
The Fallen One

Once upon a time, the biggest problem people had was with each other. Wars tore up the planet because everyone wanted to be in charge and get rich. This time of trouble was all about making money, even if it meant doing terrible things that most people didn’t know about. But then, something strange happened. People all over the world started to get amazing powers that nobody could explain. This made the leaders and secret groups nervous, so they tried to control these mysterious people to keep things the way they were. Just when it looked like things might calm down, the sky itself seemed to break apart. The best soldiers sent to check out these weird sky holes vanished without a trace. The leaders and secret meetings had to act fast. They decided to send their strongest people to figure out this puzzle, knowing it was a big danger to everyone. Away from all the trouble, under a cherry blossom tree, a young man named Atlas was joking around with two sleepy kids in his arms. “Wake up, you two. We’ve got to make dinner,” he said softly. But they just swatted his hand away and asked to sleep a little longer. “Just a minute more, Atlee,” they said together. Atlas laughed and said, “It’s Atlas,” but they didn’t hear him. He watched over them as they slept, and the gentle wind made him fall asleep too, with cherry blossoms falling all around them.

RavenGround · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Fight It!

Feeling the wild surge of power from his surrounding, coming straight at him, Hei Long clenched his fist and took a single step ahead with his left foot. He bent his foot while mustering his strength and gathering the energy he accumulated from his surrounding and directing it to his hand. Glowing with energy, then he looked at the creature, that was floating several meters away from him while avoiding his variety of attacks. He then released the accumulated power, that he gathered, out in a form of a single punch. As he unleashed his move, a colossal green fist burst out, sped straight to the beast ahead.


Perceiving danger, and seeing the incoming attack, the beast let out a cry, and hurriedly made a grabbing motion while floating mid-air, and crossed its arm towards its chest. As fast as the wind itself, the surrounding air current rustled throughout the deep forest while making a crackling sounds from time to time. And around the creature, the vigorous wind had formed into a revolving shield, which was about the size of a car. With its revolving nature, the windy shield had sucked and cut the giant, razor-sharp vines and roots around the radius of 3 meters—destroying them in the process with great ease. With the shield at the front ready to take the incoming attack, the creature curled up like a ball.

The gigantic fist and the revolving shield made a head-on collision.

"Bam!" The earth and trees burst asunder. The collision was so strong that it made an exploding sound when the two collided. Shock wave burst forth, blowing away, and scattering the dust of the earth, splinters of the trees, and the leaves and vines into the battlefield. In the center of it, a huge crater as the size of a big truck could be seen curving inward, and a crisscrossed wound the earth stretching across the forest and unto its trees. The once paradise of the beast was now wrecked with havoc and full of wounds… The solemn beasts, which was the resident of the place, made an agonizing cry that could invoke an intense emotion of sadness and grieve.

Covered with multiple damaged black wings, Hei Long came out unscathed after the ordeal. When he first fought the beast with his nature magic, he had never thought that beast would be this strong—and neither did he thought that his attack would be this strong, After hearing the cries of the beast, Hei Long felt ashamed for he had never wanted this kind of conclusion. He walked towards the center of the collision, trying to see if the beast was dead or not. And by the time he arrived at the center, he saw that the humanoid beast was lying down, curled up and unconscious, on the very center of the crevice. When he first saw the humanoid beast, it was covered wind-based magic forming as full-body green-armor, so he never saw what "it" really looked like. At a closer looked, Hei Long thought that it might be a bandit—which is really bad for that poor thing if it really was the case.

He bent down, and grabbed the person in question, on the neck.

Feeling the pulse of life from its neck, he frown while contemplating, "Although it may seem weak and unconscious, this thing is dangerous."

Then out of sudden, someone nudged his head and said, " Get your hands off of her!" A voice so small and weak that he barely noticed it. He turned out to see what kind of vile beast it was—to suddenly appear at his back and nudged him without noticing anything peculiar, at all! But when he turned his head, the first thing he saw made him yelped. "The heck, it was actually a fish?"

When the little one heard him say fish, it glared at Hei Long and said, "Me? A fish? Hmmph!"

"Then what are you, if you're not a fish?"

"I'm a Dragon, the future of the great Dragon Race, and great Dragon!"

"But, you're so small, and you don't like one." Hei Long had this cynical tune when he spoke with the small thing. The beast was fuming in anger, and fire like sparks appeared on its nose, with a snort, splinters of sparks and smokes emerged out from its mouth and nose.

Opening its gaping jaw, and revealing its razor sharp teeth, the beast puff a ball of fire at Hei Long's face. Scared by the sudden outburst of the beast, Hei Long covered his face with his two hands and jumped at his flank, to avoid the attack. Breathing a small fire, and seizing the advantage of the current situation, the small feisty beast flashed beside the curled up figure lying on the ground, and the small one quickly grabbed the big one on its collar—using its mouth—and sped past the crevice with its small scaled legs and with a big load on its back. Having past the crevice, the small beast released a sigh of relief when it got out of the hell hole.

"What a beast! To call me a fish when I really look like a dragon. Although a smaller one, a dragon is still a dragon." Triumphed with the feeling of success, the beast snorted, and sparks and smoke flew out of its orifice.

Back at the crevice, Hei Long mouth's twitched, and blood veins were starting to form on his head. Feeling tricked by that fish. he shouted, "You can run but you can't hide you, Fish."

When the Fish, that was several meters ahead of him heard that, it replied with anger and mockery. "Come and get me you, Dumbass!"

The bulging and twitching of the veins on Hei Long's forehead were becoming more pronounced. Someone suddenly said,

"Hei, are you aware that you're getting angry?"

"I'm not angry!" he shouted at his side.

"But you certainly are, look at this mirror." The black-winged Hei Long had emerged out of Hei Long's body, and it immediately waved its sleeves, then a mirror took form. He added, "Look! You angry—remember what we are. We must not let our emotion overcome us, or else—"

"I know!" seeing the figure in the mirror, Hei Long shouted in a smaller voice. "I know—we must not let out emotion—" Before he can even finish talking, the vile beast shouted—yet again!

"Come to papa, slowpoke!"

"Arrrggg," he let out a bellow so strong that the world shook, the black-winged version of him tried to stop him. Unfortunately, his efforts were fruitless and futile—Hate and Anger had already consumed Hei Long.

"Don't let anger over—"

Hei Long didn't let him finish what he was going to say, so he slapped, and sent him flying 50 meters away from him. Having been sent flying through some trees, and rocks, before stopping in the marsh, the black-winged one's eyes were glimmering with great hate and anger. "No! I can't let this anger overcome me as well! I cat let him affect me or this place's going down…" Having found no solution, the winged-Hei Long screamed while pulling his hair in the process. "Arggghh, I'm going to eat that fish—Oh no! Lily's still there!" He flew as fast as he could, and then he spotted that the black cocoon wasn't touched, making him released a sigh of relief.

"Thank the gods! Nothing happened to her!" Seeing the cocoon wasn't damage in the very least, he took it with a flip of his sleeve, and it floated to his side. Contemplating for a while, he flew far away from that place trying to find a safe spot to put the cocoon before he starting to plan on how to wake Hei Long up, with the least danger possible.

"What a dunce," he said. "I said don't let that lowly creature anger him, yet he still did, and he even threw me a punch!" Tracing the bulged on his face, he came to a stop to put the cocoon down. "This place is good enough far away from him—and the opposite side of where he's heading." Looking at the cocoon, he bent down, touched it on the center as a dark-energy like substance appeared from his sleeves, and covered the already covered cocoon once more. Having seen the cocoon covered once again, he said.

"This should be enough, no one can break this unless I want to."Preparing to fly away, he looked at the cocoon, and plucked a feather from his wings, and attached it to the center of the cocoon. Nodding his head, he saw the feather enlarged, and wrapped the cocoon making it look like a big-black-feathered-egg, which is true.

"Now, this is a masterpiece—" Having been mesmerized by his own protection piece, and narcissistically appreciating it, he almost forgot that a beast has been unleashed in the wild—a few moments ago.

"Bam!" exploding sound reverberated from far away onto his location, but with his enhanced hearing ability he could hear it quite clearly.