
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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Glad You're Okay

After two days of riding, finally, they arrive at Zircon province.

Hayden leads them to his secret manor at the northern province. This place is actually his family's house before he was brought back by Lord Mathias at the mountain castle.

After he gets the title as General, he sends one family to take care of his manor while he's gone. That family is actually a couple who is stayed at the castle. They got married and plan on living on their own.

Hayden gives them the keys and lets them live in his manor.

They arrive early in the evening. When the couple saw him, they're quite shocked and immediately they bow their head to their master.

"Welcome back...Master." The husband said.

"What are you doing? Raise your head." Hayden said. While the other four behind him look at the husband and wife and their daughter which is maybe around six or seven years old.

Raise their head, the husband stammering a bit. "Ma...Master, we heard the news..s..saying that you.."

"I understand. We're just a ghost here. Treat us like a ghost." He said again and extend his hand to Yuina.

Both of them nodded their head. Meaning that they will never speak about their existence to the outsider. This manor also a bit hidden from the nearest town and far from the castle. This is a perfect place to hide.

Yuina took Hayden's hand and he brings her to the living area followed by Kyra, Zane, and Farrell.

"Prepare their room. We will stay here for a few days only." Hayden said again to the couple.

"Just make yourself at home. This is my manor. We rest here before we go again." Hayden then turns to the four of them. Seeing their surprised expression.

"So you have a secret place, huh?" Zane started.

"Not a secret. Just what my parent left me with before they died" He took at sit and rest his head.

"So, you're not a farmer son? I always thought that-" Kyra asks.

"No. My father is from a rich family. My mom was a..physician. When war broke, they have been attacked and that is when I become..orphan."

"Sorry to hear that." Kyra lowered her head a bit.

Yuina looks at him and caresses his hand which still holding her hand.

"Don't be. It's been so long ago. I already have forgotten how they look like."

"Master..the bedroom is ready." The wife said after she was done the cleaning.

"Thank you, Mira." Hayden stands up again and smiles at the lady. She looks radiant and sweet even though she's a bit plump then previous years.

Yuina just done bathing and changing, she planned to go down at the kitchen and help the lady to make dinner.

When she arrives at the corridor, she's heard that the lady was talking with her husband about Hayden.

"Poor Master Hayden. Because of that princess, he had to take the consequence and the blame." The lady said.

"What can we do. It is his duty to protect the princess." and the husband said.

"But..he supposed to get engaged. Now, everything is ruin. Poor Alya."

Yuina blinks her eyes a few times. 'Engaged? Alya?'

"Alya is a lovely girl, she will find another man to marry her." the husband said again.

"But..we all supported for Alya and Hayden to get married. She's been with Hayden more longer than the princess. They have been in love for so many years. If only Hayden refuses to babysit the princess, all of this not gonna be happen."

"Shh..slow down your voice."

"Hah…is the princess the girl that is Hayden holding hand before?"

"I think so. Her hair matches the description."

"See..even though she is not a princess anymore, she keeps our Hayden as her knight. Still, babysit her. So many prince and men from royalty, why she need to stick with our Hayden like a gum?"

"Honey, let's drop this topic. It is Hayden's choice to who he wants to be with. Either it Alya or the princess, it's his choice okay?"


Yuina lowered her gaze to the carpet. A bit shocked by the new news and turn sullen. Yes, she feels her heart had been prick with a sharp knife.

'Why didn't he tell me about him and Alya? No wonder, they look so close. They even plan to get engaged! Now, what have you done, Yuina! He can't be yours forever.'

She slowly returns back to her room. Her eyes were teary a bit.

"Hello." A soft voice from the outside make the couple inside the house went to look at the outside of the wooden fence.

"Hi, I come to drop by. Heard your daughter will turn six next week." Alya smiles brightly to the couple at the door.

She had a business in this area and she decides to pay a visit to the couple she knew from the castle.

"Alya?! Oh my god! Come in." The wife so happy and went to hug her.

"How are you?" Alya asks with a soft voice.

"Fine. Come on in."

When Alya step into the lawn, her eyes caught a familiar figure standing at the window looking at the other direction.


"Hm?" The wife turns around and looks at Alya.

"He's here, isn't he?" Alya looks at Mira's face.

Gasps, she covers her mouth after that. Stammering. "Sh..shh...Please..don't tell people."

Alya chuckles seeing Mira stammering. At the bottom of her heart, she feels so relieved to know that Hayden is safe. She has been missing him.

"It's okay. He won't mad at you if I know about this. Can I see him?" Alya said.


"I won't say your name. Relax. He's not that bad. You know it." Alya calms her down.

"Okay.." The wife finally gives in.

As both of the girls went inside, the husband gulps a bit at the door.

'Will this be okay? That spoiled princess is here and the future bride of Hayden also is here. They're not gonna start a catfight, right?'


Knock knock

"Come in," Hayden said. He just finishes bathing and now he's checking his father's study room which is now his. He wants to look into information regarding the tales if his dad collecting it.

He still facing the bookshelf when the person outside of the door, step in.

"Hayden.," Alya call his name.

He knows that voice. Scrunches his eyebrow a bit. He slowly turned around and look at the girl who is wearing a teal color dress, with her long and soft hair tied up into a bun. Her eyes were a bit teary with a smile on her face.


"Oh..Hayden..I'm glad you're okay." She went to Hayden and hug him. Bury her head onto his chest and wrapped his hand around his waist.

He pats on Alya hair and when he feels like someone looking at them from the door, he diverts his eyes and saw that Yuina was standing there, in front of his door room.

Looking a bit shocked and her face turn a bit pale.

"Prin...Zephy?" Hayden said.

Without replying to him, she went back to her room without looking back.

'Zephy? Seriously?'

: )

voiletevergardencreators' thoughts