
The Fallen Angel's Descent To The Modern World (Discontinued)*

As the previous God disappeared and a new one appeared, the Heaven is no longer the same. Phanuel the Angel of Judgement falls from grace as he rebels and gets exiled into the void. The world has advanced and humans are much stronger. The Heaven is beautiful and all encompassing as the souls who praise God ascend to paradise after death where there is no pain or suffering with happiness all around. Or is it? Go along the Fallen Phanuel as he goes on a journey in the modern world where the belief in god as lessened quite a lot to find the truth about his previous master's disappearence and kill the present God to make place for his own throne. A new civilization, a new angel, a new being, a new belief.

Wushu_Drunken_Hobo · Urban
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Chapter 4: The Birth Of Erlik Lewis And Flying To China

"Erlik Lewis" Phanuel read aloud the name feeling complex emotions. He didn't know if he was happy, as he left from the grasp of his responsibility or sad, for abandoning all that was of his past. He kept gazing at that name for a minute or so and in the end chuckled.

"The Angel Of Judgement and Truth, Phanuel has died of this moment and Erlik Lewis has come into existence." thought Phanuel, now Erlik. In that moment, all laws stopped existing around him as the last string which connected him to Heaven broke and the Void Law got completely integrated into his body. He stood there in complete silence as he conditioned his body. He had just become a true Void Being or A Fallen.

Erlik, with a pale face immediately went to bed as the severing and integration of laws had drained a lot out of his semi-mortal body. His body needed rest as the Void was empty of all. If he had chosen to become a demon then his body could naturally absorb the chaos law in the Earth but he didn't. He chose to Fall into the Void. Although most Laws wouldn't work on him, his body could consume only the Void Law. It couldn't take in either Order or Chaos laws as even if both were born of the Void, in the end they changed from the Void.

Erliks's body had limited Void law and he had to use it as sparingly as possible. If not the lacking Void in his body could start consuming his body and soul itself.

Back at the Void Crack, codenamed "Abyss", specially protected soldiers were moving around and machines were detecting all sources of known energy. The General who was looking over the Abyss as he read the reports brought by a researcher with a grave expression on his face.

"Why are the results showing that there is no form of known energy signature anywhere within a 15 metre radius? " he asked.

"Our team is racking their brains on that matter too sir. The area 15 metres from the Abyss has normal energy signatures but closer than that, every known type of energy or signal surge be it magnetic, radioactive, electromagnetic, Ultraviolet, radio waves, even light wavelengths, anything. It's just completely empty. It's like a certain force erases them as soon as they come nearby it. It's like a vacuum, but instead of only sounds, air and a few other things missing, every single know piece of measurable unit is missing." he said with an added remark, "We even suspect this is the theorized 'Dark Matter'."

"Dark Matter?"

"It's a theoretical form that matter than occupies 90% of the universe."

"Ah, so you're saying that a form of uncertified piece of theory descended into earth and created a giant hole where there's vacuum in which nothing exists?"

"As much as I'd like to 'no it's just a joke' this is the truth as of now."

"Haaaaaaaaaaah" sighed the general, wondering what kind of shithole he fell into where the most likely theory is about something that nobody knows if it's real or not. "Get some satellite footage for this and add into the confidentiality level of 'Top Secret', make everyone here sign a non disclosure agreement too."

"Yes sir" saluted the researcher and ran off.

The general went into a daze for a few seconds and mumbled, "If this is something that can't be explained scientifically then we'll have to bring in the magical."

While all this was happening and the government of the UK was in a seemingly wild goose chase with something that they didn't even know was within their means to handle, Erlik was sleeping like a log, oblivious to the chaos he caused.

A whole day later when his body finally completed the integration and seperation, Erlik woke up.

"So this is what being a fallen feels like huh…" thought Erlik as he observed the change in his body.

His body felt as if it didn't exist, seemingly disappearing into the Void if you didn't look properly. He felt light and empty as if he weighed nothing and was made of air. The light around him was darkened and if he walked silently you wouldn't notice him even he was right in front of you.

But once someone with someone sufficient power gazed at him they'd see the Primordial Void, containing every and nothing, the creation and destruction and themselves in there. They could go from being a child to being rotten bones.

Another thing he gained was the Authority Of The Void. It was an ability that allowed him to make an area into the Void. They'd feel years passing in seconds, seconds passing in years as their powers were turned into nothing and their body turning void of all, eventually mixing into the Void Territory itself.

This was both a blessing and a curse. While his opponents would be stripped of their whole being the more time they stayed in the Void Territory, he too would be assimilated back into the Primordial Void as he became a piece of Void with no consciousness expanding and turning all into void until nothing was left and only Void remained.

"Remarkable but terrifying, containing all but leaving none, The Primordial Void, creator of all and destroyer of all. Now I know why the Void is so feared and despised by the Monarchs. Nobody'd like the essence of your being to become empty and you become just a piece of emptiness that tries to consume all." Thought Erlik as he awed and feared the impressive power that he contained.

"I need to start finding mana. A lot of it and quick, while my body is made of Void laws it's not strong enough to handle pure laws yet. I'll need to reach at least Mortal Divinity stage before being able to absorb non Void Laws." Mumbled Erlik as he left some money in the hotel bed, took the files and disappeared out the window.

He flew till the airport and booked a flight to China. He knew that ancient Chinese martial arts were derived from the techniques that Divine Beings used.

As planets with no intelligent life don't have Divine Beings to protect the planet from outside invasions from Chaos, the Primordial Laws that made the planet slowly degenerates into mana over time as there are no beings within the planets to continue the existence of those Laws.

Laws are the rules of nature that were made from the Void that created The Origin Chaos and The Origin Order. A Law's existence depend on how many know the existence of the symbolised law. For example, in a world of fire, the law of water won't be able to exist as there's no body of water than can continue the existence of the law. All the beings in the planet will only the existence of fire and the Law of Fire will flourish as all beings will go towards the Law of Fire.

As the Primordial Laws of the newly created planet slowly die because of no existence acknowledging the existence of them, they slowly turn into degenerated form as mana. Ancient Chinese Martial Arts use the mana in the surrounding to affect the nature of mana around them. As such Erlik decided that China would be the best place for him to visit in search of mana.

As he was waiting for the flight in the first class lounge, he spotted a girl having a fight with an old man. The old man had a calm face and it seemed like he was coaxing the girl. Erlik who was introduced to the modern world was very interested in the surroundings around him as it was a completely new environment to him. Although he was very new to the world he wasn't completely ignorant to the things happening around him as he had completely read the memories of the CEO of the company he once scanned the brain of.

He nullified the air around them as the vibrations from their voice directly moved from their table to his. He heard incorrigible words as he realized that he didn't know the language that they spoke.

(AN: I've used Yandex for the Chinese translation and I don't know if it's 100% correct or not)

"现在现在年轻的小姐, 你知道你迟早要回家所以请不要发脾气. 看,即使是随机的陌生人都在看着我们." ( Now now young miss, you know you'd have to return home sooner or later so please do not throw a tantrum. See, even random strangers are looking towards us.)

"但为什么是爷爷? 你知道我在这里玩得很开心,那里的环境非常寒冷,每个人都喋喋不休地谈论规则,并希望我嫁给一个随机的高级家庭,以便"家庭将从中受益". 我讨厌这样,这里的环境简直是美丽的. 这里没有人关心我做什么,没有人批评我的每一只手挥或每次我笑"

(But why grandpa? You know i was having so much fun here, the environment there is so cold with everyone blabbering about rules and wanting me to marry a random high class family so that "The Family would benefit from it". I hate that and the environment here is simply beautiful. Nobody here cares about what i do and nobody criticizes for every hand i wave or every time i laugh)


(Young lady you know i can't do anything about that so please don't make this hard for me-)

Just as he was about to continue speaking the voice announced about the flight sounded and Erlik moved towards the plane. He got into the first class cabin and just as he sat down he saw a young woman and an old man sit right next to him. They were the same people who he saw fighting at the lounge.

It seemed that this trip was going to be interesting.