
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
146 Chs

Chapter 11. Intertwine (3) Part-1

"I see. So it really…!" Salem could hardly contain his excitement. "Magic that can prevent aging, death, and illness! You're researching such a thing?"

"Um… Y-you're hurting me. Please let go." Akareal struggled to break free, but the Pope refused to release her.

"Magic that grants immortality—able to save those who are close to death—does it truly exist?!"

Akreal trembled as Salem's expression became that of a madman. His sinister smile exuded a sense of true evil and unquenchable greed.

"Ah, forgive me…"

Salem released her wrist and put some effort into controlling his expression. Still, he couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from twitching up and down. His was a joy that simply could not be contained, despite his best efforts.

Akareal gulped as she rubbed her wrist, looking at Salem with suspicion.

'He knew about Immortality Magic?'

It had been one of the forbidden magics she had discovered while researching ancient magic. It was a terrible magic that emperor of the ancients had used to maintain his youth by sacrificing the lives of countless young children. It was immortality in word only. In reality, it simply prolonged the inevitable for as long as sacrifices were made. Ordinary people would also receive unbelievable strength. However, that's all it was. This magic was far from true, everlasting immortality.

"This research, can you continue it?" Salem asked hurriedly.

"What are you…?"

"That's all I desire! Please research this magic!" Spittle flew from Salem's mouth as he drew closer to Akareal. "I will provide anything you need to complete your research. Yes, anything and everything!"

Akareal frowned at his request. "Do you even know anything about the research your asking me to do? It is a taboo magic. This is a sinister spell meant to preserve one's youth through the sacrifice of young children."

"Young children?" Salem grinned in delight. "All the better!" he shouted as he spread his arms wide. "There are child slaves littered all over the continent, as well as orphans should we run out of slaves. No one will mind if they disappear! No, rather, they would rejoice! We'll be doing them a favor by cleaning up the trash…"

Akareal shot up from her seat. Salem's excitement turned to surprise, as his attention returned to her. She was looking at him with a cold gaze.

"… You've changed. This is the reason I never wanted to meet you. This selfishness that lets you trample over the happiness of others if it means you can get what you want. You disgust me."

"…I haven't changed." he denied.

"No, you've fallen further than I ever thought possible. I'll be taking my leave. Speaking with you has made me ill enough to vomit."

"Your words go too far, Akareal."

"… Shut up."

Salem let out a snicker of derision. "Haha! Finally, you're back to your usual self! You always acted so coy in front of the Hero while the rest of us were given the cold shoulder, subject to your harsh words and distant attitude. Oh, I do miss those days so!" Salem said mockingly. "We all had such fun!"

"Yes, I also miss those days. At least back then, you bastard, you were still innocent."

Akareal grimaced, not wanting to stay a second longer. "Like I said, I'll be going. Che. Such a dirty thing grabbed me…" she said while holding up her wrist. "I'd better wash this later."

Salem's eyes shot open in rage. "… Dirty?"

Akareal struggled to lift her bag and slung it over her back. When she opened the door to leave, Salem began to mutter under his breath.

"Acting all coy and innocent and graceful. The hypocrite thinks herself to be a good person… Isn't it amusing?"

Akareal stared back at him accusingly.

"What are talking about?"

"I'm talking about you, Akareal. Don't you need money?"


"For your research…"

Salem smiled savagely, taking delight in toying with her.

"I've heard rumors that you're forced to sell your body to the aristocracy of Lome."

Akareal's luggage fell to the floor with a loud thud, dropped out of shock at what he'd said. All manners of magical tools scattered across the floor. Salem couldn't help but slap his knee and laugh at her reaction.

"Haha…! The former mage of the Hero's party is selling her body for money? Was there such a lack of funding for your research? It's truly amazing what they say! That you'll sell your body and act all cute for anyone who can afford it? They also say that there's not a single person left in the Mage Association that hasn't enjoyed you at least once!"

Akareal gritted her teeth. "Don't slander me. I didn't do those things!" she exclaimed. "All those rumors are lies…"

They were lies spread by those envious of her talent. Rumors started by people who resented anyone above them, willing to resort to anything in order to drag their betters down! Because of those rumors, Akareal had become the black sheep of the Mage Association, looked down upon by her fellows. She had continued to endure the constant ridicule, believing that this was just another bump in her path to success; something that anyone with real talent had to face eventually. However, now that very same slander was being spat out by someone who had once been her companion. Akareal shivered as she wondered how far the rumors had spread for Salem to know of them.

"Lies? I am a ruler! The Monarch of the Holy Kingdom! How could I be wrong!" Salem spoke confidently as he looked her up and down.

"Well, you are very beautiful. A sexy, sensual mage with an attitude who's willing to whore herself out? Haha! It's no wonder those perverts are all head over heels for you! You haven't, perhaps, sold your body to the king of your motherland, Aylans, have you?"

The words he spewed were vulgar, unbefitting of any servant of God, let alone the Pope. Akareal's face crumpled with rage; she was staring daggers at him. Salem seemed to find her expression amusing as laughed uproariously.

"Haha! Are you still doing it? Aha! It must be true since you're still peddling your wares!"

Akareal approached Salem and grabbed him by the collar. As she raised her fist, Salem smirked and asked her a single question.

"How would the Hero react… if he knew the truth?"

Akareal flinched and relaxed her fist. Seeing her reaction, he brought his face to her ear and whispered quietly.

"Do you want to protect it, the truth? This can be our little secret." Salem's expression grew more sinister. "If you want to keep this between us, why don't you put on your little cute act for me? Just like you've done for those other nobles-Kwak!"

Salem crumpled onto the floor, kneeling down with his hands wrapped between his legs. Akareal calmly brushed off her knee as though it was dirty.

"Ah, sorry. My legs seem to have a mind of their own."

"…Uh… Aah!" Salem moaned in pain.

"Oh right, my little secret? Yeah, tell him. I don't care. No, rather, I hope you do, because the Hero will believe me regardless." Akareal stood over Salem, looking down at him with a smug grin. "Unlike you, he doesn't judge people solely by the rumors surrounding them. Also, can't he discern between the truth and lies? That's even better!" she said cheerfully. "If it's him, he'll know my truth! Still, it would bother me if such a nasty rumor were to reach the Hero's ears. Even though it's not true, I'm sure he'd still be worried by it—especially if you told him. I'd be really annoyed if the Hero's happy life was interrupted by something as stupid as this! So, if you tell the Hero…" Akareal stopped down and grabbed a fistful of Salem's hair. "I'll kill you."

"…Y-you go too far. I-it was… only a joke… and you took it so seriously… Haha! I wasn't… going to really say it…? …Ugh.. It hurts! You should've at least hit me somewhere else… You just had to… urgh…"

"A joke? You're really rotten down to the core… Okay, fine! I was joking as well. Come on, I didn't even hit you that hard. But you'd better hurry up and use healing magic or else it might end up becoming useless. Oh, maybe it's already useless and you were hoping that Immortality Magic would cure your impotency? Well, it does get harder to use with age, especially for frail little priests like you! Such a shame! Start taking care of yourself better; y'know, exercise a little, you rotten old bastard."

Akareal smirked at him as she gathered her things. Salem watched her from the floor as he gasped for air through the pain, a cold sweat forming on his face.

"Ha… Ha… Haha… If you ever change your mind… you're welcome back at any time, Akareal. If you can research Immortality Magic for me… Not just me, the entirety of the Holy Kingdom will support… Ugh… you."

"I will not help you, nor will we ever be meeting again, Salem."

Akareal left him with those parting words as she slammed the door behind her. Salem slowly got to his feet, continuing to stare at the empty space where she'd been standing. He dropped his head and kicked the table in rage.

"Shit…! A mere whore…! Acting all high and mighty…! Ugh! It hurts!"
