
The Fallen One

Once upon a time, the biggest problem people had was with each other. Wars tore up the planet because everyone wanted to be in charge and get rich. This time of trouble was all about making money, even if it meant doing terrible things that most people didn’t know about. But then, something strange happened. People all over the world started to get amazing powers that nobody could explain. This made the leaders and secret groups nervous, so they tried to control these mysterious people to keep things the way they were. Just when it looked like things might calm down, the sky itself seemed to break apart. The best soldiers sent to check out these weird sky holes vanished without a trace. The leaders and secret meetings had to act fast. They decided to send their strongest people to figure out this puzzle, knowing it was a big danger to everyone. Away from all the trouble, under a cherry blossom tree, a young man named Atlas was joking around with two sleepy kids in his arms. “Wake up, you two. We’ve got to make dinner,” he said softly. But they just swatted his hand away and asked to sleep a little longer. “Just a minute more, Atlee,” they said together. Atlas laughed and said, “It’s Atlas,” but they didn’t hear him. He watched over them as they slept, and the gentle wind made him fall asleep too, with cherry blossoms falling all around them.

RavenGround · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
181 Chs

Wolf of the Underworld Part 2

Here at this place and time, they were aplenty. Hei Long didn't know if they offer the same strengthening ability after being slain. In these lands, after they were slain he would feel like he would get something out of killing them. The truth is that Hei Long was getting stronger after every fight with these creatures. He didn't know nor read the notification that we were receiving from god knows where. All he knew and thought was that if he stopped fighting then surviving this place was night impossible as different types of beast lurks every nooks and cranny of this place. "This place is simply hell if not more," he thought for himself. Yes, he wanted to fight, but too much fighting was just simply too much for his body and brain. "Boom!" Another beast went flying and crashing down against another of its kind. "Man! When will then end!" He threw another punch from the incoming swipes and bites from his enemies. Seeds of light slowly and gradually gathered and came to him providing him plenty of energy, and… notification of some sorts. It was a weird notification that he simply can't get his mind on it. These kinds of notifications kept on ringing in his mind as he fought for his little life. Then with another barrage of powerful, fast punch another beast fell to its demise as blood flowed down like a river. Although the wolves of the underworld were able to stand up from his punches and kicks, it didn't mean that they were invulnerable to it. Gradually, the wolves of the underworld were slowing down their blood trickled down the floor forming mud of blood. After 10 minutes of fighting, Hei Long grew tired. He might have been tired due to prolong skirmish. He could run away, but giving up was out of the option since death would be the reward that he could with giving up. "When will this?" Hei Long thought. His mind was muddled, everything became automatic he dodged, threw punches, kicked, dodged, ducked, and rolled. He didn't do everything he could to fight. The fighting was endless. One against the pact of wolves of the underworld. Everything slowed down in his eyes, as he fought the never-ending battle. Punches after punches kick after kicks. "When will this end?" He could have given up, but he wanted Lily to get outside of this world, in this dark unforgiving place. This was no man's land, a hell hole for a young lady. His breathing was erratic, but he kept ongoing. Soon, he wasn't able to perfect dodge the attacks of the underworld wolves. "Shit! There are still so many of them. I need to keep on coming, stop then I will meet my maker!" "Ahhh!" Hei Long screamed as he was sent flying away due to one of the attacks hitting his body. It was a good thing that he was able to curl up before receiving the hit. Ultimately, it was a strong attack that hindered his mobility. Standing up, Hei Long knew that the damage that was done to his body was gradually making him dizzy and more erratic. The wolves of the underworld glared at him, while he spat the coagulated blood in his mouth onto the ground before wiping it with a demonic smile on his face. "Come on! I have still a lot gas on my body!" He locked his eyes on the beast that was limping he grabbed its body and threw it at the other. The impact was so strong that it send the other flying like flies, more blood was spilled on the very ground that he was standing. "Man, this is one of a hell of a fight!" He licked his bloodied lip and smiled. "But I liked this, either I die again, or live to tell the tale!" Fighting the wolves of the underworld made Hei Long get a hang or adjust his fighting style. In the first part of the skirmish, he didn't do much because it was the first time that we were able to fight these types of the beast. But not, it was far from different, he knew where and how to kill them faster. "They are no different from normal wolves, they can be easily killed if I attack their throat and stomach." He thought to himself, as he readied himself to attack once more. "This time it will be different," he said. "Come on! Let fight to the death!" He screamed as he went to the nearest wolves. The wolf saw him coming and slashed its claw diagonally, but he already saw that coming. So he dodged it by leaning on his right before going after the kill, which was the throat of the beast. He punched it so hard that it went through its throat killing it in the process. It was effective. The beast fell down squirming and jerking disturbing the surrounding beasts. "Ding! The Gods are amazed at your bravery and courage to face this challenge!> "You've gained strength +1> Hei Long felt very different, he felt tired but aside from that he something inside of him changed. "I feel so much stronger now." He looked at the wolves of the underworld. There were only twenty of them. He was preparing to attack, his right foot bulged with great proportion, with a great pushed forward a crater was created on the ground while he was propelled to the maws of the wolves of the underworld. After arriving in front of one of the wolves of the underworld, Hei Long ducked, evading barely the vicious bite, and he pierced the throat of the beast in one setting. He continued to do the same thing until no one beast was left behind to tell the tales for another day. Hei Long looked around and clichéd his fist. He saw body after body of wolves of the underworld layers together like a small mountain. It was really a sight to behold. If he told anyone about this, no one would really believe him. Even Hei Long himself was flabbergasted with the event that took place here. Following the fight, another notification rang through his head like it normally would. He treated it like some kind of magical voice that would guide him to something more amazing. Hei Long knew that if thread this way.