

(" What was the last thing I could remember? ") He thought to himself as he feel trapped in a body of cold water motionless, seeing only the dark abyss.

A jolt in the body his hand slapped against a barrier, a burst of white lights appears in his mind then the imagery of death, and destruction. The faces of people running for their lives as some fought back as hard as they can. " All ships disengage and fall back to the rally point! " TUC ships engaged in a losing battle, Their long box-like rectangle ship design broken in half like a fine knife cutting through butter.

" Why the hell is this happening?! " A man panicking in a corner, clutching his face out of sheer madness.

" I'm so scared mommy " A woman and a child holding each other for dear life.

" May God help us " A priest decorated in gold while their pure white robes were stained red of the river of blood that flows through their legs.

Then another flash changed the scene, this time he could only see a pair of people wearing mostly white, as the background was murky. "How the... *Mumble mumble* Doctor?"

"Their *Mumble Mumble* "

" Subject 0-8, *Mumble Mumble* Effects need to *Mumble Mumble* "

Then a loud snap. " Doctor! *mumble mumble* " Both of the pair were in a panic, once was a room that was lit with the ambient color white, red was the new dominant color.

The person that was closest to the tank reached out their hand and gently press against the glass walls, muttering the words " I'm sorry " and as soon as they left the room in hurry darkness engulf his mind.

(" What happened to my... body? ") His face felt weird like half of it was missing, as his finger twitch a little.

(" It's so cold... ") The young adult male floats naked in a glass cylinder container, his hair was dark as the blackness of the room, and the only light source was the faint neon blue glow coming from his transparent water-like cage. His skin shined a, even more, whiter color than his natural color should have been.

One of his eyes open up slightly the color of his pupil was like white cherry wood, the one that he could actually feel like was still connected to his body. As if it was for a moment of sight he saw a faint reflection of himself, parts of his body had, no, were surgically removed and replaced with metal and mechanical parts.

His face was partially covered by a breathing apparatus mask but half of his face was a smooth mechanical plating as it runs all the way down to his left arm, which too had half of it removed and replaced with machinery.

(" This is me? ") I thought to myself quietly staring at my reflection, my eyes piercing right through each other feeling unmoved by my current appearance. (" I feel... Empty. ")

He motions both hands to move slightly trying to get a feel of his senses, cold, cold was all he could currently feel presently. He moved one hand up to his heart, the wet slimy touch of the skin brought some new senses to the tips of his fingers, tingling to the mind, and the other hand was placed onto the glass.

(" I the emptiness it's saddening... but I can't cry. ") His eye twitches a little. (" Why can't I cry? ") He gently tilts his head to one side confused. (" I- Why- ") His brain was warming up again from the countless years of being frozen.

A few of the consoles in the room had booted up lighting up the room more, as his right eye blinked in a small blue dot in the center of black. The dot zaps around swiftly to slowly refocus on himself, a robotic voice could be heard within that sounded like himself.

" No " Is all that it said in a harsh but monotone voice.

A soft ring that grew stronger and stronger surrounded him and blinded all his other senses. Before he could react to the new stranger an electrical shock body went throughout his body, jolting his upper body backward and bumping the backside of his head.

Just like that, it was back to being quiet and dark like usual. Just him and the emptiness of the room he is floating in, but something was about to change, and even whatever was inside of him would not be able to stop it.

Moments later sparks of metal came off the doorway, something or someone was trying to force their way inside.

*CLUNK* The piece that was welding off fell heavily onto the metal floor, light shined through the room by the open hole in the door. A humanoid being stood behind it, holding onto a handheld welding torch that was burning hot at the tip of the barrel.

They were wearing an orange suit that had straps going from the legs up to their shoulders and a helmet with a yellow-tinted visor face screen. Two support light beams extended off of the helmet.

They entered the room, bending down a little they turned the welder off. *CLUNK, CLUNK* Sounds of their metal boots from each step they take. They looked around the room for a moment and then at the person stuck inside the water tank.

" Hey " The voice sounded feminine when they spoke " Lead station, You might want to take a look at this. " *CLUNK CLUNK* The humanoid stepped up closer to the tank and looked at him up and down in disbelief.

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