
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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100 Chs

Did You Guys Already Official?

Chirp chirp!

"Mnn.." Kyra fumbles her hand at her side. She thought Yuina was beside her.

"Yuina..wake up.." She hoarsely said while rubbing on something hard and firm beside her.

'Eh? Why it's so flat?' She rubs further upward.

'Eh? Since when Yuina's figure this large?'

'Eh, wait! Yuina sleeps in the next room, isn't she? Then….then who is…' She immediately sits up and turns to look at her side.

"Morning, dear~" Grey smiles charmingly at her. He already adjusting his position to sit up and he reached Kyra's long hair before he kisses the edge of it.

"Y...You..since when did you get in here?" Kyra stares at him.

"Huh? Erm..since last night. You didn't remember? We're cuddling all night. You're snoring though." He chuckles.

Kyra's jaw dropped a bit. She wants to say something but nothing came out from her mouth.

"It's okay...Everyone has a little secret. Even though your snoring is quite loud, I can handle it though." He teases her again. This time, he even winks his eye to her.

Grab the pillow beside her, she slaps on his face using the pillow. "Get out, now!" Even though she said that to him, but she was the one who leaves the room.

At the hallway, she bumped with Yuina. She also seems a bit flustered. 'Something happens to her too, I guess.'

"Yuina, where are you going?" She asks.

"Getting ready to go to Heliodor."

"Oh.. did the three of them already wake up?"

"Yeah. Just Hayden and Zane. Farrell still sleeping."

"Okay..I'll go get some medicine and check on them first. You should get ready by now." Kyra smile at her and went to get the treatment medicine for after consuming the flower extract yesterday.

"So, where are you going this early?" Hayden asks. He did hear Jett saying about going somewhere in half an hour later.

"We gonna go to the neighboring province in the Heliodor Kingdom. The situation turns out to be…" He explains everything to Hayden and Zane. Farrell still hasn't wake up.

"Wait up. I'll go with you guys." After hearing the explanation from Jett, he feels it's an inconvenience to let Yuina go without him at her side. Besides she can't fight, she also had a natural talent to run into trouble if he's not with her.

"What? No! You need to rest! You just recovered." Kyra suddenly pops up at the frame door. She went inside the room and put the tray on the floor.

"But Kyra. I'm already good now." Hayden looks at her. She starts to sort out a few medicines into a small teacup.

"No. You're not. Your outer body may seem like you're good to go, but your inner body will break if you don't treat it properly. So, you can't go. Besides, she gonna be fine. The dragons are with her. Not only that, but Grey also coming with her." She gives him the teacup and signaling him to drink it up.

"Grey? You mean, 'that' Grey?" Hayden squinted his eyes a bit.

"I don't know any other Grey except 'that' Grey." Kyra went to Zane and give him the same medicine she gives to Hayden.

"Is he on a mission in this province?" Hayden mumbling slowly.

"I don't know the details, maybe you can ask him when you see him later."


"No buts, Hayden. You can't even move much right now. How do you want to protect Yuina if you only being a burden to the group? They need to do it faster in order to save another patient's life." Kyra said with a serious face.

Seeing how eager Kyra is..Hayden let out a deep sigh.

"Don't worry, Master Hayden. We will surely protect the King. We'll do our best." Cerulean said. Trying to lighten the tensing atmosphere inside the room.

"Fine..she can be a bit stubborn and annoying. I hope you guys can get used to it."

"Not to worry, we already know it." Roux smile at him.

"Yeah..thanks." Hayden looks at the three of them.

"Be careful." Hayden looks at Yuina's eyes while his one hand cupped on her cheek.

"I know. Don't worry about me. Just get enough rest and get better, okay?." She smiles and holds on his hand.

"How can I not worry when I know you always get into trouble without me beside you?"

Yuina chuckles. "Well..that's something I can't avoid. But, I have a powerful companion this time."

Hayden squints his eyes a bit. "So, you're saying that I'm not good enough?"

"Hahah..no..you're the best fighter I've known." She brings Hayden's hand back to his laps.

"I need to go. I'll see you again." She kissed on Hayden's cheek before she hurriedly went out of the room leaving Hayden dumbstruck for a moment. That included Zane too.

"Uh….. did you guys already official?" Zane asks after some time.

"N..not yet. Or is it..she already decided?" Hayden tilts his head a little. He also confuses with Yuina's behavior. Sometimes, she acts like they were in a real relationship. But, sometimes, she just ignores him and treats him like usual. He really can't understand what she's thinking. She's unpredictable.

"Jett, I'm ready," Yuina said whilst tied up her hair into a ponytail. This time she wears Shinobi Shozoku attire. It easy for her to move and it lighter than Yukata or Kimono.

Looking at Yuina, Jett, Roux, Cerulean and Grey were awestruck a bit. This is the first time Yuina wearing something like this. She looks more cute and different from her usual appearance.

"Well, not bad, princess." Grey complimenting her.

Kyra snapped her head to him and slaps on his shoulder. "Hey!"

"What?" Grey asks while turning to Kyra.

She did not reply to him as she busy preparing a few medicines for Yuina, just as a precaution if anything happens when they were in the mission.

"Oh, my dear suddenly feels jealous because I compliment another girl?" Grey already half grinning.

"Stop your nonsense. There's nothing between you and me. I don't like you. So stop acting that we're a couple." She glares at him and went to Jett and Yuina. Grey still smiling seeing she suddenly pissed like that.

"Yuina, this is the medicine that I've prepared for you all. There's a description I write on each of it." Kyra gives her a small sling bag and Yuina put in on.

"Thanks, Kyra."

"Be safe. And uh.." She turns to look at Jett with full of the question in her mind.

"How do you plan on going? Why not using the front gate?"

Jett smile at her. "Lady Kyra, using the front gate is dangerous for us since King Hans is here too. So, we're just using this yard."

"Huh?" Kyra getting more confuse.

"Kyra, go to the hallway. Jett gonna transform now." Yuina touches her shoulder and nod to Jett.

Once Kyra steps back at the open hallway, Jett starts to let out his wing, along with Roux and Cerulean. Kyra and Grey eye's turn a bit wider while Hayden and Zane also looked surprised from their room. They can only watch them from their room with an open door.

"Whoa! Aren't they gonna notice us?" Grey asks.

"Not really," Jett said and he looks at Roux.

Roux then cast a spell where there's a transparent symbol suddenly pop up above them and after he's done, the symbol turns into sparkling dust raining on their body including Grey and Yuina.

"It's a spell where we become invisible to ordinary people. Let's go now."

"En." Yuina nods her head and hops on Jett's back. The three of them already transform into their original form. A dragon form. But they use a smaller size to fit on the courtyard. Grey hop on Roux's back and they start to fly after that.


: )

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