
Chapter 3: What are they?

A side note: When there is a ' ' it means they are thinking,


~Rosari POV~

"Rose it's like this, we have discussed your problems and agreed to let you stay here until you get your memories back. We don't want to just leave you, because it would be wrong and that goes against our duty too."

'Huh duty? What do they mean and how can they just let a stranger in so easily.' I was shocked, would they really help me, a person who just randomly appeared out of nowhere.

"How come you guys would help me?" I looked at them with a skeptical face.

'There has to be a reason.'

" [Sight] To tell you the truth, it is because of Lily. She told us that there was more to you than reached the eye. She said that it's something with you, something special and that it's hidden in your memory or its lock up. Lily could feel a really strong force from you like it is preventing you from something, she thinks that it's because of this that you can't remember anything"

If I was shocked before, then it was nothing compared to now.

'What force? And me special?' I felt really confused.

"It's true you know, before when you were unconscious I checked your mind and even tried to unlock it. But sadly got rejected, I was not powerful enough to break it, and we can't afford to just let you go. Do you even know which specific you are from"

"I'm sorry but what do you mean by not powerful enough, what are you not powerful enough to do? What I'm trying to say is I'm quite confused about half of what you just said. How can someone even lock up someone else's memories? It's impossible and what specific? Of course, I'm a human like you people!!?" I ranted feeling lost.

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. That's when I realized, I could see it on their faces when they looked at each other. The doubt and discomfort they felt, were so strong that even an idiot would understand what they thought about.

'Oh no, this can't be real!! '

My hands started to shake while I could feel the panic slowly taking over me. Lily saw my panic, so she tried to calm me down by placing her hand on my arm and soon enough my nerves started to calm down for some weird reason. I looked skeptical at Lily's hand that was still on my arm. Skye nodded to Lily before looking toward me.

"Rose, I don't know how to say this, but we are not human or fully humans. We are what they call supernaturals, legends or mythical creatures. What I'm trying to say is, this place is not the human realm but the supernaturals realm and I can assure you that you yourself, is not a human or else you wouldn't be here in this world."

The whole room started to spin for me and it felt like my head was going to burst because of all this new information.

I could hear Skye call out my name before everything went black.


Skye POV

'She fainted.'

That was my only thought that was going through my head that moment. The only thing I could do was to stare at her and I knew that the group did the same. It was death silence in the room before an idiot whose name is, of course Nick. Just had to open his big dumb mouth to break the silence.

"Ooookej she just fainted so what now?" No one answered, we only stared at him. He took our silence has his cue to continue.

"I don't know about you guys... but I'm hungry soooo tudulu" He said while making a weird hand gesture and walked out of the room. The other shrugged and followed his suit, but not before giving me an apologizing look. Caine begun to drag Peeta by his feet out of the room.

I was now alone with Rose. She slept peacefully with an innocent face.

'Who is this girl, can we even trust her or believe in what she has told us. Maybe we should give her over to our parents... Wait! We can't do that or it would prove us incapable of our titles. It's a part of our duty to take care of the people and if we can't handle this one person then we are incapable to control a kingdom. '

Rose started to twist and turn rapidly before going back to normal. I worriedly looked at her debating if I should wake her up or not, but dismissed that thought.

'By the information Lily said before, she doesn't remember anything by choice. Lily told us that she felt a strong spell on her and it is the reason why she doesn't remember anything. Sam said that she could feel something about her too, that she is not human and that she has a hidden ability that is not normal.'

Even I could feel something was off of her. It felt like, if we left her we would regret it dearly. We all agreed that it would be too dangerous to just let her go, it would be better and safer to let her be with us.

'This world is not a safe place to be in if you are alone and unprepared, the danger and frightful things it has is horrible and who knows maybe she's more of a threat to the world then it's to her.'


'What now… what am I going to tell the others, Noah and Tyler is going to flip over when they find out that she will live here… Dear God what will Blake say or worst DO!

Only thinking about what BLAKE can do, made my body freeze of fear for Rose…

What have you dragged yourself into Rose? She won't even know what hit her when she meets them. '

I sighted again and stood up, looking at her one last time before I walked out the door.

~ In the living room ~

Walking into the living room I saw Nick sitting on the sofa munching on a sandwich. Scanning the room I saw no one else but him there.

' That was odd. '

"Where is everyone?" I said while I flopped onto the sofa.

"Cain and Em is with Brittney, while Sam and Lily are chit-chatting about the new girl in the kitchen." He stated while not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Oh okay"

"Hey Skye. How are you going to tell the others, because knowing them, they will be against it."


"I don't really know, I think I will say how it is and just go with the flow, and I will have Nari to check her aura one more time, to be sure about her."

"Smart about checking with Nari first, because if the stranger is an evil sorcerer then Nari would notice. Let me lessen the burden on you, I will talk with Taylor for you."

"You sure about that? You know it is an important matter?"

"Yes yes I will carefully explain everything so there will be no problem." Nick said with a smirk. Not reassuring me at all, but I have already enough on my plate, what can I say? Beggars can't be choosers. I let out a big sight.

" Okay please take care of it. Oh! By the way, where did you get that energy drink from." If I remember correctly, I had thrown all of them away.

He froze. I could see the panic slowly taking over him. I smirked, he was soo not getting away from this mess.

"Eh, I found it in the kitchen he he he"

"Yeah right, I have personally checked it and I have made sure that there are no energy drinks in this house"

I gave Nick a death glare while I crossed my arms. Nick looked at me with a serious face.

"Skye you do know that you don't have to do this all the time."

"What do you mean" I frowned at him?

"I'm talking about Peeta, you don't have to protect him all the time, he is not a kid you know, and he too wants to be free and live his life."

"Nick, Peeta needs me and you know he can't survive without me. I'm his protector, his supporting pillar and if I left him, he would feel lost and alone."

I could feel a strong sense of something, but I could not pinpoint what it was.

Nick gave me a puzzled look but that soon changed to a smirk, he raised his hands in surrender.

"Sorry Skye, it was a joke sheesh bro take a chill pill and calm down, you are overreacting." I looked shocked at him.

'He did not just say that.'

"What did you say, you bastard!!" I could feel the rage taking over me. I stood up and glared at him.

"Skye don't flip man, I said I was sorry" Nick jumped over the sofa.

'Yeah right, like that would protect you.'

I raised my hands, so they were facing each other like when you hold a football, except I didn't have a ball. Nick face went pale as a ghost while he lifted his hands slowly.

"Oh no, Skye calm down… you can't possibly use your power on me. Skye aren't we friend, like come on. You know that whatever comes out of my mouth is stupid… you said it yourself, please" He said with a bit of panic lacing his voice.

"Please" He said with a pleading face.

My hands started to lower, but I gave him a sour face.

"Okay, but only this once. If you say things like that again, I will drown you."

Nick sighted in relief. I was about to go to the kitchen, when I caught Nick saying something under his breath. I turned back again with enough anger to kill.

"What did you say"

"Huh what do you mean, I didn't say anything"

"No I heard you say something about me. SO say IT"

"Skye what the hell are you talking about!"

"Damn it Nick, I have had enough of you for today, can't you just shut up for a change!"

"What have I done, it was YOU who started to flip at ME, not the other way around"

"This is ridiculous I'm going" This guy is going to drive me crazy one day.

I was near the door when Nick screamed at me.

"Peeta is not dependent on you!! "

"What do you mean?" I didn't move or turn around. I froze right at the spot.

"What I mean is, that he doesn't need you, looking after him all the time. But in fact the other way around, It's YOU who needs Peeta. You are afraid to lose him. You know that losing him, means to los..."

I turned around as fastest I could and called for one of my elements, the water element and shoot it with full force from my hands, it was directed at him. The same unknown feeling came over me again, but more powerful. I surrounded him in a water globe that was now hoovering over the ground. He struggled in the water.

'Stop it Skye, you are hurting him!!!'

At that moment I did not have full control over my body or movements, it felt like I was watching a movie, a very bad movie.

I heard an ear-piercing scream that dragged me back to reality.

The water disbanded and freed Nick from its death grip. He fell to the ground while coughing for air.

My head snapped to the owner who stood at the door. My eyes become big when I saw…


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CrimsonMoonLovercreators' thoughts
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