
The fallen joys

Tiffany_Kanda · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

It all goes down

~ ' Do you think if people knew how crazy you were you would have friends'~


Audrey Brooker sat phone in hand as her two best friends Briyonza Lister and Delany Flintch discussed her 21st birthday part, Briyonza let out a frustrated groan and snatched Audrey's phone from her hand.

"Audrey, you have to change this party planner, she's dampining my mood", Audrey looked up and grabbed the phone from Briyonza's hand, she gave her an irritated look,

"I would love to but my dad has a thing with this company", she stated sounding annoyed by the whole situation. Delaney snickered as she took a sip from her glass of wine which Briyonza walked towards and grabbed before drinking it all. Audrey rolled her eyes at her two best friends, " Sorry not all of us could get rid of like 10 planners before their 21st birthdays". Delaney gasped in shock,

"One Audrey don't roll your eyes too much and two i got rid of a lot of planners because they kept reducing the amount of things i asked for or they werent getting what i wanted", Briyonza nodded in understanding before continuing.

"They weren't competent enough to understand that 18 wasn't like 21, it has to be bigger, it was a mascaraed thing and they wanted me to be a princess and Nicolas a prince but Nicolas a prince when we are obviously the king and queen, so tell me Audrey are you a sexy gal living her best life at one of the great Gatsby's party Or a simpleton". Audrey sent a look of finality to the planner,

"Look, go tell your boss that you didn't do the work the way I wanted you to so a replacement would be needed and asap".


"Gideon, don't forget you have to pick up the kids, I'll be home early to make dinner, oh and I left a list of some company's looking for a new editor okay, bye". Jennifer's life was simple co-ceo to Peksons steel works and was doing very well in life, she had a loving husband and three smart children nothing could have ruined it, or so she thought.

"Relax Gideon, I've got the door", she wiped her hands against her apron and opened the door only to come face to face with a red haired woman who wore a cherry themed glasses, a cropped top that left nothing to the imagination and shorts that were shorter than short, she pulled the glasses into her hair and continued to suck on the lollipop that was in her mouth completely bewildered at what stood in front of her she asked,

"Good afternoon---miss, is there something I can help you with", some actual clothes maybe she thought.

"Yes, is this the home of Gideon Meyer"

"Yes this is his home", the woman showed a great look of relief, "Could you tell him that Cherry Collins is looking for him",

"sure wait here", Jennifer closed the door on the lady's face and walked disgusted towards the living room were her husband was watching tv, she grabbed the remote from the side table turning the television off,

"Gideon there is a woman out there looking for you named Cherry Collins, what would you have to do with a woman like that", he stood up with a panicked look on his face and he held her arms firmly and looked intently in her eyes,

" Don't worry I'll deal with it okay", he walked hastily out of the room and so did Jennifer, she heard the red haired lady shriek ,

"Giddy, oh how I've looked for you, your neighbors are rude and your maid shut the door in my face instead of letting me in", " Cherry what was so important tat you had to come here"

"Well Giddy that tone your using on me isn't very nice especially since I have exciting news for you", she stated clapping her hands,

"and what is that?", he said getting annoyed

"Well you remember how we used to speak about kids and how you would love us to be together after you divorce your wife", Gideon now had an astonished look on his face, he turned to look around and came to meet the equally shocked face of his wife but the couples expressions didn't stop the red head, "Well Giddy, I'm pregnant and it's your baby".


"party time girls, Audrey, Briyonza lets go". Delaney stalked into the room wearing her black lace short jumpsuit and rainbow sequin cropped jacket, she came face to face with Audrey who was twirling around in a black vintage tutu shirt and a mesh sequin top,

"Audrey slow down before you do what the alcohol is supposed to do", she stopped and nodded at Delaney, just then a door in the room opened and the intense clicking of heels shushed the room and in came Briyonza in a rainbow sequin slim leg trousers, her hair was done in a 20's hairstyle known as the flopper, Delaney as always broke the silence,

"Damn you Briyonza, you went all out", Briyonza smirked and walked towards Audrey, "Here you go birthday girl, something for the night", Audrey took the blue velvet box and opened it only to see a beautiful necklace,

"Bri it's beautiful, what is it", Bri smiled and took the necklace placing it around Audrey's neck,

"it is a Swarovski moon necklace stunned with diamonds and with it a rose gold chain", "its perfect, I love it". Delaney picked up a tall slush cup that was filled with alcohol, the three girls screamed before walking out of the room, they came to the balcony were at the sight of the three girls the crowed cheered. A young man with surfer hair, which was a dirty blonde and his eyes which were a piercing blue, picked Briyonza up and spun her around before dropping her and landing a kiss on her lips which the crowd also cheered for.

"Nicolas, your drunk already", he laughed loudly, " you know me love I always get drunk before a party, but there is a problem"

"And that is?"

"You aren't drunk love", it was her turn to laugh, " you know me love t doesn't take long for this girl". Nicolas laughed once more before placing a kiss on her collar bone before grabbing a drink from a passing waiter and handing it to her, she looked at him knowingly before taking the drink from his hand and gulping down the drink which burned her throat and sent a cool surge into her body, she then passed the now empty glass to someone who was passing by, she then grabbed Nicolas pulling him close to her and landing a kiss on his soft lips, she turned around and began dancing to the music, the beat of the music was all she heard, she turned around to find Nicolas staring in approval at her and a large bottle of Jack Daniels in his hands, Delaney passed by already drunk and holding a bottle of vodka which Briyonza took and drank from looking straight into Nicolas eyes, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the back of the mansion were some people were, he dropped the bottle in a bush and did same to her bottle, a blanket was placed on a bench and he grabbed it making the two of them sit on the floor and he used the blanket to cover them both, she placed her head on his shoulder and the two stared at the flames of the fire listening to the crackling sound it made, the thundering of the music still heard. Nicolas shifted and placed his hand under her chin lifting her head to look at him,

"I forgot to mention before how beautiful you looked", she smiled shyly before looking at him, his eyes mesmerized her and pulled her in some sort of trance, he began to laugh, his laugh always rich and full of life, he stopped laughing, " okay, I'm going to say something super cheesy okay, you have no idea how to feels to wake up every morning knowing you are mine and I am yours, I feel in love with you not because of your looks and definitely not your money but just for who you are, although you look pretty great too", she hit his arm,

"you just had to ruin something sentimental", " its a gift but honestly sometimes I just feel like leaving all this behind and taking you half way across the world were we can have our kids", tears began to fall reluctantly down her face never had she felt this loved,

"Nicolas you douche your making me ruin my makeup, but know that I love you more than anything, we're dynamite", he smiled at her,

"we're dynamite ma belle fleur" she smiled at him "J'en suis fier", he smiled at her and whispered in her ear,

"Do you want to get out of here", "you bad boy, I thought you would never ask".


The scene that lay before her would probably scar her for life, the red head had come into the house and was giving orders like she was a maid and this was her house,

"Giddy, I don't think the maid is listening to me I mean we have to get rid of your wives things so that when she comes back she won't have to go through the pain of packing things", she then picked up Jen's pearl necklace that her mother had given to her on her wedding and her mother wore on her wedding,

"Drop that necklace you bitch and get out of my house", "excuse me", "I said get out of my house".

"Giddy, look how your maid is talking to me put her in her place", Gideon let out a frustrated groan,

"Cherry, this is Jennifer, my wife"," oh my goodness your dressed like a maid are you trying on outfits for Halloween or something", she stated with a confused tone.

"Gideon pack your things and get out of my house", "this is our house Jen", Jen let out an angry laugh,

"Our house Gideon, this isn't our house its my house", "I'm getting this house in the divorce"

"You cant take Perkson steel works into a divorce Gideon, the house belongs to them, the cars and all the money I made goes on my Perksons membership account, you won't touch my money or anything I've worked for", anger was clearly written on Gideon's face,

"So for the sixteen years we have been living together we have been using my money", Jennifer let out a loud laugh,

"Don't be ridiculous, half the time we were together you weren't working and the other times your job didn't make enough to take care of one person let alone an entire family, so I won't say it again Gideon get out of my house before I call the police".

Gideon threw all his belongings in a big duffel bag sending Cherry to take it downstairs. Anyone coming to the house could hear the shouting of the two people and their daughter was coming closer, their daughter Rebecca had made herself the rebel of the family, the black sheep if you will, she walked home from school and she came home only to meet the door opened and a red haired woman checking her nails and tapping her foot in impatience, Rebecca walked up to the front porch of the house and cleared her throat,

"hey lady what are you doing here", Cherry looked down at the little human in front of her and rolled her eyes,

"Get lost kid, this is none of your business", "Actually it is, this is my home and I would like to know what you are doing in front of it". Cherry's mood changed to that of shock and gleefulness,

"Oh my gosh that means your Giddy's daughter,( talking slowly) I am your step-mother"

"what!", "Don't worry sweetpea I am to pretty and nice to be like the stepmothers in the movies". Their conversation was cut short when Jennifer came out crying and threw her husbands bags out the door but she stopped when she saw her daughter,

"You want to know why I did it Jen because the marriage, our marriage was to boring and I never felt like a man, the man of the house", that statement pulled Jennifer from the silence she was in,

"I never let you feel like a man, Gideon I didn't make you a slum at work that you were always getting fired and if you need me to make you feel like a man you have to question whether you a man to start to start with because I left you to take care of this family only God knows were we would be by now", "Your just talking Jen but deep down you know the main cause for this marriage to end is because you aren't submissive enough, you can't handle a man taking care of you, God forbid it if a man should do what a man is supposed to do", "Oh you mean drop and pick up his kids from school, pay the electricity and water bills, pay our taxes, supply money for groceries all things men of the house do, but what do you do Mister man, you sit home all day drinking beer, finishing groceries and running the bills up and moping about how you don't have a job, well I've had enough, I am tired Gideon, tired it seems to me that I have been a single parent, your never there for any of the kids school activities and infact when's Becca's birthday", "Um...February 19th", "No, 6th April, she's turning 16, when is Noah's birthday, what's Nelson's middle name", "Easy, Noah birthday is 5th August and Nel's middle name is James", "No, Noah's birthday is 15th May and Nel's middle name is Mica". Cherry who by now was totally impatient began to pull Gideon into her run down red car, Rebecca now realized what was taking place rushed forward to the otherside of the car were her father was sitting,

"Dad, please don't leave what are we going to do without you", the red head turned towards Rebecca and gave her a smirk before turning to her mirror and applying another coat of thick red lipstick on her lips, when done she sparked the car looked at Becca's face and smiled before the car sped away.