
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

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I'm An Inventor

In the next day, all of them already waiting inside the treatment room where the three-person from yesterday staying. Because Freya said that it is supposed the time they're awake right now.

Zoro frowning a bit when he heard the noisy sound around him. Along with the girl named Rachael and Ning Zhi.

"Nngh.." Ning Zhi slowly opening her eyes. That is when she saw four men with three girls standing near her and she diverts her eyes to her right side looking at the couple who also looks like as her condition right now.

"Where am I? Who are you people?"

"Do you know what she's saying? She's not speaking in our language, isn't she?" Grey looked at Hayden and Yuina. Both of them are fluent in other languages.

Yuina knit her eyebrow. She never heard this language that this girl using. But it quite similar to a certain language too. She then averts her eyes to Hayden. He also shakes his head to her.

"No, I don't know what she's saying."

"Rachael..are you awake?" Zoro sits up and looks beside him.

"Where are we? Hey.." Ning Zhi looks at the men who just sit up from the bed. She's familiar with the language he uses. He definitely speaking in the same language she.

Looking at the girl who still laying in the bed not far from him, he shakes his head a bit. "I don't know. Who are they?" He diverts his eyes to the people around him.

"They seem like they don't speak in our language. But..why did we ended up here? I mean..I was.."

Freya was a bit annoyed with the chit chat that she doesn't understand.

"Ugh..language barrier." She then cast her magic to the three of them. They look a bit shocked and frighten a bit.

"Multiverse language translating," said Freya and slowly her emblem start to formed and fading away within the seconds.

"What's that just now? What she just do to us?" Ning Zhi wrapped her hand around her shoulder, feeling a bit anxious.

"It's magic," Freya replied casually.

"Eh! You..you…can speak in our language?" She stammering a bit. Zoro at the side also frowned a bit.

"It's you who can speak in our language. Ha~ Forget it. What's your name? Why did you fall from the sky?" Freya starts questioning her.

"Uh..I..I…" She tilts her head a bit. What am I doing before I came here? Where is this, anyway?

"I think its better if we talk this matter at the deck. They just woke up and need some fresh air. Right?" Yuina gives some suggestion when she saw the confusion face that girl makes along with the couple too.

"Yeah. They look uncomfortable here." Kyra support Yuina's suggestion. It better if they talk about it at the outside.

"Well, if you say so." Freya shrugged her shoulder.

She walks to the door and went to the deck followed by others.

"Are you okay? Let me help you." Yuina and Kyra offer their help to the two stranger girl while Hayden helping the man.

They went to the spacious deck which has its own st Augustine grass and there's also has pergola and gazebo for them to rest on the deck. It makes Ning Zhi eyes turn a bit wider and she could feel the breeze softly touch her skin. Making she suddenly smile. So comfortable.

"You like it here?" Yuina asks her with a gentle tone.

She notices how she react when she saw the deck. It is indeed beautiful and full of nature concept. Knowing it was decorated by Freya itself, it does make her heart feel a bit jealous but at the same time, she admires it. She has good taste. A princess's taste.

Ning Zhi nods her head. She could feel a bit relaxed around Yuina. She gives a good vibe and she did not look at her like she was an alien. Well, even though the others also did not look at her like that, but she could feel that this girl gaze is different from others. Ning Zhi also did not know how to say it in word.

"Uhm..now that I saw your face, aren't you Lisa? Blackpink?" Suddenly her eyes shine like a star. She does have a face as her favorite celebrity!

Yuina tilts her head a bit. "Who?"

"Whoa! Rach, slap me!" Zoro says while shaking Rachael's arm. She also was surprised to see the ship deck which supposed to be dreadful and sorrow turn out to be so beautiful as a garden landscape. What the hell is wrong with this ship anyway?

She looked up at the flag. Gulp. Yup! It was indeed a pirate flag. The skull usually indicating they're a pirate right? Yet…why this ship looks a bit familiar..she somehow has seen it somewhere. Where is it?

'Ah!' she remembers when she was four-year-old, she sneaked into her father's study room and found out that her father was watching some cartoon about a pirate. The ship though looks a bit similar than this one. But…..that's impossible, right?

'Nah…that can't be it..' She shakes her head a little.

"Hey, Rach..did you hear me?" Zoro still shaking her arm.

She snapped her head to him with a bit frowned. "My arm still hurt. Don't shake it too much or I'll kick you."

Zoro lowered his head a bit. "Sorry." he pulls back his hand.

This time he followed behind them and went to take a seat at the bench which is attached to the pillar. Even though this place doesn't look like their world, but there's some similarity.

"So, let's start with the naked girl who falls from the sky first." Freya folds her hand on her chest. Ready to hear it out.

While others freely sit anywhere they want. Jett and other dragons also transform their form into a cute little dragon. Just like a stuffed animal in those stranger's world.

"Oh my god. Is that real? Is it dragons?" Rachael's eyes lit a bit. She always wants to see this kind of animal in her world, even though that's impossible. She was a heavy fan of mythical creatures.

"Hey Rach, don't touch. It'll bite." Zoro holds her hand which already reached out to Jett.

Jett looks at the man and he squinted his round and green eyes a bit. "I'm not eating human." He flies to Rachael's palm and sits on it. He has black and a bit rough scales and only leaves him with the white fangs and emerald green eyes.

Like a little girl who just receives a new doll, Rachael squishing it gently and play with Jett's belly. It's like she just found a really cute plaything.

Even though Jett is a bit fierce when he is in a human form, but when he changes to this form, he actually likes to be caress by a human. It feels like he's been loved. It's not because Hayden never does that. It because his master before Hayden always rubs his belly like that.

He still has an animal instinct which wants to be caress and loved too.

"Hey Jett, control yourself," Cerulean said and Roux also nods his head. But that just a mere talk while they also landing on Rachael's laps. Taking a nap while she caresses all of them.

"Seriously? I feel so envious right now." Zoro squinted his eyes to the three of that talking 'thing'. Luckily he already immune to this kind of setting when he knew about Athena and others. So, he can tolerate this situation right now.

Ning Zhi on the other side already gulps a bit. She looks rather pale. But then, Yuina rub on her back. Calming her.

"Don't be afraid. They did not harm us. They're a friend."

"Erm." She nods her head and turns to look at Freya who still waiting for her answers.

She inhales a bit before she starts. While listening to her story, most of them did not understand at all, except Rachael and Zoro who keep nodding their head. What is the lecturer? What the hell is she talking about?

While Zoro was focusing on her story, he concludes one thing that he's sure, it seems like they come from the same world. But…there's something bothering him. He let her finish her story first.

Freya rubs his forehead a bit. Try to stomach all of the information she just told.

"Well, what about you?" Freya looks at Zoro.

Zoro also looking at her for a moment before he answers her question.

"I was in a mission."

"You mean, your linework is like mine?" Grey interject their conversation.

"Huh?" Zoro knit his eyebrow did not understand what he means by 'like him'.

"I'm a captain that lead a special team to carry out secret duties for the King," Grey explains to him.

"Oh~ I get it." Zoro nods his head a few times.

"But, no. I'm a bit different from you. In my world, I'm the number one tech guy. I make weapon and military tools. I even make robots, you know." He grins a bit.

"Huh? What is that? Are you smith?" Grey tilted his head a bit. Did not understand at all what is he's talking about the robot or tech guy.

While Rachael and Ning Zhi already laugh to see Zoro try to boasting but none of them know anything about what he's talking about.

"Ah~ forget it. Let's just keep in your mind..I'm an inventor."

1) st Augustine grass is also known as carpet grass in my country.

2) Lisa that Ning Zhi mention is one of the singer member group in Korea, named Blackpink. You can google to check it out how she looks like.

and last, the other 2 chapters will be upload a bit late today because of personal reason. Gomen'nasai.

: )

voiletevergardencreators' thoughts