
Chapter 1

Earth calendar year 2526 July 6

In a place near Alaska at Beaufort sea.

Underwater, many creatures are currently swimming about.

Suddenly a ripple spread originating from what seemed to be a small underwater mountain then again the second one came then the third and so on, every ripple stronger than the last.

The spreading ripple continued for a while until it came to an abrupt stop. Just then the small mountain just collapsed raising a 50-feet-tall fountain of water at the surface. But instead of sand or gravel it revealed giant skeletons of lizard like creatures forming the small mountain.

In the middle of all these commotion a figure can be seen laying down shining in divine light, after the dazzling light faded, a 16-year-old looking youth opened his deep dark eyes staring blankly before regaining consciousness.

Indeed this is Reide, and Reide after awakening looked at the familiar yet different notification by his system saying: "Congratulations to the host for acquiring 20% divinity totaling his divine awakening to 70% after hibernating for 500 years"

Looking at the last two words, Reide's eyes widened as if they're going to pop-out. He didn't even notice the creatures heading towards him like a tidal wave attracted to the influx of magic the commotion caused.

Reide truly didn't expected that he'll sleep for so long that he'll even get another 20% of divinity and that he truly was a demigod after all you need a divine blessing from the gods to become a demigod.

But before he could react to this the surroundings suddenly turned dark as if the sun was blocked by a cloud.And indeed a cloud was around him, but not like those in the sky, instead a cloud underwater filled with countless sea creatures.

Some looks like creatures from a sci-fi movie: a giant turtle with a bug's head and three pairs of flippers or the giant mechanical fish, some from fantasy movies like the flame fish, and some from legends just like the the giant octopus which were leading the charge towards me.

There are also some smaller ones following behind these big four and some looked like miniature versions of these four giant creatures but most are very unknown.

After these creatures surrounded Reide the giant octopus spoke with arrogance on his tone: "Creature of the sea, surrender to me and be my sacrifice for I Ritu of the great krakens am the ruler of this region!".

Hearing such a claim the turtle with a bug's head sneered (or Reide thought so since no one knows how bugs sneer) and said mockingly: "Ha! The outcast actually claims himself a ruler, is this a joke?".

The other two giant creatures also joined in with the giant octopus and the giant bug-headed creature disregarding Reide in front of them.

Looking at these creatures Reide couldn't help but sigh while thinking that these creatures that haven't even a trace of divinity actually dares to command him!, a demigod!.

Without uttering a word Reide made his move, not letting the other parties to continue arguing.

Since he cannot be bothered with these creatures and to test how strong he has become, he just used his strongest mass annihilation spell in which he is specialized in: "time annihilation" then the trigger: "reverse".

The four creatures who haven't even paid attention to Reide until now looked at him their eyes filled with tension. After all they don't know the spell he just casted.

After a minute or so there seemed to be no reaction. Looking around one of the giant creatures noticed something wrong and looked at the others and indeed the others looked smaller than before and are shrinking at a very rapid pace even the smaller creatures were not spared.

Seeing the changes in their body, they were terrified even more so to those smaller ones which were already making terrified noises.

Looking at each other the giant creatures were extremely terrified that they didn't even know what to do. They just stayed there unmoving they can't even make a sound since they were the ones most affected due to their enormous size.

Looking at the rate the giant creatures' time are being reversed, Reide was very unsatisfied with such rate and so he sped-up the reversal rate and in an instant the giant creatures around him shrank to pea sized creatures then to dust until they completely disappeared without a trace. While the other minions were already long gone.

After clearing up, Reide didn't linger and surfaced, after all it's very uncomfortable for him to move underwater .

Above water, to his astonishment what met him was not a blue sky with a single sun but a sky of both blue and red and two suns!