

The world was covered in a shroud of pitch black darkness, where going blind feels almost like a blessing. This was emitted by an unknown race of demon; one with control over the shadows.

A young exorcist was running away in terror as this unknown demon chased him in utter awe and amusement in the midst of darkness.

It was hard to see, everything was covered in shadows, however, he kept on running and running, disregarding the fact that he couldn't even view what was ahead of him.

But to his dismay, his inability to see would soon bring him to his end.


The exorcist collided heavily against a tree. The impact almost made him lose his consciousness, but if it wasn't for his adrenaline he already would've. He was on his knees when he tried to get up, but one of his ankles were twisted, causing him to flinch in pain.

As soon as he managed to stand up, he stumbled around without a sense of balance, flinching with every step, as he tried looking for his weapon- a chained dagger- in the darkness; but he only found himself back on his knees again.

However, on his last attempt to retrieve his weapon, the unknown demon caught up to him and pinned him forcibly against the ground. A few more inches and the weapon would have been within his grasp, but his injuries only slowed him down.

The darkness suddenly lifted as soon as the demon got a hold of him, but the sight he saw was not something to be desired of.

He watched as the demon pinned him to the ground with its sharp claws gripping both of his arms, keeping him in place. Its pointed-tail then impaled the left side of his stomach that brought him to a gag.

In a panic, he frantically struggled- desperately trying to break free- in hopes that he could loosen the demon's grip, however, his struggling only met with more pain as the tail dug deeper and deeper with every movement he made.

In extreme agony, he couldn't afford to move any longer as it only led to more discomfort. But with the weapon being a mere inches away, he risked trying to reach it with every last bit of his strength.

However, the demon saw it coming and tightened its grip on him, the claws delved deeper into his skin, causing him to release a tormented scream that echoed all throughout the woods.

The unknown demon laughed in awe as it heard the exorcist- almost as if it was in a state of euphoria.

"More! More!" It bellowed hysterically as it continued to feel amused to his painful sufferring.

Carried away, it then sadistically persisted on inflicting more and more pain to the exorcist by clenching its claws harder and harder then continuously stabbing his stomach- bathing in enjoyment with each and every moment of it.

Losing breath and blood, the exorcist gave up on fighting back knowing that all of his efforts had gone to waste; it only brought more happiness to this bloodlusted demon.

With all hope seemingly lost, the exorcist looked up to the sky only to find it in a horrific shade of blood red; the sign of someone who will soon meet their demise. Tears started dripping down towards his cheeks as he realised that he, too, would soon die in the hands of an unknown demon like everybody else.

"This is it for me... huh?" He said as he let out a pained laugh. "I... I don't think I'll be able... to keep my promise..."

Finally accepted his fate, he said.

"I'm sorry, Kagura"

The prologue will be the darkest because it is a setup for his back story. However, I promise the upcoming chapters won't be as dark as this one.

To those who are thinking that this does not relate to Mobile Legends, again, it's just a setup, not the real story yet. The upcoming chapters 'will' have connections to the official lore, so stay tuned!

Finally, this is my first time writing, so forgive me if I lack experience

(I am trying to make an even darker story than Ruby's... but better?)

Lavenzvacreators' thoughts