
The Fallen Princess

Summary Every Kingdom has its own tales. Long ago before the Zirconia Kingdom was formed, a Red Demon Dragon with four other dragons has descended to the earth where he manages to gather all four tribes from four provinces to be one kingdom. It is now known as the Zirconia Kingdom. Because of his love toward the humankind, he decides to change his immortal form to be a human and lives as a King of Zirconia for the rest of his life. Four other dragons who are very loyal to him, decide to protect the kingdom at every four corners of this kingdom until he was reborn again. A thousand years have passed, his reincarnation born with the abilities he had once he was a dragon. This time, he was reborn to be the ‘Princess’. She was supposed to get engaged with her knight when suddenly her crush killed her father and make her a fugitive in her own Kingdom. The prophecy told that once she was reborn, her kingdom will be at the edge of the doom. All other four kingdoms have been desiring to conquer Zirconia and to regain back her crown, she needs to find four other dragons guardian. A Dragon Kingdom (Zirconia) is surrounded by the Viking Kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, and the Hybrid Creatures Kingdom which is targeting to conquer the Zirconia Kingdom as a trophy. Will she succeed to regain her crown and protecting her Kingdom from four other Kingdom? This story is about Love, friendship, fantasy, and adventure. Bug me at discord : https://discord.gg/87PSsH

voiletevergarden · General
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A New General Of Zircon.

Hayden picking one stone and throw it to the tree near the wooden gate. Yuina was completely surprised to see Hayden do such a thing. She cupped her mouth with her hand and gasp a bit.


One man falls from the tree. Base on his young looking face, he might be in his early twenty. He rubs his butt a little and turns around to look at the person who dares to throw him with a stone while he was sleeping.

"Still lazying around, huh brat?" He smirking seeing one of his apprentices look at him with a furious look.

"You!" He throws his spear to Hayden and Hayden just brush aside the spear with the back of his hand.

Went to him, he locks his head with his armpit and grinds it with his knuckle. "If I were an enemy, our castle will be the first thing I will destroy it, you punk!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Brother Hayden! It's not my fault. This province is too safe to get an attack from the enemy. No one dares to attack us anyway!" He half yelled.

Soon a lot of boys and girls start to gathering around Hayden. They seem so close. Yuina in front of the wooden gate feel a bit reliefs and smiling to see how famous Hayden is.

"Brother Hayden! brother Hayden is back! Come on! Let's play together." A group of children starts to swarm around him.

"Hey hey, kids. Brother Hayden is not here to play, you know? If you wanna play with him, you need to get ready to broke your ribs at least one or two." Said one boy who is younger than the first one before.

Knock on his head, Hayden look at him with the meaning of scolding him. "Don't make them afraid. If you want me to broke your rib, come here. Let's train."

"Err..no thanks..help! Commander Hades." He hides behind the one who guards the gate.

"Hmm..deal with it. Who ask you to provoke big brother Hayden. Even I had got to throw with a stone you know." He just casually picking his nose while turning to the gate back.

"Eh, who is that?" He immediately let down his finger from his nose and turn to look at Hayden.

"This is..Zephy. My friend." Hayden uses Yuina's middle name as a disguise. He still not know yet whether, in Zircon, people already alert about their news or not. So it's better to take a precaution step.

Open up her hood, she looks at them and smiles brightly. "Hi, nice to meet you."

After she said that, an uproar starts to spread around the castle. "Whoa! Is this brother Hayden's girlfriend? Such a pretty angel." Hades wants to greet her by a handshake with her, but fast as lightning, Hayden holds Hades to not move closer to Yuina. Not even a slightest touch at all.

"Don't touch her as you like, or I'll have to amputate your hand." He said with a serious tone.

"What? Tch! Stingy. Just because she's your girlfriend, you forget who is your family." He rolled his eyes to Hayden and went to the group.

"Hayden.." Yuina puffs her cheek. Not liking the way Hayden too protective toward her.

"It's for your safety, princess." He said with a low voice so that no one would hear it.

Turn his body around, he holds Yuina hand and went to the group. "Where's that old man? I need to see him."

"Where else? In his room maybe. Lazying around." Hades said lazily.

"Erm." He then searches for someone and when he found her, he calls her name. "Alya!"

"Hayden!" She went to him and without any warning, she hugs him making Yuina a bit surprised. To add her surprises, Hayden also hugs her back!

'Wait! Is she Hayden's girlfriend?' She immediately releases her hand from Hayden and diverts her eyes to not see a romantic scene right in front of her eyes.

"How are you?" Hayden asks once she releases the hug.

Nods her head, she said. "I'm good. Did you come back here for a long period, this time?" her eyes show a bit glint of hopes.

Thinking a moment, he said. "No. I still had duties."

"Aww..when will that princess release you from your work? She is such a baby. Why she needs a bodyguard when she already a grown woman." She stomping on the ground and puff her cheek.

Yuina immediately turns to her. Her eyes are a bit wider than before. A shock that this woman dares to say something like that. A baby? Since when she is a baby?

"Don't say that. Oh, by the way, can you help me. Bring new clothes for my friend and assist her needs while I go to that old man room?" He pats on Alya's head.

Looking at the woman beside Hayden, she tilts her head a bit. "Why did she so dirty? Where did you find her?"

Yuina wants to say something, but Hayden immediately holds her shoulder. Rub it a little, signaling her to not say anything at all.

"She's an orphan I meet on my way here. Zephy." He still with his calm posture.

"Oh..okay." She nods and looks at the woman, "Come here. You should take a bath and change your attire."

Yuina looks at Hayden. She is a bit afraid to leave Hayden's side. He never left her with anyone else except for that night.

Looking down at her face, he knew Yuina is a bit hesitant to follow Alya. But Alya is a good girl, even though her tongue is sharp, but she had a kind heart.

"Go. I will meet you back once I'm done with that old man." His voice is gentle and sound mellow. Alya tilts her head again. She never saw this side of Hayden. Not to this extent of his gentleness.

'Ah..maybe he just feels sorry for this woman.' She thought.

"Will you be long?" She asks.

"I won't be long."

Looking at Alya, Yuina went to her side and follow her step after that.


Knock! Knock!

"Hey, old man," Hayden calls once he pushes the door to open it.

"Mmm?" Lord Mathias was busy petting his cat on his arm and he did not look at the one who comes to his room.

"Did you hear the news?" Hayden asks straightforwardly, he walked inside and close the door before he sits on the couch near Lord Mathias.

"Ah~ My son. When did you come back?" He still with his free attitude.

"Answer my question, you old geezer." Hayden crosses his arm around his chest.

Chuckles, he nods his head. "I did. I got a report from Lord Albert telling me you went rampage and kill the King. Not only that, but you also kidnapping Princess Yuina. Hmm, weird isn't it? Why would you want to kidnap your own fiance? On top of that, why would you kill the King if the King itself wants to give his crown to you?" He rubs his chin and tilts his head a little.

He raises Hayden since he was three years old. His family has been killed in the war, took him in, he raised him and trained him to be the strongest man. He indeed has his own skills. The legend about the knight dragon might be not just tales at all. He test it when he was twenty, he gives him the black beast sword. A sword that is carved with a black stone in its handle.

It is said that this sword is one of the ferocious dragons from generation to generation to protect the true heir of King dragon, Red Demon. A thousand years ago, the Red Demon died and all the group of dragon part to their own way.

This sword is the symbol that the black dragon, also known as black thunder leave it for his selected guardian. No one able to uncover how to use this sword, not until Hayden use it. He somehow activates it and this sword seems has found its guardian.

"I was framed. Prince Hans is the one who kills his Majesty." Hayden lowered his head a bit. He feels regret. Regret for not protecting King Edward. Regret that he was a bit late to realize that the castle has been surrounded by Hans's soldier.

"I know. That is why I did not alert the whole town. They also don't know that the King has selected you to be the Princess's husband."

"They will hold a meeting with all the head of the clan and aristocrat to choose a new King. With me still holding the title of General, they likely will attack this city. Thus, I've been thinking." He looks at Lord Mathias with determination.

"Is it what I've been thinking it is?" He lifts up his brow.

Nod his head, he said firmly "I will leave my post as General. You need to make Hades as the new chief of the clan. A new General of Zircon."

: )

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