
The Fallen Angel's Descent To The Modern World (Discontinued)*

As the previous God disappeared and a new one appeared, the Heaven is no longer the same. Phanuel the Angel of Judgement falls from grace as he rebels and gets exiled into the void. The world has advanced and humans are much stronger. The Heaven is beautiful and all encompassing as the souls who praise God ascend to paradise after death where there is no pain or suffering with happiness all around. Or is it? Go along the Fallen Phanuel as he goes on a journey in the modern world where the belief in god as lessened quite a lot to find the truth about his previous master's disappearence and kill the present God to make place for his own throne. A new civilization, a new angel, a new being, a new belief.

Wushu_Drunken_Hobo · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3. A New Name and The Vatican

Phanuel woke up sleepily from the hotel room he was staying in and dazedly walked to the sink. He washed up and saw his face in the mirror. It was a handsome face with a devilish charm with a sprinkle of innocence. He had jade like skin of such quality even the most famous celebrities would be jealous of. His long black hair flowed down to his hips and and his pitch black eyes were calm like an abyss that could peer into your soul and strip you of all your secrets.

A few minutes passed by and he sighed softly and walked called for room service. When his food came he ate it elegantly with no trace of wastage whatsoever. He walked downstairs and paid the hotel fee with the money he "borrowed" from the thugs.

He looked at the remaining £127 and thought,

"I'll need more money..". He walked away from the hotel and created a void of light around himself. He flew towards Buckingham Palace and walked towards the palace garden. The queen was there playing with her Corgis just like the day before. He stood quietly with no sign of impatience whatsoever.

When the queen sat on the swing he spoke with a soft voice, "I hope my request has been fulfilled, miss"

"IIIIIEEEEH!!" shrieked the queen until she remembered about the incident that happened yesterday.

She took a few deep breaths and spoke with a frown, "Don't just sneak up on me, what if the others in the palace hear me?"

"You need not worry about this, I have already silenced the area around us. Not a single whisper can escape."

"…very well then."

"Now then what about my request?"

"Ah yes your identity, indeed it is done." She said as she stood up and walked back inside the palace and into her office, she opened a drawer and pulled out a file that was bulged up with many papers. She then pulled out a black credit card and a white debit card and placed them on top of the file.

She handed the file to Phanuel explaining, "You have a citizenship, a passport, a land deed, a birth certificate and your education diplomas. Each of these cards have 15 million pounds. Your parents are a central office chief and a hotel owner respectively."

"Thank you very much." said Phanuel. As he was walking out the door he heard, "Who are you really?"

"Just a lone angel who ran from his home." said Phanuel softly as he disappeared.

Queen Elizabeth stood there for a while, dazed until she shook her head and muttered, "Try your best to get back..."

Her words fell to air as she walked out the door, gazing at the cloudy sky.

Phanuel flew back to the hotel he stayed in and booked another room for two days. He went in and layed down on the bed, with a gaze that seemed to have confusion and sorrow mixed within. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Back at the palace, Queen Elizabeth got the report about the hole Phanuel made when he emerged from the void. She had a laptop next to her with the Secretary Of Defense. He was a plump man with a semi bald head and a stern expression.

"Your Majesty, this is a incident on a scale that we alone cannot resolve. We do not know who or what caused this. As such I'd like for you and the royal family to be evacuated from the country at this moment's notice. Please, we cannot risk the safety of you or any other member of the royal family."

As the queen listened to the secretary her thoughts involuntarily went to the man who came to her asking for an identity the same day the event happened.

"Could it be that…?" She thought as she agreed to the evacuation.

At the same time, in the Vatican, the pope had a solemn face as he read the report. At the end he muttered with a hint of displeasure, "So the rebel has finally arrived from banishment..."

He stood up from his seat as he walked to the giant cross in the middle of the hall and muttered words in an language that could not be understood. The cross opened itself with a hatch underneath going to the depths of the Earth's crust. He stood inside the hatch and pressed one of the only two buttons there were.

The hatch descended down and the Pope stood there with nothing but the sound of the hatch falling down. Once the hatch reached the air with a ding, the doors opened and he walked straight towards a dark hall lit up with specials markings on the wall.

Once he reached the end of the corridor he took out the staff of The Pope and inserted it into a groove in the ground. The staff buried itself and a stone door opened which revealed some stairs.

Once the Pope reached the end of the stairs there was a dark corridor with light at the end. He walked towards the light, revealing what was inside.

It was a gigantuan hall, the size of a Titan's body, with hundreds of statues of angels in magnificent armor stretching till the end of the hall. At the end, was an even more magnificent looking statue. It seemed life like with every detail on it flawless, it seemed like the epitome of beauty.

This was the Hall of Heaveneasent, a hall made to show the magnificence and glory of God and his angels, made by mortals to appease the great one above.

But this was the truth for the ones who were ignorant. The Popes had a different name for it.

It was,

The Armory Of Judgement.

The Armory was made with a hundred years of work with the help of God's angels and it had a sole purpose of making the rebel who was sealed after trying to destroy Heaven and kill God suffer eternal punishment. It would be without a use and only a hall to show the magnificence and glory of God until he was sealed. But the day he emerged from his exile, the weapons of God would hunt down the rebel and seal him again, for the sin he committed was not one that could simply be ended with the luxury of eternal sleep.

"Oh Lord, you are magnificent and all encompassing, your glory spreads all over the world, you are the saviour of souls and judgmenter of evil, you give life after death and remove all suffering. Oh God, I bessech you, bless us with the weapons of retribution and let let us punish the rebel who dare try to corrupt your glory."

The Pope then stood up from his praying position as the hall behind him started shaking, the angel statues started crumbling and started turning to dust. At the end of the transformation, the hall had statues no longer, but in their place were weapons and a set of armor, each set of armor was golden and had encryptions inscribed on them. They had a pair of wings on their back and had a shine that seemed to give of a light that could turn from one of protection to one of destruction.

A weapon came with the set of armor, they were a bow, a sword, a hammer and a spear respectively. Each one was made of a golden material with blades so sharp and that seemed to cut air with just a light wave.

The Pope looked at the weapons with awe and reverence, he kept chanting praises about the Lord as he walked out the hall returning to the Church on the surface.

London, London Bridge Hotel.

Phanuel woke up from his nap, his mind feeling a tiny bit clearer. He took a shower for 30 minutes and walked back into the bedroom. He took the file which had his new identity and his cash.

He read through the documents and saw his name. He chuckled in a manner of slight amusement and spoke out his new name.

"Erlik Lewis"