we go separately we can do it faster." Kyra tries to assure her. She was positive that the mixture of the herb which she selected can make a cure to this drug problem.

"Uhm..fine then. How much do you want me to pluck it?" She asks.

"As much as you can get. We have a lot of patients here." Kyra smile at her.

Asahi at the corner of the room just silently watching them. He also secretly look at the herb list. He was a bit impressed with Kyra's knowledge. Even as for him, he did not think about the herb that she chooses to be mixed.

"Okay. So, I'll go now." Yuina nods her head and finds a straw basket inside the lab located beside the library. It is a connected room between the lab and the library.

"Okay. If there's anything just run back here or find me at the herbal field behind this building." She reminds Yuina. More to remind her to not attract problem. She had no choice except to ask Yuina do this task.

That arrogant man inside the room is not more than a statue and stone. He just keeps silent and not helping at all and she pissed about it. If only she was allowed to smack that man's head, she does it long ago.

Once the girls out of the room, Asahi went to the book that Kyra left behind. He observes her solution and analyzes it silently.

'Um, the mixture is good. Everything seems reasonable to use..but…there's something lack.. what is it?' Asahi rubs his chin.

He then went back to the library. Searching an old book about medicine.

"Y...Your Majesty." General Kiki stuttering a bit seeing the man who wore casual clothes smiling at her. They are now in the main hall of the palace.

"Good afternoon, General Kiki."

Lord Albert clearing his throat a bit before he does the explanation to General Kiki about their arrival. Starting from King Hans receive her letter until he offers her his help.

Kiki was a bit grateful to his offers. She need help, and with His Majesty's help, it such a blessing. But, there's something that makes her concern.

"I thank you, Your Majesty, for your offer of bits of help. But, to be blunt, if this matter gets to the Queen of Heliodor, what is the impact on our nation? Our Kingdom?" She asks boldly.

"Regarding the Queen of Heliodor, I'll handle her myself. She will surely visit me soon and I also will be waiting for her. She can't do as she like just because she's immortals."

Kiki nods her head. If the King already said that, there's no more question from her. She just hopes that Hayden is right about the King does his job properly unlike the late King who is a bit scared toward another kingdom.

"Ah~ about tonight..can we stayed here for a few days?" Hans continues again. He almost forgot about their accommodation. He doesn't want to stay the night at the outside of the palace since he knew there's a high possibility that he can be drugged if he chooses to stay at the outside.

"Urm…" Kiki already sweating a bit. It is not she opposed it.. but..

Yuina and her group are also here! What if they both see each other? What excuse she will use to that situation. More importantly, she can't deny his Majesty request, can't she?

"I don't mind staying in the small room. You don't need to prepare anything extravagant, I appreciate if I had a place to sleep at night." Hans saw her troubled face. Wonder why she's a bit hesitating.

"N..No..Your Majesty. Of course, you can stay here. I will prepare a comfortable room for you and for your escort too. I apologize for my small palace." She bows down her head.

"Oh no, Kiki...I just want to be like a normal man. I'm outside of my castle. So treat me just like the other guest." He smiles at her. While Lord Albert already know this soft side of his. He just sighing inwardly. As long as he can rule this kingdom, then he can bear with his soft spot for a while.

Grey also did not show any reaction. He already knows that Hans, despite that he makes a wrong move to get the crown, he also is a bit useful. He can rule the kingdom well so far. So, he did not fully against him.

'Well, at least that dimwit Hayden can live happily with the one he loves without any burden on his shoulder.'

They all then went to the main dining hall for lunch. While on the way to the hall, Hans' eyes caught a glimpse of the woman that he knows. He pretends that he didn't see anything until they arrive at the front of the dining hall.

"I'm sorry General Kiki. Can you proceed it, first? I think I left my pipe in the main hall. I will join shortly after I take my pipe." He said with a smile on his face.

Lord Albert already frowned a bit. But, like always, he pretends as nothing happen.

"Oh, sure. Do you want me to ask my servant to look for it?" Kiki offers her help.

"No no... don't. I'll find it myself."

"Oh..Okay." She feels a bit restless. This king looks like a nice guy. Meaning, he did not act as a king at all. His humble action makes her doubt about what happened to Yuina and Hayden. But, well…if he can rule this kingdom perfectly, who cares about how he gets the throne, right?

Once Hans already leaves the hallway, the others continue to go to the dining hall.

"Hmm…Is this the right herb?" Yuina plucks one plant which grows at the yard that mentioned by Kyra before.

After a look at the physical of the plant, she tilts her head a little.

"She said the smell is a bit different than other grass." She muttered slowly and bring the plant close to her nose. Sniffing it a bit.

Sniff! Sniff!

"Ack! Yuck!" She immediately draws the plant a bit far from her nose.

"Eww! Eww!" She complains and fanning her face with her small hand.

"What are you doing, my dear?" A voice from behind makes her jolt her body a bit.

'That familiar voice! Don't say…'

"I miss you. Aren't you also missing me?" He slowly walks to her. Shorten the distance between them.

Yuina slowly stands up. Still afraid to turn around. Her body stiffens a bit and she bit her bottom lip.

: )

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