
The Fall of The Primordials

“Mom I’m hungry,” a 6-year-old boy says while looking towards his mother who was curled up on the ground. He had to squint to be able to see his mother due to the pitch-black darkness of night. “...” “Mom, I said I’m hungry!” “...” “Maybe she’s sleeping” a little girl named Anna states weakly to her brother before laying back down on dead leaves deep in a decaying forest. “Maybe” He states laying back down. A bone-chilling breeze whistling through barren trees forces him to inch ever closer to his little sister to maybe give her just a little bit of respite from the frigid temperature. Laying a few feet away from these two small children was their mother who looked like a skeleton due to starvation. Curled up on the ground with her throat cut, blood was pooling beneath her as she lay there motionless, the freshly spilled blood silently dying the ground beneath her red. Knowing that in order to keep her children alive with the little food they had left for as long as possible, she had to remove herself from the equation. Even if it might only give them a few more days, she still had to try. --- In what used to be a dense green forest teeming with life which was now almost completely decayed and empty, two small children lay there silently in the midst of winter. Regardless of being starved to the extreme, they still went to sleep with a smile on their faces. Both of them had dreams of being able to live a long and happy life with their mom and dad in a nice warm house with lots of food. All they had to do was wait… or at least that’s what their mother told them.

aFluid · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Authors Note

Hello, Author-nim here. I'm a highschool student who took an interest in writing stories, so I decided to write my own story about a Man and his journey to power that caused him unimaginable suffering.

Note: I only speak English, so you shouldn't run into any bad grammatical errors unless it was an autocorrect mistake. Please give feedback if you find any.

Enjoy My Novel 😄